New filing on ecourts re MB

Wait, AFTER the shooting? She had a go at another trainer AFTER the shooting? What the what!?


That breeding program has produced a lot of very nice horses, to be sure. And I could have gone deeper into the breeding discussion but I was afraid many folks would find it boring. :slightly_smiling_face:


Yep. I have screenshots of it somewhere because I couldnā€™t comprehend the audacity. She claimed the trainer was involved in MBā€™s ā€œplotā€ to kill her.


Dressage is hard enough without railbirds. What difference does it make what someoneā€™s idea of their riding is if they are not putting themselves out there as a trainer?
She did earn a bronze medal. Thatā€™s not nothing. Sure, its a long way from there to the Olympics, but one has to have dreams to pursue. It isnt our place to disabuse anyone of those dreams.


Oh, wow. Thatā€™s truly off the rails even for this saga.

Itā€™s just sad at this point. There is truly something NQR there in a big way.


It certainly is not the first time I have read it either. That story has been posted before. If someone insists it is new they are either not being honest or somehow have missed it every other time it has been said (which in my opinion would have to be intentional ignoring on their part).


Doesnā€™t that guy train with Ali Brock? If so, I can understand why both he and LK would want to keep some distance between them.


If that was the reason on his side, I would assume he would not be willing to board her horses at his place. Because having her board there is not keeping some distance between them. But he does board her horses at his place so ā€¦


To be clear, the episode with my daughter and the other trainer happened shortly before she was referred to Robin Brueckmann by my daughter. LK began her smear campaign against both and hasnā€™t let up. I have become the primary target because I was involved and have remained vocal about LKā€™s behavior. My daughter and the other trainer who tried to help LKā€™s position with a lunge lesson donā€™t speak of LK at all, ever.


I thought the farm was owned by someone else, and he is the resident trainer. I also think I read here that she keeps her horses in a small separate barn on the property, so it is possible that their paths cross only when she is in the arena at the same time that he is riding or teaching. And it could be that doesnā€™t happen frequently enough for it to cause problems. It also could be that the farm ā€œlaid down the lawā€ to her and made it clear that the first time there is an ā€œissueā€ with her, she will be given notice to get out (oh, how I hope they have backed that up with a contract).

And now I suddenly remembered comments that there is an apartment of sorts on the property that she uses for her naps between rides. I hope she isnā€™t trying to use it to establish ā€œtenancy.ā€


Many riders make not-so-flattering comments about their previous trainers after they have moved on to a different trainer. But LK is the only one I have heard of that takes it to the point of a public smear campaign, esp. via SM. It is as though she was/is desperate to establish herself as a social media influencer, and she decided the best way to attract a following was to attack her trainers on SM. Perhaps she was/is insanely jealous of the ā€œsuccessā€ of Dressage Hub and thought if she used similar tactics, she would build a big enough group of ā€œfansā€ that she would be able to monetize her SM accounts. :roll_eyes:


I think itā€™s more of an ā€œI feel wronged and humiliated and therefore I will destroy you and your businessā€ behavior.


Thatā€™s how she ended up coming after me. She made a post clearly talking about EBā€™s daughter and I called her out on it. For some reason it just really enraged her and she and her precious Shelly went nuts. I donā€™t recall insulting her, my replies to her nastiness were calm, and she said I was cyber bullying her and she was calling the sheriff on me :joy:
Truly a wild ride.


Is that a Haflinger? Regardless, anything that cute and with that much mane is clearly Satanic in nature and hellbent on nefarious deeds. Assassin, thy name is blond pony.




Narcissistic rage. Itā€™s a real thing.


Omg. What a face!!


Yeah, that too!


There are two barns on property; the smaller of the two is still 12 stalls so if his business is good, she is not likely to have space to herself, at least during season.
Also, the farm has only been in business a few years, so perhaps cash flow from multiple horses was pretty important.
For all of her other posts, havenā€™t seen anything about WHERE she is; perhaps she is behaving because there arenā€™t a lot of optionsā€¦Dunno


If LK is still at the same barn, they show a 6-stall barn and the apartments in this video.