New filing on ecourts re MB

Agreed. She never expected her dirty laundry to come out or that MB or anyone else would be in a position to counter her defamation campaign.

She was dreaming of MB to accept a guilty plea deal and then riding that into the civil trial to collect her settlement $$. She couldn’t imagine any other scenario from which to consider what could happen or what it could cost her if any of the dominos failed to line up like they did in the movie in her head.


On speed dial.


It’s very unlikely I would bother flagging a post that merely called a statement of mine “stupid”.

ErinMeri posted an elaborate cartoon of a sea animal spouting phrases HH and I’ve used, and I didn’t bother flagging that, even though she seemed to anticipate action by the mods when she said she hoped she didn’t get “spanked” for posting it.

I assume it was meant to be offensive. But that’s the kind of mud slinging that makes the slinger look worse than the target, do why bother flagging?

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Last Words



I have to say that this phrase always makes me chuckle. I’m around LK’s age, so we are old enough to remember landlines and hard wired phones, but have had cell phones since our mid-teens. Really who even says speed dial in 2023 (or 2021 whenever she posted it). Its one of those funny words in the lexicon that hangs around.

I guess you can set up speed-dial on your iphone, but really why bother? haha its not like its hard to tell siri to call someone in your contacts list or just thumb to it yourself.

-signed, someone who has not had a land line since 2000.

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Agreed, but what was her end game with the FIB plan? Even if she’d been able to drive MHG off, MB wouldn’t have allowed her to stay. What was it she fantasized the outcome to be? It’s too dastardly horrible to comprehend her goal was to destroy the entire Barisone empire. And even more unbelievable that her parents were in on it and laughed about Barisone being kicked out of his own home. How anyone can support and defend this piece of work is beyond me, especially someone who insists they don’t know anyone, is new to the forums, and isn’t really a horse person!


B I N G O!!



I think that was actually how the movie went in her head originally, that MHG rode off into the sunset leaving LK to be queen of the barn and MB groveling at her boots desperate to please her. Then the eviction came and the realization that she was not going to be able to stay no matter what. Remember, she was already planning some sort of lawsuit/settlement/leave situation. I think the eviction made her desperate to set up something, anything, in order to salvage a lawsuit/settlement scenario or buy her more time in which to do so……and that plan went sideways.

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I think that LK was furious and MB had to pay in both a literal and figurative sense. I think the goal was always $$ but when MB didnt give in and comply she became increasingly enraged.

I have to tell you, its very unsatisfying to not get nice, tidy closure on this situation. Bombshells where art thou? Why didnt she leave? Why didnt the laundry lad get the hand of the lady with unlimited means in marriage?

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Regarding The Pleasure of Hate, I wish the person who loves to throw that term around would actually read William Hazlitt’s 1826 obscure essay in its entirety and use the phrase within the scope he meant it…way back in 1826, 197 years ago. It doesn’t mean what she thinks it does in the context she uses it.

We’re getting back into a lot of discussion of each other, so we’re putting this topic on pause until there is some significant development in MB’s situation.