New Orleans/Baton Rouge

It’s possible that, for professional reasons, I am going to be regularly traveling to New Orleans/Baton Rouge on a semi-regular basis (2 or 3 weeks per month) for the foreseeable future. I own and compete my mare at home, in the DMV. I’m wondering if there are any good dressage facilities in New Orleans or Baton Rouge where I might be able to take regular lessons on a schoolmaster while I’m in town? I realize this is a very long shot, but I thought I would ask.

I’ll likely post something similar in the eventing forum, but I thought I would try here first.

I don’t believe you’ll find anything in New Orleans proper. However, the north shore across Lake Ponchartrain has some great options. I’d reach out to Leslie Morris. She is a dressage judge also. I can pm you her info if you’d like.

I think Baton Rouge is slim pickings too, but maybe someone else knows of something worth whole.

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one item that that OP needs to inquire when selecting a barn is what is the barn’s evacuation plan

I worked New Orleans and some of the Baton Rouge area after Katrina for FEMA (most of my time was south of Mew Orleans down to Venice which I had no idea that there was this land south of New Orleans)

I spent many months there. One thing that was a reminder of how bad things were there was the remains of horse hung in a tree over twenty feet above the ground on the highway near Boothville

We also found abandoned livestock nearly everywhere. Several hundred horses were rounded up few if any had any identification chips or brands (there also was a herd of elk that had gotten loose that took a while to confine)

A barn in the New Orleans area should have several evacuation destinations plans with details as to where they would remove the stock in advance

As suggested the north side of the lake is the most likely location for finding a stable


100% the above.

Flooding can kill horses, and makes providing care until the flood recedes very difficult. Much of south Louisiana is very prone to flooding.

Evacuation needs a lot of advance planning during the off season for hurricanes.

Re evacuation plans, the OP is looking for a place to take some lessons, not to move her horse…


Yep, exactly, @2tempe! Thank you for pointing that out.

@clanter she just wants to take lessons on someone else’s horse.

Just about all of dressage/eventing barns are going to be on the North Shore of the lake. I’m on the MS gulf coast but my trainer is in the Folsom, LA area. I’m not sure who would have a schoolmaster or lesson horse available but I can ask around. Feel free to PM me if you want!

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