New posting isues today

I can not:
Edit my posts
Quote posts of others
Like any posts

I also can not find where I can log out to try logging out and back in… ???

Ok so I found the log out and did… but when I went back to the forum to log back in, I was STILL logged in and the log out option was again gone…

Are these issues isolated to the mobile site,or are they causing problems on the main page as well? I can’t decide if it’s worth bothering to get out of my hammock to go test it on my computer yet. Haha

Threads are also not being marked as read for me, which has the side effect of notifications persisting unless they’re dismissed.


Things seem to be okay, for the most part, on the main page for me, now that I’ve logged on to my computer.

It seems as though the mobile site automatically subscribed me to threads that I opened and read, but did not click subscribe on. Not the end of the world, just a bit of a pain in the butt.

Am on my desktop. I don’t do COTH on the phone.

So I was finally offered a ‘log out’ button, and did and it worked… but then had a dickens of a time getting the option to log back in. Ended up having to change my password. No biggie.
It seems to change with each page I open… ie since logging back in there is no log out option at the top.

Still can not
Also can not click on page number at bottom to go to a new page, can only change pages on a thread by going to the arrow button at the top of each thread page.

Hovering over those option with cursor does not change their color, nor does simply clicking them do anything.

Huh. My thing with the thread not being marked as read seems to be limited to the mobile platform–works fine on the computer. I also wasn’t able to like a post from the phone, but again is fine on the computer.

Really weird!

I’m having those problems when I test it on Internet Explorer. Chrome seems fine. Firefox won’t load anything for me right now so I can’t test it there for the time being. All browsers are latest version, updated in the last 24 hours.

I’m on Chrome and having some of the same issues. It’s hard to navigate because clicking to the next page, clicking on a thread, etc aren’t working consistently. Sometimes “like” works, sometimes not.

New as of today - when I click “mark posts read” the link redirects me to the forums main page and when I go back to the subforum nothing is marked read. This is occurring on IE and Chrome on a desktop.

I cant like posts or go past page 1 of most of the threads.


I am using Firefox - I can quote (shown above, sorry wcporter, picked your post at random) and like posts.

Edit to add - I can edit too.

This is all happening on a regular desktop computer.

Having the same problems. Laptop no “likey” and can’t get past page 1.

But I can edit.

Menagarie let me “read all” of the board. Everything else still redirects me. I tried to like posts here and that isn’t working.

Hopped onto IE to double check, but neither firefox or IE are letting me edit/like/etc etc. And site is loading just a touch slower than normal. COTH is being naughty :wink:

Yes it seems to depend on where I am, on what sub-forum… sometimes I can do certain actions on certain forums, then on others I can do other things I could not do on the previous forum… no rhyme or reason…
Very frustrating. First world problem.

Ditto. Can’t like, quote, open last page.

Edit ,quote & like icons don’t work logout doesn’t work either. Doesn’t matter which device i use desktop ,phone or laptop.

I have lowered the bar since the new Coth rolled out .
Gave up on many functions - mobile view is limited.
Mailbox is full - play that game of deleting then deleting again …
Gave up on using mailbox - sometimes I can hang a pm on an old one and it flies but - I can obviously can only send to people i have already sent to previously.

so mailbox is clogged -

I decide to clean out my mailbox

I am going to spend some time purging pms
on the computer
because it’s impossible with the limited mobile view
But ?!?
now it won’t allow me to log in on the computer
yes - I have checked my username and password a zillion times
no luck

i have turned off computer Blah blah blah
its now been a few days

I simply want to delete pms so I can receive pms


no this is not a major problem
honestly why are these simple tasks impossible with the new set up

it is not my computer - everything else works

i want to sign in on the computer for better visual while attempting to delete pms

no I will not offer a screen shot -
I don’t know how to do that

  • please don’t shame me for being tech challenged with screen shots

I have already been put through that several
times by ‘helpful’ perfect posters

Frustration and more frustration

I realize this is a free forum
I enjoy the forums
I want to continue to participate

why won’t Coth recognize my username and password after 12,000 posts ?’!!!

vent over


I know I know. - there are no answers •

Back to the word association thread - it works !

Lower right hand functions are all working today for me. Thank you!

I spoke too soon. “Like” and page selection are not functioning.