New filing on ecourts re MB

Weird position for a random nobody.


She is boarding and training at a beautiful facility. I wish I could board there.

For the owners and other boarders who have long term, first hand experience of her behavior there, what do you think they think of CoTH posters who continue, after three years, to disparage her, and gossip about the training facility?

If I owned a training facility (I donā€™t), I would not accept as boarders the posters obsessed with trashing LK, if I knew their IRL names.

So your anonymity is protecting you from the consequences of your posting.


One of the two named people people you are trashing and complaining about is not anonymous. :wink:


No itā€™s not.

The only genuine issues for discussion do not involve LK.

The only reason to continue focusing on LK is to indulge in the pleasure of hate.

Those that donā€™t find pleasure in hate, especially of a victim of violence, like me, want to skip the gratuitous hating and discuss the remaining legal issues.


Dunno. Since no one except her parents have had the guts to come and admit to a relationship with her in order to defend her and her behavior while at Barisoneā€™s or praise her behavior at Paradigm.

That says something.


The only reason why you fixate on proven false narratives is so you can engage in your own version of the pleasure of hate.


I did not trash Eggbutt. However, given I know her identity, I would be very careful about engaging with her IRL.

However, Iā€™m not important in the horse world, and donā€™t live in the same part of the country, so there was never much risk of any IRL interaction with her anyway.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Yes, everyone should be careful about engaging with (me) IRL.

Well that is definitely a leap. You, my dear, know absolutely nothing about me, my family, my education, my credentials, my accomplishments, my life, other than what I, myself, have posted here and what the Kanareks have fed you. How sad what you chose to believe. Be very careful what you say or insinuate about me going forward. While CoTH allows anonymous posters, slander, libel, and harassment is not cool and, as we know, CoTH will release identities to the proper authorities. I have ignored you and told you repeatedly to not mention again me in the past, yet your obsession and fantasies persist.

By the way this IS real life interaction since you know who I am.


Apparently the beat the of the drum for today is that there is a bunch of COTH meanies picking on Too Precious.

Oh wait

Finish the Bastard.


and the Narrative that needs to be push by certain party(ies) is @eggbutt is someone you need to be careful with in engaging.


I am just a horse of course


You mean no one has posted on COTH praising her behavior at Paradigm?

Why would anyone?

The owners and fellow boarders know her behavior from first hand experience, and theyā€™ll use that first hand experience to assess the lunacy of whatā€™s posted here.

You think youā€™re making her look bad. But for most people, real life trumps SM. If thereā€™s a disparity, your (g) diatribes just make you look like a grumpy hater.

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Oh Humans, when anything is posted about Princess Too Precious & Paradigm, things really heat up. Interesting isnā€™t it.

At least that is what I noticed that with my one good eye. Anyone else?

Horse of course.


I donā€™t know what the pricing is like at that farm, but I do have a friend who was considering moving her horse there, right up until she found out that LK was boarding there. Friend is low key & wants no drama, so was not willing to take the risk of being at the same farm with someone with LKā€™s reputation. Maybe LK is a perfectly fine boarder now, but friend was not willing to take the chance.

For better or worse, LK DOES have a reputation in the relatively small world of dressage, so itā€™s going to take many years of keeping her head down and putting in the work to reset that reputation. Something she has not been willing to do so far.

FWIW, friend does not have a large budget by Wellington standards, so I donā€™t think it is particularly pricey.


Thereā€™s an instant gator in here. Donā€™t get bit!


I canā€™t be arsed to care about LKā€™s barn, riding, or whateva. Would I want to board with her or have her as a client? No. Would I want to board with MB or be his client? Also no.

I have my barge pole rule.


All I know about you is what youā€™ve posted here.

Are you accusing me of libel or harassment, @Eggbutt?

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Oh wait I get it nowā€¦

Daddio on the Patio and Momma Head in the Sand is on the cruiseā€¦

So therefore the reins had to be handed over to keep all the meanies in check.

Halt Halt everyone

dahā€¦ silly horseā€¦


You rang?



A true artist.




And yet you just canā€™t stop your obsession, even after repeated warnings. I thought you didnā€™t believe anything I have ever said. You only believe your friends, the Kanareks.

Screenshot taken.