New filing on ecourts re MB

Lots of cross ties on that place……


She was posting all sorts of bizarre things before the shooting. That is how I became aware of her from across the country - as a friend had moved to NJ from WA and sent me a message to check out the crazy drama that LK was posting/threatening/howling because it was the exact same kind of sh-stuff that the Trainer B From Hell we had just gotten rid of had been doing… as she tried to ruin our barn and the lives of everyone associated with it for almost 2 years.

LK was posting about how she was an amazing rider - and yet was being forced out of the barn by evil MB and MHG… bombshells were promised… careers would be ruined. She asked for help to haul her horses elsewhere and had many offers but refused them all and made it clear she was going nowhere despite being asked to leave. Note that this was weeks before the shooting.

At the time I thought it was just another equestrian train wreck (see many threads on COTH about such things) with an entitled person thinking everyone should treat her with deference and be amazed at her awesomeness… God only knows I have seen many of those over the years. But this particular wreck not only derailed but exploded. :confused:

There has sadly been something NQR for a very long time. In the early threads, many of us asked LK to get some help (in a kind way). She responded with SHOUTING, insults and threats.

I have cherished a couple of such Haffie assassins… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Yuppers! I bet that barn gets extremely quiet when LK and RG are anywhere near the crossties! Or anywhere else!


I bet if they were smart, one would say as little as possible while on that farm.

Ear buds in, awful off-key singing out….


Plus there are lockers in the six-stall barn. Bet there isn’t much chit-chat going on around them.


Barns like this aren’t cheap and I would never keep my horse somewhere I couldn’t relax or where I had to watch either my back or my words. I worked too hard for my money to spend it that way. No thank you. Barn time is ME time, not tippy toe time.


As far as the current barn owner being her trainer - I doubt he has the necessary perceived credentials, ie “name on the door”, that she and daddy demanded. They contacted quite a few “name on the door” super trainers when she first arrived and all turned her down, much to daddy’s anger. Eventually they wrangled Helgstrand to come teach her where she is boarding. Even then she was posting about how much this trainer, and the one who followed when he returned to Europe, said she was such a great rider and how much they loved her. She has to post and live her fantasies to bolster herself. I can’t imagine living in that sort of mental prison of narcissism, paranoia and vengeance.

Most instructors make encouraging remarks during lessons to instill confidence. A snippet of, “yeah, that’s it! Excellent, good job” doesn’t mean anything more than a moment in time.


:laughing: I doubt this pony would respond to LK’s commands of bow and whatever the other thing was on 48 Hours. This pony was loaded with personality and fun and was as gentle as a lamb with inexperienced riders. He knew his job and was the kind of pony every instructor of beginner riders wants.


I was pretty sure that trainer is not the owner of the property. Did I get that wrong?

Also, I thought it was Ulf Moeller who came to teach her. Was AH teaching her before Ulf?

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I can’t imagine how much it costs to keep 4-5 horses there and also rent one of the efficiency apts. And pay someone like Ulf Moeller for lessons - or even Austin Weber (isn’t he her trainer when Ulf goes back to Germany?).

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Yes, you got that wrong. LA does own the facility.


Interesting - here is the description from their website: Our facility offers horse boarding in a 12 stall barn with 14 x 14 stalls, 5 tack up stalls, hot and cold water, restroom, feed room, washer & dryer, office and security camera’s along with a 25 stall barn with 16, 14 x 14 and 9, 12 x 12 stalls, 8 tack up stalls, 2 tack rooms, feed storage areas, restroom, washer & dryer.
Its all a bit confusing…Maybe the 12 stall barn has two separate aisles?

He is utterly adorable! Quite a few people up here have Haflingers or crosses and use them for ranching, dressage, driving, and trail riding in our mountains. Love them. The idea that the pony was somehow an instrument in a murder 'n mayhem scheme is just… :crazy_face:


It’s a really nice place. Not fancy by Wellington standards but well kept, friendly, and laid back. The covered arena is a really big plus. As are the schoolmaster lessons. I wish more people offered that opportunity.


Small correction; it was Moeller, not Helgstrand. I agree that she wouldn’t perceive the in house trainer as a big enough name which is unfortunate, because I bet he could do a lot to help her progress. That’s assuming she’s coachable, and I don’t know whether she is.


To my knowledge he owns the facility. It is very much a family venture with his wife involved, and many kids and dogs, even a pig running around.


Interesting. I wonder if they’ve checked lately to see if the security cameras still work.


I think I remember seeing a video on Facebook within the last year or two with a couple of kids running around, and possibly a pig or a dog or something. Or maybe both. Lol.


Yeah, it’s not like he’s a Shetland!


Yes, thank you for the correction @BigMama1!