New Format in Forum

Granted it is only 5.30 am EST so the update may not be finished (I cannot see the regular part of the site yet), but in the Forum, a full third of the right side of the screen is now advertising. It all used to be smaller and the forum itself more centered.

I’ve not yet played around to see if I can change it but it’s rather…awkward.

I’m on a MAC using Chrome.

Happy Monday y’all. :slight_smile:


Yup. 7.01 am. Ugly and awkward!


Agreed, the off-center is a little aggravating.


The ads being on one side seems like something we will all adjust to.


Huh. It looks the same as usual for me, except the margins are maybe a touch more narrow than before. I’m using Safari on my iPhone.


Safari on MacBook Pro - can size the window and eliminate the ads from view.

Not a fan of the black trim instead of green. A bit funereal, no?


Usually browse the forums on my iPhone. I have to scroll over to see entire posts. Annoying! In landscape view it’s viewable but not how I prefer to scroll down threads. Bummer!

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Missing the traditional color scheme. Everything looks maroon based. Chrome browser on Android phone. Otherwise all features seem to be working.


Yes, the maroon is a very different look.

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Was the website ever actually down overnight? It seemed like the new look had already started when I looked at it late Sunday night.

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Looks better on mobile version so far.


I like the mobile (Safari, iPhone 13 mini) roll over but do the ads really need to be at the top of each page? I have to scroll a whole page index down because the ads are so large. I miss when they were at the bottom at the end of posts. Finding it difficult to navigate this morning with a huge advertisement being on top of every new page I load. With the margins being smaller posts are longer/no longer fitting within screen easily.

One more kvetch about the ad placement — it’s closest to several high traffic links like the menu ribbon and the hamburger menu. Twice now I’ve clicked the ad instead of the hamburger menu, and I’m not someone that typically “fat fingers” things.

On browser (PC) things seem fine - I have an adblocker.


Looking at it on my mobile and agree.


This is true.


This is the only problem I am finding with the new formatting.
I have my desktop window narrow (I am at work, with no ads showing COTH just looks like anything else in the world). This is the window I have been using for years.
With the new formatting I can get the right notification bubble to show unless I widen my screen all the way, while in a thread (which most of the time does not even show ads because once the thread gets to a certain length the ads do not show anyway).
Here is a screen shot of what I mean.

Windows based Desktop computer using Chrome.


I’m having trouble getting some individual forums to load on my iPhone. But can pull up latest posts, and respond to individual threads.


I don’t see much difference.
MacbookPro/Mojave/Firefox/Adblock Plus.
Edit: Yeah; now that I’m looking for it, there is a persistent blank area on the right side. Probably space for the ads ABP is blocking. Just blank screen on my display; not particularly distracting.


I’m having this narrow issue as well.


On my phone, same. Both the CH logo on the left and my profile thingy on the right are slightly cut off.


I really dislike the new margins on either side on the mobile layout. Taking real estate for white space isn’t doing anything to enhance usability.

The top bar is also running off either edge of the screen. The CH logo on the left is cut off, as is the avatar/notifications on the right. In both portrait & landscape viewing.

The green color scheme has been with COTH forever. Is this maroon just what’s stock out of the box, or the new direction for the magazine?