@trubandloki Hmmmm, work around might be to wait until autosave has kicked in before advancing to next page? Not ideal, certainly, but could get quotes to persist across pages until the mutiquote function is fully operational?
@Simkie I was not so much looking for a go around as just letting Mod1 know one of the issues so it can be clarified on the list. I can always copy and paste like I was doing on the old forum at the end when quoting stopped working.
The quoting issues are definitely still here.
The old board - clicking a multi-quote button (I think?) just checked that post as quotable, and left you where you were, to continue reading the rest of the replies. You could click that button on many posts, then when ready to reply, click quote and you had all your multi-quote posts there. Just clicking quote took you to the reply w/ quote box, IIRC.
Now, clicking quote still takes you to the reply w/ quote box at the bottom, but even though going back up and clicking an additional reply to quote, and having the top Post Reply button keep count, you don’t get to quote any of them when you hit Post Reply lol
BUT, I have noticed that the last reply on which i click Quote, is kept in some memory as I’m asked if I want to use or discard saved info, and that saved info is the last quoted reply.
I debated on where to put this as it is working but not the way it used to (where have we all heard that before ).
In the old forum, I could highlight/select some text, click on the link/URL icon, past in the hyperlink and the highlighted text would have the hyperlink.
I just tried that in the Off Topics forum… selected some text, clicked on the “chain” icon above left, pasted the URL in the popup and Post Reply and did not get what I was expecting. Got a bunch of extra “stuff” (aka text from Amazon) and the URL as a separate link. I was able to edit out all the extra text (although it is presented “strange” as separate boxes with the ability to edit each text box) but could not figure out how to get rid of the actual URL once it was in the reply…
I suspect working as intended but if not, what am I missing?? (oh, now I see on the Advanced Editor there is a link with an X which I assumed gets rid of the URL). But, can we no longer select some text and have that be the hyperlink
@Where’sMyWhite testing link posting:
Here’s a link to Google. I typed out the previous sentence, copied the URL for webpage I wanted to link, clicked on the chain link icon and pasted the URL.
@Where’sMyWhite OK, here’s the deal:
When you click the link icon from the upper left of the composition screen (next to the camera icon), a new field appears where it gives you the option to post a link. If you do it that way, it’ll give you all the information about the link like you experienced.
If you just want to create a clickable hyperlink within your post, click on the underlined A icon on the right side of the composition screen. That will open your toolbar. From there, you can use the link icon as you did on the old site: highlight the text you want to hyperlink, click chain icon, paste URL.
Does that answer the question?
Thanks! I just added a tutorial to the FAQs.
Posts are not appearing to me in chronological order. Also, I’m not always seeing posts that I’ve commented on in my subscription list.
Have you checked the “subscribe to things I’ve posted to” in your profile? I’m sorry if that’s a dumb question but default on the old system was to subscribe to things you post to and default on this new one is to not, so if you haven’t changed the setting, you’re not being automagically subscribed to threads since the move over
I typically open a sub-forum, say “Off Course”, and then open each bolded thread – and, yes, I know they are working on that issue – in the order presented, which is descending order by latest post date. When I’m done reading that thread, I click the browser back button to go back to the thread list. It used to always keep the same thread order even if some of the threads had new posts. You would still see the new posts if you opened a thread, but it wouldn’t reorder them until I left the sub-forum altogether. Now, it reorders the threads each time I come back to the list. Which means now I have to keep scrolling back up to the top of the list of threads to see if a thread I haven’t read yet has popped up to the top.
Am I just doing this wrong?
@SlabSided the Back button on a browser is always suspect in terms of how it will behave, as it depends on how pages submit information. You might have noticed some sites will tell you emphatically not to use the browser Back button as you might experience unpredictable results. Given what you’ve seen, I would assume that in your case, the Back button is resubmitting your action again so you get a refreshed view, and not the previous/cached view.
This is a test for a possible invalid link - and trying recommendation about using Advanced plus the chain icon in the Advanced toolbar.
Does this link work?
Perfect… the above URL when posting via the “big” chain icon on the left gives an Invalid URL.
Yay!!! and THANK YOU! I assumed the big chain on the left and the little chain in the Advanced tool bar were the same and that’s what I get for assuming
Makes sense, but is there another way I should be returning to the list of threads without them being resorted?
In the future, will we again be able to receive email digests of entire forums to which we have subscribed?
Good news and bad news to report.
Bad news – the non-functioning Ignore list is a software-level bug being reported by other people to vBulletin (the makers of our software platform), and our tech crew even tested the Ignore feature on vBulletin’s forums, and it didn’t work there. So, it is a bug that the software company is aware of and is working to address, but I don’t have an anticipated timeline for repair. So, we’ll have to exercise a little extra patience in not getting riled up at users who push our buttons.
GOOD news:
– Forum locations have been added to the search results for the Today’s Topics link, so that should be pretty similar to what we had on the old site.
– Read/unread thread differentiation is now working!
– Notifications now AUTOMATICALLY dismiss after you visit a thread through that notification.
Those last two, in particular, should make browsing a whole lot more enjoyable and easier to track.
@Moderator 1 Thank you for the update and again thank you to the team who is making all these changes for us.
This morning when I hit the button to go to last unread post it is taking me to the first post of the thread and not the last unread post.
I have tried it on several threads and it is being very consistent (consistently wrong).
There are still threads not showing up in the Today’s Topics list.
I see that there are threads from pretty much all of the forums but I went to a specific forum thinking “it seems strange that thread got no posts over night” and there it was, at the top of the list with posts since I last read it yesterday but still does not show on the Today’s Topic lists.
I’m curious if perhaps fixing the read/unread thread bolding issue required the “cache” to be cleared that keeps track of where each user is in the thread. If so, it would be a self limiting problem as each user reads a thread and the bookmark is restored. Posting here to test…
Oh, I can’t–my own posts don’t generate the “unread” trigger for me. @trubandloki did the last read button work to bring you to this post?
eta: yep, found a thread that I’d read earlier in the morning and the last post button worked there. Doesn’t work on stuff that wasn’t read since yesterday.
I got here a different way…so no idea.
I am finding what you posted after to be true. Stuff I post on today the last read post button is working. Stuff that has not been looked at or posted on since yesterday the last read button is not working.
Same thing is happening to me. Then, when I return to the forum, the little blue button on the left, next to the thread title, is now missing. In other words, I use the blue button, which takes me to the beginning of the thread instead of the unread posts as it should, then the blue button disappears.
I was looking for info on the ignore list- looks like it is being investigated. Thanks.