New Forum Fun, Questions and Glitch Reports

Huh. You get keyboard shortcuts but are missing the option to swap mobile/desktop view. Weird.

I’m also on a Chromebook and where yours says Keyboard Shortcuts mine says Mobile View. I would post a screenshot of it but don’t know how.

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Oh how weird. I am on a chrome book right now and I do not have keyboard shortcuts visible when I open the hamburger menu.

(I would take a screen shot but I do not know how to do screen shots on this chrome book.)

Edit to add: I guess I could have just agreed with @Garythesquirrel. They are saying exactly the same thing as I am, just better than I did.

I’ll add my hamburger :hamburger: screenshot to the mix. It does not have the shortcut options. But maybe that’s because I am on my phone? So I don’t have a keyboard unless I am already posting a reply.

Also, is this the part where the forums are supposed to be listed in the order I frequent them? If so, it is way off base.

Nope, they’re listed in order of most new/unread posts. See the little numbers in grey to the right of each forum name?

Where you have Keyboard Shortcuts, I have Mobile View :laughing:


Hey, @Bluey, if you click on FAQ New at the top, does it drop to the bottom like is shown on others, or does it stay at the top?

We have at least two different views:

With keyboard shortcuts:

Without keyboard shortcuts:


Dunno if the FAQ New on top is a third option

When I clicked on FAQ, I got the page in the background, above a link to your FAQs page.
When clicking on the hamburger again, that menu superimposed on the page.
The FAQ tab had changed to the bottom!
How did you figure that out?

Fab, that’s great to know. So two different hamburger menus :slight_smile: I thought the “new” stuff might get priority at the top until it’s been viewed. Thanks for checking!!

Duh, I didn’t know they could/would do that programming, sounds complicated? :confused:


(But probably not much different than putting “new” forum posts at the top of a list :wink: )

Ah, that makes sense, thanks for explaining that.

I bet you are right, why everyone is getting different menus, each one according to how they are cruising around COTH new wonderland. :sunglasses:

Big Mac or Quarter Pounder??? :rofl:

I love stumbling over little mysteries as long as they aren’t a problem :smiley:

My iPhone does automatic updates, I wonder if my iPad does as well? If yes there may not be any further updates available for it now. I’m not on it now but will check in the morning.

I will back it up before doing the update, thanks.

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In Settings you can control if updates are automagic or manual.

My personal preference is manual. I want to decide when to apply the update
 not when Apple thinks I should. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

A technical man of precision says “there are gremlins” 

Not wrong - probably.

So I thought it was worth mentioning something, generally (not specific to quoted post), with apologies for posting as if I understand more than I do about the mysteries and gremlins of software.

In our case, part of the ‘gremlins’ goes beyond having the most updated software. Computer & internet technology are making significant jumps to technology that has logic and functionality that has never existed before. It is no longer the orderly (to me) programming with specific logic. Now software can be almost intuitive in the way it responds in certain situations.

As we can see by this very forum format, the logic is more malleable to the individual user. More and more screens and even functions are looking different to every user, based on that user’s historical behaviors and choices while using the software.

Do we have to pay for the IOS updates of can they be downloaded with no charge?

I have a brand new but dated(2017 still in the box) Samsung Reader that I believe will pretty much do the same as my iPad, I could switch over to it but I love my iPad.

Re this point, generally speaking (this is not a specific reply) – along with the updates in the kind of logic the software is able to perform are updates in the hardware etc. necessary to support it. It may be that some functions won’t work on old platforms. Or it may be that the software itself won’t run on old platforms. More so as time goes on.

I was very happy with my old IOS 6S. It was just fine. But I updated to 11 so as not to be left behind on overall functionality. Because these days that’s what they are doing to us user/consumers. Eventually the old version no longer functions. And if one waits for that day, it may become difficult or impossible to migrate one’s personal data & preferences to the new platform. They are herding us along to the newer versions, whether we want to go through that gate or not.

 Possibly some of the lag time some are experiencing in seeing certain new forum functions may be that some of these functionalities have to find their way to our individual platforms. They have to adapt to whatever computer/browser we are using. Because some software is that smart these days. But it isn’t always instantaneous, there is software that can learn from experience.

Sort of like when you switch your horse from bucket water to an automatic waterer. You can explain it to the horse 20 different ways, but it may still take a few days for him/her to figure it out. Actually us humans are kind of like that, too. :grin: :wink:


:heart_eyes: :star_struck: :hugs:

Wow, this is the best thing ever !!! :grin:

Well as far as the forum migration, anyway. Thank you Mod 1 !!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I know I’m a day late but that should totally be your avatar :joy: