New filing on ecourts re MB

Didn’t her showing stop around the time her Safe Sport registration, or whatever that thing is one has to do with Safe Sport in order to show, was due to be renewed? I think she hasn’t shown because she doesn’t want to be rejected by safe sport.


I don’t think that’s how it works. For safe sport renewals, you just have to take the online course. Anyone who does so gets their renewal.

I’m pretty sure suspending or banning someone for safe sport issues is a separate process.


That’s a great point! So, she’s mad at SS so she is punishing herself by not renewing so she can’t show? Does that make sense with all those goals she has?

I recall she went to one or more of the SS open meetings in the Wellington area after she moved to FL to give her input and posted quite a bit about it. Something must have really turned her off regarding SS.


Well, if this discussion were about the Barisone saga, her riding scores and videos aren’t relevant. Just as LKs videos and scores aren’t relevant.

If she’s going to criticize LKs accomplishments and scores in dressage, though, she should offer up her own credentials for criticism.


Well that’s not true. I have video of her riding while Eggbutt’s daughter coached her. I literally met her at the farm.
She was an okay rider, clearly a hunt seat background. The dressage horses generally disliked having her in the irons.
Very short lived arrangement but she did ride with the daughter.


Lauren Kanarek became a public figure when Michael Barisone shot her.

She did not “intentionally make herself a public figure”.

You’ve had three years of using the public notoriety of the shooting to trash and mock her. But her actual role in the Barisone tragedy is now finished.

You are being ridiculous in claiming she wants the type of “attention” you are persisting in devoting to her.

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It seems that there are more posts about posts commenting on LK’'s riding than there are posts about her riding.


Just when I thought Saturday night was winding down and I was ready to go into the state of stay apparatus and let the pitter patter of rain on the roof lull me to sleep.


Just a horse of course


If you need to renew your safe sport certification, it’s a simple process that involves going through refresher course. You don’t risk being “rejected by SS” if you go through the renewal process.

Unlike MB, there is nothing wrong with her status with Safe Sport. Lots of people don’t bother updating their certification until they enter a show.

I do have to point out that I was THRILLED THRILLED THRILLED to break 60% at Training and almost to 60% at first on my super duper downhill grade quarter horse hony at our first two recognized shows. She is NOT easy to get even slightly level and has a short stubby low-set neck. She kills it jumping, dressage has always been hard but she tries her best. So I think it depends on what horse you are on :joy:


Most people don’t bother to renew their certification until they’re planning to show.

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Hmm. That contradicts what @Eggbutt said, which is that LK was never invited to train at her daughters barn.

According to you, she rode with the daughter, but it was a “short lived arrangement”.

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It’s is peculiar given she has such lofty goals and claims to be riding at a much higher level than when she was training with Barisone and showing.

Maybe she didn’t go back to the BNT when he returned to the US? Or maybe things didn’t work out with her non-BNT? Or maybe things are fine but just not ready to compete at the level she wants to yet. Who knows?

I’ve always been puzzled why she doesn’t take lessons from the in-house trainer at the barn where she boards her horses. He is a very competent GP rider and, from what I’ve seen, an excellent coach for amateurs with a very good eye and knowledge of biomechanics. I’d think he’d be very helpful for her.


Trying to find some nefarious plot? LK took some lessons from EB’s daughter. She was not invited to bring her horse into one of the farm’s training board stalls.

Taking lessons == being invited to stay and bring a horse for training.


Maybe that is the problem. His solution would to take her back to the beginning to fill holes and put down the proper foundation. Not something I would think she’d appreciate.

As far as why she isn’t showing, maybe she just hasn’t found a trainer willing to take her to one. I see no evidence that she is capable of arranging to enter, load up, warm-up, or actually compete at a show independently.


No. I’ve always wondered what the basis was for Eggbutt’s obsession for stalking and trashing LK.

Was it that LK took fond lessons with Eggbutt’s daughter but decided not to continue with her?


Good thing Howard Cosell did not subscribe to your way of thinking as then he could never have commented about Mohammed Ali. In fact they say the best sport casters never played the game.

So I’m thinking if those people could get paid millions of dollars to critique in front of millions of viewers then maybe… just maybe… it’s OK for a lifelong horsewoman like @eggbutt to comment on a horsey posting board about the riding ability of someone who screams from the rafters about her riding prowess.


So Eggbutt is “a lifelong horsewoman”? Why doesn’t she post her scores and accomplishments before criticizing someone else’s riding?


Failure to interpret English on your part.

It is not necessary to post lifelong scores. See my post above. Or, if you like post YOUR scores to see if you’re qualified to post about someone’s ability to evaluate riding ability.


Oh dear, here comes the Eggbutt obsession again.