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the green slide bar scrolls you around really fast. Besides, on the old forum, people could have page post numbers differently - default 10 (I think), or set to 30, so pages weren’t static anyway.

Same. Load testing software - GOOD sw - isn’t cheap. And while it’s worth it for a big company that regularly releases updates that need load testing, it’s 100% not a good use of $ for someone like COTH.


Yes Yes to this! Will it work again?

Yes. Known issue, it’s being worked on.

@Alex_and_Bodie_s_Mom (and others who are concerned about navigating without pages)

There are a lot of pretty spiffy (and powerful) tools built in here to make getting through a thread easy :slight_smile:

The thread slider and first post footer are the best place to start. There’s a rundown here:

Using the thread slider, you can scroll through the entire thread, seeing post count, post date and–on mobile–even a little preview of the post itself. Super cool

Using the first post footer, you can quickly (one click) go to the last post in the thread. Or filter by a certain poster. Want to catch up on a train wreck and just see the OP’s posts? You can filter and see JUST their stuff. There’s a long thread on deworming and you want to just see JB’s responses? Totally doable.

There’s also a “summarize this topic” button in the first post footer. Click that and you’ll see a summary. I think it looks at likes, but has other criteria, too. You can try it out in this thread–just use the thread slider to go back to the first post, and you’ll find it in the footer.

If there’s a post in the middle of a looong thread that you think is amazing, and you’re worried about losing it, you can bookmark it, and that will save it to your profile. You can even write a note to attach to it. There’s even the option to set a reminder alarm, if it’s something you want to check back in on later.

I know a lot here is really different. But–bonus!–there sure are a lot of new toys and upgrades that are really pretty awesome :grin:


I just wish I would quit trying to scroll.

Guess after a good 20+ years scrolling and flipping pages, it will take a while longer to remember to now click on the black header.

No problem with the platform that, but the absentminded user. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I think they have the speed problem licked for now, is zippy again, for me anyway.
Thank you, cyber-elves.


Hahahaha, it took me about a week! :rofl: :rofl: And then I started looking for the thread slider on the other board and that was it’s own headache…

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Oh, I don’t feel so … lacking then.

Thank you so, so very much for all the help you are so patiently and graciously giving everyone. :hugs:


Oh geez, no, you should definitely not feel lacking! Tons of change, it’s a lot to get used to! We’ll all get there :grin:


I am practicing the quote feature. Thanks for all of your hard work. :hugs:


I do wish we had our old emojis back. (I would be nodding here if I could.)

Did you look at those here, click on the smiley face on the head of the posting window.

Surely some there are suitable? :sunglasses:

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Yes. I’ve used some of them. They’re the same choices I have for text messaging on the phone.
I just enjoyed some of the old ones better. They seemed a little more clear to me and not as, well, creepy.

My sister texted me an emoji and I had to text her back that I had no idea what it was (it was two champagne glasses, never would have figured that out in a million years.) :smiley:
It’s OK , I’ll get used to it.

I liked that old green with the tongue sticking out.
Also the light blue winking.

These now are like my phone also, must be some universal smiley kind.

I think the old ones got the point across better, but what can you do? Life goes on. :sunglasses:

@skydy I also miss :eek: and :yes: and :sigh: :frowning:

Oh well, we’ll make due, right?

In other news, the search stuff seems to be starting to populate, wooo! :partying_face: I just went to start a new thread, and the board offered up a few old threads that actually answered my question. How cool is THAT?! :open_mouth:



Is it my imagination, or can I tell what posters liked a post I made?
Not sure I am in favor of no longer being anonymous when liking something.

When a post is liked, the poster can see who cast the like. IOW, if you like my post, I can see that you, dotneko, liked it.

But no one else can see that. If you like my post, I can see that it was you, but every other poster on the board just sees that the post has a like, not who cast it.


Thanks, im not crazy then. Yikes, and I have liked a few posts from the Socialist on the board lol.