New Organization- United Dressage Jumping Club (UDJC)

I saw this pop up on Instagram yesterday- a new organization that is promoting european-style shows (affordable, jumpers & dressage) in the US. They sound very similar to the shows that eventers put on that only have dressage and show jumping. I really like how their jumper classes under 1.0 focus on style rather than speed, and they have a 3 class limit per horse per day. Right now it looks like they have 3 shows scheduled in Texas, but I think it’s a great concept and I’d love to see some pop up near me in OR or the PNW.

Here is their promotional video:
And their website:


I was looking at their website yesterday. I found it curious that there is no indication as to who the people are behind this venture? Is it the one guy in the videos? A committee?

Don’t get me wrong, I think a lot of the ideas and concepts are fantastic, but I’m skeptical that, once things start rolling, they’ll be immune to the ever present loophole exploiting and shady dealings that ultimately lead to bloat in a governing body. Or that constituents won’t demand things like drug testing and show standards that lead to increased expenses despite their concerted effort to keep costs low. But here’s hoping!


Love it! I wish them much success and hope they expand quickly - I would definitely go to their shows.

From their FAQ:
"How much does it cost to show at UDJC events?

That depends on the amount of classes you show in and the show venue.

Typically UDJC shows are about half the cost of USEF shows."

Hmmm, that could mean anything…


I’m sure I’m looking at this through rose colored glasses, because I would love for it to serve as a better alternative to USEF. I think they already have a few things in their bylaws that are an improvement over USEF/USHJA, such as the 3 class limit per horse per day. I hope that they are able to grow and function without submitting to corruption.


Half of USEF show fees could still be close to $1000 at some shows. A lot of rated HJ shows in my area blame high costs on the venues (stall fees, bedding, footing, etc…), but non-HJ shows at the same venues seem to keep their costs down despite those costs. It will be interesting to see how their first show season goes, and whether they can grow to new areas.


Oooo! Now I could suck at two disciplines in one show!


Sounds like Combined Training … but maybe structured with more flexibility?

If they can put on shows at good facilities with credible judging, if their division descriptions and classlist offer good chances for riders to enter at least 4 or 5 classes per show, and if the costs are reasonable in the opinion of the showers … this could definitely take off at the schooling show level.

I don’t know if schooling show levels is what they have in mind, but if so, there is a demand out there by lower-level riders and learners, in certain areas at least.

Among unrecognized shows, sometimes a CT format allows a horse to be ridden by only one rider in one division. The division is one dressage and one jumping class. That is very limiting - two classes per horse-rider - and many lower-leverl riders won’t give up a day for just that.

I found the FAQ confusing. It’s written from the point of view of someone who is already immersed in the new order, not as much from the point of view of someone who has no idea what they are planning.

I’d like to see what they envision as a typical show classlist. Hopefully they offer one, at some point.

Debating the advisability of downloading anything from the website. Not knowing what else may be secretly piggybacking on the download. Downloading seems to be the only way to look at the details.

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Oh wow, the first 3 shows are in my backyard! The legendary Great SW Equestrian Center, west of Houston. Lots of major shows at that facility, year round.


OK … RED FLAG WARNINGS for scam that I see on the website … with a closer look, there is nothing whatsoever to see here, but …

  • A website with one guy’s photo on it.
  • Shows at Great Southwest EC are NOT listed on Great SW’s online calendar. Link to UDJC calendar. Link to Great SW Calendar .
  • No page on the UDJC website lists other involved professionals and people, to add credibility with names known in the community. No director, board, committee, judges, show organizers, no one.
  • “Sponsorships” has no current sponsors are listed. One would expect even a new organization to have a few sponsors to help them get started.

The biggest Red Flag, IMO, is that not even one name is listed. Even the one guy whose photo is there, who gives the verbal descriptions, doesn’t seem to have a name. It’s like a ghost organization, existing only in some unknown person’s fevered imagination.

This looks like a scam, to me. Collect “membership fees” and vanish. With some email addresses in the bag as well.

Suggest no one download anything from this website, from the several download links. Virus software can invisibly piggyback on a download. Not saying that will happen, but I have no trust level with this.

Anyone recognize this unnamed person? He has a European accent. You can see his videos lower on this page link …



Interesting, and good observation.
This is what I was able to find with a quick search.

Karoline Reichert appears to own Blue Door Equestrian:

I believe the man in the video is David Reichert:

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Searching away on Karoline Reichert.

Richmond, TX is southwest of Houston, directly south of Great SW.

Search shows her associated with “Blue Door Equestrian”.

So, Blue Door Equestrian has this website. My observations about the site: Professionally designed. Wordy. Credentials all overseas, would have to find out how to verify.

All of the people in the photos on the Blue Door website are of the one family. No one else.

Make of it what you will.

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I honestly don’t really see any giant red flags that it’s a scam. The facebook presence is not newly launched, and some TX folks do seem to know him. But our mutuals count is very low, which is odd given the breadth of this project. Looks like a German transplant got here, looked at our shows, thought WTAF, and had some free time in which to write some by-laws and make some fancy videos.

