New filing on ecourts re MB

Depends on which person you ask.
LK will say she didn’t want to train with EB’s daughter.
EB’s daughter says she told LK they weren’t a good fit and sent her to another trainer. (Which she did. And when that didn’t work she found another one for her.)


Maybe for the same reason you haven’t posted your law degree credentials? :wink:


OMG…we’re back to that tired situation? I think that was the first time law suits were threatened. Anyway, if someone who is absolutely obsessed with me wants to know more, the entire sordid situation was chronicled in one of my posts years ago.

@Omgitsme, remember the fiasco with the other trainer and Peter and the lunge line lesson?!!

Last I looked though, Eggbutt isn’t the topic of this thread.


So posing for the NYT puff piece, going on 48 hours, putting “shooting victim at Barisone dressage” in her social medias bios and posting endlessly on SM to engage with anyone she disagrees with is something that a person who values her privacy would do? Nah.



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Well well well. Interesting. Not what we have heard before.

  1. This is our weekly reminder that talking about someone’s actual public words and actions is not “trashing” them.

  2. You really should look up “stalking” in the dictionary. I don’t think that word means what you think it means.


Asked and answered. Because they aren’t remotely relevant to the discussion.


I thought she was posting all kinds of stuff on social media well before she was shot. You may think that it does not qualify enough for becoming a “public figure.” Even with the trial, lawsuits, and television program, I betcha that this incident isn’t even a tiny blip among the REAL public.

In fact, thinking about all the different types of equestrian activities—racing, hunter/jumper, eventing, endurance, trail riding, reining, AQHA competitions, saddleseat/ASB, harness racing, competitive driving, halter (all breeds), vaulting, breeding, etcera, etcera, etcera—I would wager that the MAJORITY of people involved in these horse-related endeavors don’t have a clue who the heck LK is.


@eggbutt - I’m sure we’ll all be more than happy to critique your riding when you (i) brag about it; (ii) brag about your scores; and (iii) repeatedly post videos of yourself riding. Please ensure these are all both public and repeated.

It’s very bizarre to me when people clutch pearls over other people commenting on publicly posted material. I don’t post video of myself riding. Should I do so in future, I fully anticipate people will comment.

Because I’m an adult and understand how SM works.

I post occasional pics of me doing another sporting activity and people comment widely just based on a still photo. I am never surprised because: adult and SM.

This is not rocket surgery for the love of all things. :roll_eyes:

I am extremely humble/realistic about my sporting abilities. People responding are universally complimentary and encouraging. I’ve zero doubt that if, lo these past years since starting this sport, I had been laying down a barrage of self-aggrandising, boastful, bragging, downright delusion posts WHILE SIMULTANEOUSLY also publicly mocking other people for any/everything (their clothes, weight, race, socioeconomic class, looks, intelligence, legal knowledge, riding ability/knowledge, age, lack of material possessions, etc., etc.), I would find myself treated to vastly different reactions to my posts. And I still would not be surprised.

Because, well, see above.


My biggest issue with the last four posts is that I can only :heart: them once.


Ah yes, the attempted murder. Such a dangerous pony. You can clearly see how scared I was after hearing he was instrumental in the plan.

ETA: EB’s daughter sent her to another trainer where she fell off during a lunge lesson, starting a (so far) life long vendetta. That trainer is doing amazing now but LK tried to sabotage her career not long after the shooting.


Not the first time I’ve said this.


Aww, Hi Peter! I wonder where he is now?


She was posting all over FB and eventually wound up on COTH. Many people on FB and on COTH not knowing the situation offered her housing and boarding for her horses. Multiple people. Eventually it became clearer that she was the cause of her own problems and wouldn’t leave and then the shooting happened.


I wondered that too! Perhaps he still lives with the mom and Jellybean since he was so dangerous. She has (had?) a little farm near the barn I was teaching at.


Yeah, he isn’t known for throwing big fancy gaits or a super strong “carrying” hind leg, nor for the kind of “fire” that makes a top international competitor, but his offspring and their offspring were usually quite typey and had amiable and willing dispositions that made them easy and dependable partners for riders who didn’t have big UL aspirations. They could be great mounts for lower level amateurs and re-riders, and also often made very nice hunters.

Of course, every horse has two parents and since both parents bring desirable/undesirable traits to the table, the trick in breeding is to select a stallion who is strong where the mare is weak, and avoid doubling up on undesirable weaknesses on both sides of the family. That is why a Rubinstein-Donnerhall combination was referred to for so long as the “Royal Dressage” cross, although many breeders preferred to use Donnerhall through the sire line and Rubinstein through the damline. A modern day example is Alice Tarjan’s Serenade MF. She is doubled up on Donnerhall top and bottom (to bring a carrying hindleg and the Donnerhall work ethic), has a dash of Sandro Hit thrown in through her sire (to bring type and fancy front leg mechanics along with pizazz and “intensity”), but her maternal granddam is by the Rubinstein son Rotspon, one of Hanover’s most popular breeding stallions for several decades and who sired (guessing here) well over a 1000 offspring used in dressage and hunters as well as in breeding for both those disciplines.

(Sorry for the sidebar - I am waiting for it to stop raining so I can take the pooch for her morning patrol of the neighborhood.) :grin:


Someone needs to keep those Squire L.'s and bunnies in line.


I used to work at the farm that produced Serenade! Maryanna has a fantastic breeding program, I never met a horse she bred that I didn’t like. Even the mare who forced me to clean her trough daily because she wanted a swimming pool.