New site GLITCH and PROBLEM reporting HERE

The blue button on the left, ahead of the thread title, disappears when the thread has been read. The thread is also unbolded on the list. When there’s a new post, the thread will appear in bold and the button comes back.

I agree. I think what Jarpur was saying is they hit the blue button and it took them to the first post instead of the last read post so when they went back out to try to the blue button again it was gone.
In other words, it was not working right and sort of an insult to injury thing the button was then gone.

I’m guessing there will be an adjustment period going forward from the time that they fixed the system that registered read/unread posts.

I have no idea if this is the case, but perhaps the system was wiped clear re: what posts a given user had read in a given thread, so the first unread post would register as the first post in that thread – so you click the button to take me to the first unread post, and it takes you to the start of the thread because it doesn’t “see” that you’ve read any posts in that thread. Just a guess.

I’d give it a little time to catch up and then report back. Maybe mark channels as read to wipe the slate clean and then you can see how it’s working with new content going forward.


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Can confirm this works. Marked all as read at the bottom of the main forum page earlier today; all “take me to new post” buttons now function as expected.

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Hmmm. The only way I can get the blue chat icon thingies that are to the left of each forum title on the main forum page to switch from blue (new posts here) to grey (all read, nothing new to see here) is by marking the channel as read. Is that the correct behavior? I expected that they would automatically change color once all new posts had been read, but the blue is persisting even once the threads in the forum are all showing read.

Non-functioning ignore list. While not thrilled it isn’t working, I am happy that other users of the software are seeing the same thing COTH is and the software developer will get it fixed. To me, nothing worse that ‘but it works for me’ :wink:

YAY on the read/unread. Yeah, seems the previous ‘read’ has been re-set so I had to start at the beginning again for the topics I’d been in the middle of but, IMO, a small price to pay to get the bolding/unbolding working the way it used to.

Is this an inappropriate emoticon for Mod1 and the rest of the IT staff???


I’ve had this same problem…can’t find threads that I know without a doubt what the title is.

I do really like that we can search across all forums (can’t always remember where a thread was located!). On the flip side, I don’t like that we always have to search across all forums. If I’m searching for something specific, I don’t really want to sift through posts and threads from forums that aren’t at all applicable to my search. Are there other search filters that I’m missing? For example, sometime I want to search for threads, other times I want specific posts. Or I’m looking for any posts from a certain user name.

@talkofthetown You can access the Advanced Search features by just clicking the “search” button, without entering anything into the search field – then you can refine your search by forum, etc. from there.

I’ve asked them to make a more obvious access point for the Advanced Search, but until then… :slight_smile:

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@Where’sMyWhite Thank you!! I’ll pass it on. :smiley:

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Updating that, at least on the few threads I’ve looked so far at since logging back in, the little blue button is now working again access the unread posts. :slight_smile:

YAAAAYYYY! The “Jump to” link at the bottom of a thread/forum is back - THANK YOU, MODS (and web dev. staff)!!!

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Oh hey, lookit that. The dismiss all notifications button is now fully visible on the notifications screen :slight_smile: The filter box is still hiding, though! (And didn’t “likes” used to be a filter option?)

Not sure if these have been mentioned or not.
Android phone with Chrome Browser

  1. When I’m in a forum and looking at the list of topics, I can see date/time the thread was started and number of responses, but not the username or any indication of who started the thread.
  2. The down arrow to go to last new post is so teeny that half the time I accidentally click on the thread title itself, then have to figure out which page I was reading.
  3. After I back out of a thread and go back to the forum, the down arrow for threads that I’ve read has disappeared.

Thanks for all the hard work y’all are doing on this! I do love seeing everyone’s avatar pics.

Are PMs working on mobile devices? I sent two recently and neither is in my sent box, nor have the recepients responded. Thanks.

The down arrows are “go to first unread.” Once you’ve read a thread, they go away until there is a new post, because there is no longer a “first unread.”

Can someone here please volunteer for me to send them a test PM and reply here if you get it? Thanks.

I can send you one from my phone,then let me know if you got it. Sent you a PM from phone.

Raises hand! :slight_smile:

I have received and sent PMs since the update–I think everything is working, but I am happy to be a guinea pig!

Mod1, you and the crew rock!

As always with a COTH change, we all panic about the new structure. But I’ve been so impressed with how quickly our requests and issues have been addressed. I think the new forum is going to be great!

Thank you all for the hard work!


Oh, that makes sense! I’ve been using it as a stopgap for not having the links to go to a particular thread page. Still crossing my fingers for that function to get added back.