Basically like every other social media influencer/gimmick out there.

Still don’t hate the idea, but it’s going to need WAY more industry support than what it appears he has.


Google maps locates Palina’s Ponies as resident at the address.

Located almost adjacent is a DVM, plus a Jimmie Stanzel Training Center.

Google map overhead view of the address …barn, sheds, arena, a few jumps …


Palina’s Ponies – appears to focus on very young children

FB page

Is also listed on Yelp with 3 reviews, of which there is one 5* and two 1* reviews (basically, not as advertised).

Yelp showing it is located in Magnolia, well north of Richmond, but no knowing if that is current information. The whole area is crazy with many horse barns, surrounded by growing suburbs.

If this is what is happening, I would be all for it. The European divisions are much better than what we typically have. I’ve heard people who have showed in Europe say the same.

The current division/class organizations in this area just don’t offer much scope for newer riders and less ambitious riders. Who aren’t interested in recognized shows and higher level riding. But who do want a place to show their horse and try to do well on whatever horse they are riding.

There are a ton of people like that in the immediate area, north/west/south of Houston. Who would love some casual but well-run one-day shows. It’s a huge area, and crazy with horses, including a lot of ‘English’ riding. Big scope for the idea if they can get it off the ground. Credibly.

The lack of names on the UDJC website is not a good look, at all. If they are legit, they should not have gone public before they were ready. First impressions resonate.

I’m intrigued but suspicious. The TikTok I saw has THREE different website URLs…kind of an important thing to get right maybe?

Hey, let me try to clarify a few things here :grinning:
My Name is David Reichert, my wife’s name is Karoline Reichert.
She owns Palinas Ponies, one of the biggest riding schools in Texas, I own MagicTack, a tack company that’s very well known in Europe and just getting started in the US. (I’m sure you won’t have any issues finding MagicTack and Palina’s Ponies on Instagram)
We both are from Germany and have been living in the US since 2019.
We both also had (have) a very successful equestrian career in Dressage and Jumping up to GrandPrix’s in both disciplines and I was a member of the National Team in both Disciplines.
Since we’re very unhappy with the US Show Scene (for obvious reasons) she refuses to take any of her 500 students to regular shows anymore… In order to really make a difference and shake things up she founded UDJC. UDJC will run shows in Texas and it looks like we’ll be able to offer them all over the country, which sounds awesome.
We came up with the concept and all the content in the last 4 weeks, so apologies for not everything being 100% smooth yet. The reason for the shows not being on GSEC,s website is simply for the reason that their web agency did’t update it yet but I’m pretty sure that will happen next week.
We’ll also hopefully get the show open for sign-ups next week, we’re waiting on Ring Radar to get the last pieces together that we need on the software end of things.
I hope that clarifies a few things. Have a great weekend and hopefully see you at one of our shows!


Back in the 80’s I remember going to a place called Charbonnau (sp?) in Oregon. I think it was just off I-5, south of Portland. They had Combined Training shows, jumper & dressage. I vaguely remember the place. I think it was a Trakhener (another sp?) farm.

Lots of fun and held inside during the winter.


Hey, let me try to clarify a few things here :grinning:
My Name is David Reichert, my wife’s name is Karoline Reichert.
She owns Palinas Ponies, one of the biggest riding schools in Texas, I own MagicTack, a tack company that’s very well known in Europe and just getting started in the US. (I’m sure you won’t have any issues finding MagicTack and Palina’s Ponies on Instagram)
We both are from Germany and have been living in the US since 2019.
We both also had (have) a very successful equestrian career in Dressage and Jumping up to GrandPrix’s in both disciplines and I was a member of the National Team in both Disciplines.
Since we’re very unhappy with the US Show Scene (for obvious reasons) she refuses to take any of her 500 students to regular shows anymore… In order to really make a difference and shake things up she founded UDJC. UDJC will run shows in Texas and it looks like we’ll be able to offer them all over the country, which sounds awesome.
We came up with the concept and all the content in the last 4 weeks, so apologies for not everything being 100% smooth yet. The reason for the shows not being on GSEC,s website is simply for the reason that their web agency did’t update it yet but I’m pretty sure that will happen next week.
We’ll also hopefully get the show open for sign-ups next week, we’re waiting on Ring Radar to get the last pieces together that we need on the software end of things.
I hope that clarifies a few things. Have a great weekend and hopefully see you at one of our shows!

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our shows are going to be way less than that! Just wait until we have the first show at the Great Southwest Equestrian Center open for enrollment, then everything will be clear. Stay tuned


As another European living in the USA, good luck! I hope I you expand soon because the US shows are just too time consuming and expensive to be fun anymore. Would love normal horse shows here - I showed in the US in the 90s and they had 2 days weekend shows that got you points for national level awards and it was great. I don’t know what happened in the past 20 years to make it so ridiculous but good to see some alternatives being offered.