New filing on ecourts re MB

I wouldn’t assume anything at this point.


Not necessarily. I can see the settlement itself being something like this:

  • LK agrees to drop her claim against SGF.
  • SGF agrees to not press a counterclaim.
  • Both parties agree that they are not responsible for each other’s legal expenses.
  • Both parties agree to a confidentiality clause.

I can also see the terms being:

  • LK agrees to drop her claim against SGF in exchange for $$$.
  • SGF agrees to pay LK $$$ in exchange for a confidentiality clause to prevent her “crowing” about the settlement (although I am sure at some point one of the K-Krowd will not be able to keep his/her mouth shut about it).

I am also still of the opinion that LK agreed to settle primarily to get Silver off her back. The prospect of being deposed by him must give her nightmares - not to mention the prospect of being cross-examined by him when on the witness stand in front of a judge and jury and spectators and the media. And that she insisted on a confidentiality clause to preclude all the “history” that Silver dug up on her from being made public. And that makes me think there may also be a settlement with MB in the works - and very possibly before her scheduled deposition date of April 13.


Good point. :laughing:

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Perhaps the K’s decided to take any original previous rejected offer most insurance companies offer on frivolous suits after seeing the information Silver presented them. They know much more is coming.


This is the question I asked several times yesterday! I sure hope you are correct! :heart:


Great points, but I seriously doubt Barisone will settle without big bucks involved from the Kanareks. She has cost him millions over the past 3+ years. All because she had to Finish the Bastard.


I personally don’t think Barisone will settle. Why should he? It would take millions to settle with him, and they don’t have that, and he has all her facts. All. Everything on her. There’s only one way to stop her and a confidential settlement isn’t that.


Or maybe he would settle for a well worded letter of confession from Laren Kanarek to Judge Taylor and the New York Times.


But won’t she still have to be deposed by the other lawyers, even if Silver is out of the picture?

It sounds like the other lawyers will have the same information at their disposal.


I can’t say what would satisfy him.

That most definitely would not satisfy me. Not by a long shot.


So basically, unless LK settles with Michael, all her dirty laundry, will be revealed in court. And this will not be the sort of laundry RG can deal with!

I wonder if that dirty laundry will make her persona non grata in the dressage world! I am sure I am not the only one her who wants to see her not even welcome on the mechanical horse outside the local Publix!



I wonder if the nice people at Publix have ever thought of making their mechanical horses in a dressage or jumper version for the locations in Loxahatchee and Wellington?


Even when this is over for LK vs Barisone, she still has SS/USEF looming over her. I feel totally confident Michael will be fully reinstated within days of his release. I also feel confident the large file SS has collected from complaints about LK over the years will have to be addressed of SS losing total credibility. Tic Tok.


LK needs a life long Amish type shunning in the horse community. It would be quite effective if literally everyone turned a back to her anytime she surfaced.

Edited to add, well maybe one person should be nominated to keep an eye on her. Considering.


Answered above.


I’d like to take just a moment here to thank y’all for keeping my bookkeeping job so manageable and policing yourselves. :slight_smile: I haven’t needed a spreadsheet at all, and everybody is paying up without reminders. :smiley:


Answering this question would require us to know the legal relationship between MB and SGF and I personally don’t. If he’s a decision-maker for SGF then he would have likely been involved in deciding whether to settle and under what terms. If he’s just an employee of some sort, maybe not. If decision-making was delegated to someone else, maybe not. Possibly the details of his relationship are public somewhere but I don’t know them so can’t really comment.

In general a settlement between two litigating parties is between them and not other litigants. This is a different question because it’s really asking what the relationship is between MB and SGF.

Confidentiality clauses are very common in all types of settlements between private parties. It’s the rule not the exception.


I would like to state again that I will miss Mr. Silver and his legal filings. I know he has done what’s best for his client, but I was SO hoping for MORE memorable responses. I was (and maybe AM) planning to get a shirt made with this on it:

…Yes It Can.
…Just Watch.


Someone owes me a new keyboard :rofl:


It’s more likely that SGF realized that they would not prevail in their attempt to claim that LK had significant comparative fault in the shooting due to her provocation.

The big motivation for a defendant settling is the risk that the jury will hit them with an even bigger monetary amount if it goes to trial. Going to trial is not only expensive, it’s risky.

It was not a frivolous suit.