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When I post, it sometimes but not always posts in a bad format do that a reader would have to scroll right and left to read the post. Also uses a different font.

Iā€™m not trying to get the weird formatting.

One more question to dogpile onto the Moderator:

I see there is ā€œNEW/LATESTā€ which is all encompassing. Is it possible to have "ā€œView Latest Postsā€ AND ā€œView Latest Threadsā€ restored, excluding Off-Topic/Current events? If I am not missing it, that is. I see NEW / LATEST but those are not quite the same.

Hey, I was close :wink: (and mine was from memory so glad you checkedā€¦ I did purposely leave out the Events and Missing although should have included them.)

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Are you sure? Iā€™m not watching Off Topic for example (not watching any Categories at all) but itā€™s at the top of my list. It appears to be in descending order of new topics by category, since my last visit. All the screen shots above also have a descending number of (what I assume is) new threads since that personā€™s last visit


Working makes such a difference :rofl: I hope those that flounced off on Monday or Tuesday do come back to give it a chance. In just 4 days you guys have made incredible progress.

At least for me, now that performance is ā€˜usableā€™ the functionality that Discourse offers is visible and one can see the possibilities associated with that flexibility.


When youā€™re in the forum, click the pin, it will flip to upside down, and then it wonā€™t appear again :slight_smile:


@Moderator_1 Iā€™ve also stopped complaining about marking topics as readā€¦ donā€™t need to do that anymore :grinning:

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Yes, and they also disappear automatically when you read to the end of them. Thereā€™s also an option at the end of the thread to pin/unpin the thread.

Hmmmā€¦Iā€™m not sure if you all can pin a thread for your personal benefit at the top of the forum, or if that option only appears for you on threads that a mod has pinned.

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Nope, only for mod pinned posts!

I could get behind that idea.


My level of sureness is only relative to the presumed knowledge of the Discourse employeeā€™s post I copied it from. :smile: My list is different from yours. Tech help and CE are at the top, which is where I probably spend the most time, so I think itā€™s somehow based on your particular use of the site.

Iā€™m guessing those numbers are maybe new posts in categories on threads that youā€™re Watching or Tracking or something.

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Iā€™ve added it to the list for them.


:laughing: :laughing:

Iā€™m not watching or tracking any categories

Iā€™m guessing the algorithm bases it off of the list going down the priority list until it finds something that applies to you, like watched first posts, etc. I found I was watching some threads I didnā€™t realize I was. I need to play around with that some more when I have some time!

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I use a Chromebook and sometimes when Iā€™m scrolling using the touchscreen I ā€œlikeā€ a post on accident. Is there a way to undo that?

I just tried it on your post and you should be able to click it again to unlike it.

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Thank you!! For some reason the last few times I tried it it wasnā€™t working.

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And thatā€™ll also remove the notification from the userā€™s notifications list, unlike the last board, where those were static and couldnā€™t be ā€œundoneā€ā€“cool, huh?

(I saw that yesterday when you quoted something of mine somewhere, and then deleted the post!)