New filing on ecourts re MB

So, we were right in our speculation up thread that nothing official was ever filed to request what GAS wants. Just an email. At least his emails are more legit than Nagel’s one liners, so there’s that.

Nice to see he’s finally got a couple citations in some of his filings as well! Still the weird calling plaintiff by her first name. Top tip from the trenches as a first year (hell, as a summer associate): control + F, search document for Lauren, select advanced find and replace, replace Lauren with plaintiff, replace all. Easy peasy!!

A nagging issue with GAS’s drama about his client’s burning desire to ‘tell her story’: it is not my understanding that one tells one’s story in a deposition. That is not the time or the place or the opportunity.

Is he confusing answering questions in her deposition with her time on the stand if/when this whole mess gets to court? :thinking:



:horse: of course


GAS calling LK by her first name indicates to me some familiarity with her and/or her family. As someone posted upthread, GAS lives very close to the Ks. Perhaps they associate at the country club or golf or something.


But don’t his citations talk about privilege and not the point that they are trying to rebut?


I’m incredibly impressed that this thread has managed to go through three filings over six days and not explode into chaos.

My observations:

  • Silver is, as ever, a master wordsmith. He seems to agree with what the majority of us have been observing as well. Which makes sense, because: common sense.

  • GAS writes more compellingly in emails than his filings, and certainly more completely and coherently than his predecessor. He seems to still lack the panache and apparent breadth of legal knowledge of his adversaries, although I guess his most recent filing demonstrates, as @FitzE points out, a bit more effort than previous ones.

  • I can’t wait to see how this all shakes out. It seems to me that Deninger and Silver have presented the more compelling arguments, but I am not a lawyer. I look forward to seeing how the new judge rules. He doesn’t seem to suffer fools…


We can only hope!


Isn’t that what the 48hours episode was for? And she refused to answer any probing questions there. She can take the stand again, if she wants, and tell her story there. I would pay many dollars to watch Silver and/or Deninger question her without the constraints from the criminal trial. Hooo doggie!


I really hope Law and Crime or somebody will do a live stream of the whole thing.


It reminds me of Dr. Mustache referring to LK by her first name in his testimony in the trial. You know, when he praised her creativity, or whatever word it was he used.


Baby steps, baby steps.



If Silver speaks as well as he writes, and if this judge is as no-nonsense as he seems to be, then every step moving forward from deposition through trial sounds like it would be VERY amusing and enlightening to witness.

I don’t know how NJ vs Barisone’s views on Law & Crime compare to its other cases, but I hope the viewership is/was strong enough to warrant them covering the civil suit, should it ever make it to trial.

If not, perhaps the locals amongst us can go watch a day or two.


If so, I hope there will be copious notes!!


I highly doubt there’s a terabyte of data on it… it’s just a very common size for an external drive.

That sums up my feelings exactly.


At least a few of them have upwards of 40k views and around 1,000 comments.

And they still receive a few comments. Some commentators are still tagging LK.


Is there really any part of a civil trial where she’s given the opportunity to tell her side of the story, in grand detail, without any challenges? Will she actually be permitted to perform a non-stop “bombshell monologue”, for lack of a better term?


GAS: Wait, did the defendents give Nagle A 1T hard drive with their documents or not?

JK: I gave you everything

GAS: you d… well better have

JK: Let me look again. What are we looking for a Stick drive?

KK : not that 1T drive you gave me for my church group?

JK: oops


Oh, boy. I’ll bet that doesn’t end well.

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Well, letting the witnesses “talk” is what allowed the jury to see through the state’s witnesses….


I believe they had to file a form that disclosed they were neighbors/friends


On the radio this morning, Guy Sebastian, singer in Australia, has been labelled the bad guy for not giving discovery when asked. His neighbour has asked for a video. The Judge has given Guy another week to comply.