New site GLITCH and PROBLEM reporting HERE

regarding the Ignore feature (or lack of)… I went to my settings, added a few to the list , applied settings,went back to the thread, just the posters identification inform disappeared, the post is still visialable

The RSS feed buttons don’t seem to be working for me on Chrome.

You can still multi-quote. Mod 1 has an instructional thread in this section of the forum.

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@beowulf The latest activity tabs list the forum in which the thread/post is located, but it’s under the thread title. The number of posts in each thread is included in the bar at the bottom of each post/thread notation on the right side by a little piece of paper icon. There’s no page numbers included there though.

You would have to go to the individual forum’s latest activity tab to see who the latest posters are for those threads though.

Re: going to the last page of a thread from the list of threads, clicking on the blue icons with the “fast forward” triangles (one to the left of the thread title and one below the name of the last poster) will take you to the last post in the thread. Does that serve the purpose?

I’m unable to log in on IE 10. Whether I click on button or enter, screen does not change. FireFox worked o.k. AdBlocker is turned Off.

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None of my changes to my settings stick. I asked for 30 posts per page and am still getting 10 on some forums and 30 on others. I’m still using XP, SP3.

No really, as I think what a lot of posters miss (including myself) is the ability to see the number of pages in the thread before clicking the thread. So, for instance, if we knew we’d already read the first 3 pages and the thread was shown as having 6 pages, we were able to jump right to page 4. When I tried what you are suggesting, then I had to scroll backwards to pick up my previous stopping place, if that makes sense. Am I missing some other, new way to accomplish this?


@netg To multi quote, click the quote icons for the posts you’d like to include, then click on the blue “post reply” icon at the top left of your screen, which will take you to the composition screen.

I couldn’t find it at first either!

Now I see the ‘Latest Activity’ versus the ‘Latest Posts’ option, which does not give you any of that information.

Same here-- also unable to log in using Internet Explorer (IE 11). Had to switch to Chrome to login.

@Sticky Situation We were having some cropping issues on the mobile interface, so we’ve temporarily disabled that feature. They will be working on it.

@SlabSided Thank you re: ignore issue. I’ll also make a note of the comment re: the flipping picture preference.

@Myriad Thank you.

@vineyridge Which types of profile changes? How your profile page appears to you? I honestly was not clear on how those options were intended to work/if they were actually enabling them, so let me check on that!

@Jarpur Got it. Thanks.

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I haven’t been able to find the “search” function. Will it be coming back, or am I just not seeing it, or…???

Otherwise, I am liking the upgrade, so far only viewed it on Chrome browser.

OK, well I see a search bar at the top of individual threads, but not for the main forum page or the individual forums (Dressage, H/J, Eventing…)

Can we get the search feature to work on all the forums?

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What does ‘Mark Channel Read’ at the bottom of forums do? (make it easier to know, when we come back, where we “finished” reading?)

How can I ‘block’ a user’s? That feature seems to be missing (i.e., people that I had blocked I now see again).

Couldn’t find (yet) how to get to my profile without having to go to an avatar first (want to get the font size bigger for me) - Safari 10.0.1 is browser.

Oh, I just looked at the New Activity Tab and what I “miss” is being able to scroll down the list of topics and know which ones have had activity since my last visit and which ones haven’t rather than piece meal looking through individual replies, potentially mixed in with other topics. NB

I made a few changes to see if I see more than 10 topics a page and if I can see update topics (we’ll see). Did use the profile link from this reply to get there.

I did see my list of blocked users but I am not sure they’re really being blocked - I’ll have to keep an eye on if I do see their replies or not :slight_smile:

In the settings, what are “visitor messages”? They are not the same as the Private Messages we’ve had for so long, are they? They seem to have their own category. I turned them off because I had no idea what they were.

RE: the forum layout, I’ve got both Chrome 47.0.2526.106 m and IE 11 and both are handling the layout the same. Running very smoothly.

For those looking for something similar to “Today’s Posts” on the old site, try clicking the Latest Activity tab from the main forum page. There’s a “Filter” drop-down menu from the right side of that screen, and you can click various options to change what’s displayed there.

Right now the defaults are set to “last month” but I assume that can be changed to “today” and changing the “new posts” option to off will include new replies from today in there too.

Is that the functionality that we’re missing?

I click quote and it takes me to the bottom of the page in the reply box with the one quote there already… I also don’t have a blue “post reply” icon anywhere - it’s green for me. Strange if different browsers are showing different colors!

I did not play with settings (because this post was not here when I started my experiment) but what I have seen playing with the Latest Activity on the forum main page is it seems to not show the most recent stuff. I just tested it because I wondered why your posts on how to do things kept showing up on the first page list (and the list is only 10 posts long).

I went to a couple of forums and saw what was on the top of the list and then went back out to the forum main page and hit Latest Activity and none of those topics showed up on the list (at least not on the first or second page).

I will go play with settings to see if that changes this.

Edit to add - Played with the settings and it still seems to have some other selection process than newest from anywhere first. There are brand new posted to threads not showing at all on the list.

I have never subscribed to threads in the past, at least not for many many years. It seems like the default is to be subscribed to everything? I’m not even sure I had to have responded to be subscribed! But probably it’s everything I have responded to. I will look in settings to see if I can turn off this default. Also wondering if I can unsubscribe from the 2000+ threads without clicking on each. Not a huge deal but if anyone has cracked the code on this I’d appreciate hearing it.

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When clicking on the last page of a multipage thread, either it doesn’t go to the last page (seems to get totally hung up) or it goes to the beginning post so you have to scroll down to find where you left off. Like this thread shows 3 pages yet when I click on page 3, it goes back to the first post. Using Safari