My version also has Flash turned off, was part of an update last fall.
It asks me every time some comes up if I want to enable it and I deny.
That may be why I was not having those problems before, as so many did.
Don’t know why that one ad seems to be slipping by that, unless it is not using Flash, but some other program to send video?
All that information may help them figure why that odd jumpiness is happening.
The add that just happen to show up when this started for me is one that has a blinking tab with “Ad Choices”.
When I click on that it tells me who is providing the ad and where to go to stop that.
It reads my laptop and tells me I have cookies not enabled, so I can’t continue to stop the ad, to enable cookies, which I am not about to do, sorry.
Whatever is blocking some of that, it better stay there.
Just so your IT people have more of an idea what is going on.
Seems to be some of your ads are bringing some tricky stuff.
Right now this keeps jerking my page back to the top of it, hardy letting me post and read what I am writing.
Seems to be while that new one half way down ad shows up.
I think it is interfering with the function of this web format?
Today some ad started messing with Safari… as the ad loads, it continually goes to the bottom of the page (over and over) and makes reading and/or replying a major PITA.
Hitting the || to pause the video does nothing to actually stop the video.
I think in my case it is a Humira ad (although I have no idea where it got the idea to show me that ). It’s the only ad with “moving” video.
That is the way mine started.
If you look on the right upper corner of that video, you will see the tab show up and leave and come back again, faintly, hard to notice, that tells you “ad choices”.
If you click on that, it will give you a page explaining that you can choose to not be shown those ads.
If you click on that, it will read your computer and mine said I had not cookies enabled, do so so they can do more, but I will not do that, no telling what else they get in there if you do.
Maybe you are more brave and go there and lucky if all it does is get you off their list, without pulling some trick with malware.
That Humira ad started it, later another such with a swimmer, then the one for some real estate, then other odd ones.
It is very annoying when the pages on COTH keep jumping around scrolling away from what you are trying to read, is it.
Thanks for the update and yes please on reporting back when you hear something.
If it helps, there are a few “news” sites I visit that I see the same “reload” behavior. Nagivate to the main page and life is fine… video embedded (no haven’t looked at how) loads and the whole page reloads (sometimes multiple times).
Ooops, the Humira video ad is back this morning and so is the glitch of the page jumping around and not steady enough to read posts and all in general slowing down.
It seems to be related, since that is when that happens.
Sorry, Moderator, to have to start the week with old problems.
Moderating is not easy, I know from when I was one long ago.
This too shall pass and soon to be forgotten.
Good luck to whoever is working on that.
Maybe they are figuring this out with more to go by.
All is good here this morning no issues, all is working as it should. I put an ad blocker on my computer and no more annoying video ads, that were really messing things up.
The advertising department is tweaking some settings on what types of ads are allowed to run from AdSense, so hopefully we’ll find a compromise on finding ads that pay the bills without breaking the site!
If there are specific ads in the future that cause problems, it sounds like we can specifically block them if we have the URL for them.
@Where’sMyWhite Thanks. It’s been on and off for 10 days, but I’m currently upright again. If anyone wants a quick way to lose a few pounds, I’ll send you a cheek swab to suck on. :lol:
Have a friend with that right now, ended up in one of those emergency clinics.
They said is going around, some kind of very nasty food poisoning type stuff.
Nasty when it brings a strong, young 20’s fellow to it’s knees, miserable for anyone.
He said yesterday he is finally feeling human, so maybe that too shall pass for you soon.
The Humira ad is back this morning, at least for me. Glad I found this thread, as I spent several frustrating moments trying to reply to a thread, but kept having the page ripped down to the bottom for the ad. Scared me pretty good when it started too, I am not use to COTH playing ads, and in the dead quiet of my house it was a bit of a shock. Clicking the sound on the actual ad or clicking the pause bottom didn’t seem to make it stop either.