New filing on ecourts re MB

Ah yes - Thelwell’s ponies!


I usually try to be supportive of any horse related pop-culture project, but I don’t know how they are going to convey the Thelwell spirit as well as all those cartoons did for all those years.


Maybe it’s a Feral Halflinger? No better cover than looking totally innocent and adorable.


I always had the impression that he had taken her on when he didn’t know who she was, and once she was there, has found a way to keep her in line and keep her out of his hair. I also think she probably behaves herself there, because if she loses that spot there’s no one who would take her and her horses in in Wellington. However, I also think he trains with Ali Brock and that ain’t happening for LK (AB, that is). He may not be interested in trainer her, either. But that’s just my thoughts about it, I certainly don’t know.


Ah, thanks! I had gotten the impression it was owned by someone else but I now see that Leif and his wife acquired the property in Dec. 2020.


Website says one 12-stall barn with 14x14 stalls and a few 12x12 stalls, and a 16-stall barn with 14x14 stalls. The 16 stall barn has 8 stalls facing north and 8 stalls facing south - it looks to be a shedrow with the stalls back-to-back (2nd pic), although I guess it may have one center aisle with doors on both sides of the stall.


And with that big covered arena, covered round pen, turnout paddocks, etc., it sounds like a very nice place - and especially so with the quality training program.


So was that before or after LK’s horses were living there?

That was interesting. Thanks for posting the video! I’m guessing that’s the farm owner/trainer doing a pirouette on the bay horse?

Has anyone found a price list online for the board rates or dry stalls? It looks like a very nice place.


Yes it is. He has a lot of interesting training videos on his Youtube channel.


Hmmm…I wonder if that wasn’t part of the decision process. Remember what Tarshis had to say about the VIP tent? And what LK had to say about the lack of chit chat in the cross ties….

I don’t remember Mr. Tarshis bringing up Ali Brock at all. What did he say about AB?


He didn’t. I meant they clearly intended to influence defense witnesses. It’s possible they chose Paradigm in order to access a potential defense witness. Remember the corruption screed against her that LK posted on CotH?
It would certainly have explained her good behavior.


How would you know who they contacted, who may have turned her down, and anyone’s level of anger, Eggbutt?

You’re just describing what you hoped happened and what you hope will happen in the future.

You really have a compulsion to disparage her and her family, long after she’s found a suitable barn, and after the criminal trial and civil case are concluded.


Are you pretending you have not read the posts here by people who have talked to people in the area, or just going off for the fun of it?


Given he trains with Ali Brock, how could he not know who she was?

Ali Brock was one of the few people who recognized MB was falling apart even before the shooting. She may have facilitated LKs relocation there as part of an effort to clean up the fallout from MBs mental breakdown.

It seems likely that LKs credentials as a boarder will be determined by her actual behavior as a boarder, and not by the continuing attempts to disparage her and get her blackballed.

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So you are saying that all trainers gossip to their clients?

It seems to me it is very possible that AB could be teaching lots of people and the topic of Michael has not come up at their lessons.

I most certainly would not make any leap that just because someone trains with AB that they know anything about Lauren Kanarek and her Finish the Bastard plan.


Her credentials as a boarder absolutely suck!

Remember her plan to “FINISH THE BASTARD”??? As she was not a owner of Hawthorne Hill, she was a boarder.

It would be a cold day in hell when many, many boarding facility owners and/ or trainers will want a client like LK.

She cooked her own goose as far as boarding and training go!


And you really have a compulsion to defend her and her family, long after all has been concluded. If you really believe we should drop it, why don’t you?


I would love to drop all discussion of LK, and just follow the further developments having to do with MB.

I posted a couple posts after watching the supposed “Barisone thread” continue to focus on LKs current boarding situation, her dressage scores, etc. it’s not like I’m responding to an isolated post, I’m responding to Eggbutt, Sdel, and others continuing to make the thread about LK, when she is not part of the Barisone saga at this point.


Then accusing her and the USDF of fraud was a “wonderful” way to repay her. Do you and HH just consistently ignore that little fact in order to make your head movies?