I like that now the last post little blue square on the right is always in the same place, not here and there behind a name.
Much easier to go to and hit it, is there and hard to miss.
Makes cruising threads by last post easier, thanks!
I like that now the last post little blue square on the right is always in the same place, not here and there behind a name.
Much easier to go to and hit it, is there and hard to miss.
Makes cruising threads by last post easier, thanks!
Is anyone else having an issue where the “inbox preview” on the message center page hasn’t updated to reflect new PMs since the software changeover?
Message Center: https://www.chronofhorse.com/forum/privatemessage/index
PM Inbox: https://www.chronofhorse.com/forum/privatemessage/notification/66626/1
(I think those links should work for everyone?)
Now this is a glitch (in comparison to what I posted in the other thread just now). It is just an example of what I have posted before. I posted in that other thread and went back to the top and hit Today’s Topics and that thread did not appear on the list anywhere in the first bunch of pages, so clearly whatever the sorting system for that list is still is not working correctly.
That is what I have noticed, in the main page of each forum, that last poster named, which I go by to cruise thru there, what to read and where no new activity happened, that is not reliable any more.
Maybe they expect everyone to go by notifications?
I don’t, have that clicked off, it was annoying to me, I rather check on my own when new posts happen.
We are saying two different things, I think. I have seen what you are saying too. I think what you are saying is explained as some people having some setting for people not being able to tell if they are on the forum, or something like that.
What I am complaining about is that the Today’s Topic does not post a chronological list of what has happened, even though that is what it says it is doing. Things do not even show on the list, even with the wrong poster information. (And I know I am not in invisible mode so me being the last post it should have showed anyway.)
Invisible mode may explain some posters not showing, but others are showing later, so they are not invisible?
I think that function is wonky, maybe?
I also don’t know why trying to be helpful to those that are frustrated with the glitches makes those helping an added venting target, that is sad.
I am with you @Bluey .
I can get being frustrated. I can not get being so angry about the whole thing.
We (general) lived thru the last upgrade, that had just as many issues when it was first rolled out, to the point that now everyone is ‘give me the old forum back’. I think if those totally tied in a knot about this upgrade just gave this new format some time, they would grow to deal with the differences and then can get their panties tied in a knot when this format inevitably has to be replaced when it is outdated.
The part I really do not get is someone is posting giving advice on how to help the staff at COTH to figure out the problem but those who are complaining the most will not even bother to do those little things (like screen shots).
Clearly, providing us (again general) with a forum to talk about whatever we want is a very thankless job.
Edit to add - Bluey, I agree, something is wonky somewhere. Hopefully they can figure that out.
is anyone else having issues with being able to post? I cant even post a reply on my iphone 6
What is happening when you try to post? Please feel free to send me a screenshot at admin1@chronicleforums.com
@Zu Zu Sorry for missing your questions re: the PM limit. We increased regular users PM limit to 200 from 100. Premium users from the old site should still have 500 for now. We will be refunding Premium users their payment, but I have not heard back re: the company’s preferred method of handling the logistics of the refund.
I increased the word count cap on PMs as well, and I have an request into the developers to find out if there are parameters I need to be aware of re: further increases in word count or PM storage limit, particularly after we do away with the Premium memberships entirely.
Thanks for your patience!
Mod 1
I have been kicking around on the vendors of vBulletin and their little bulletin board has about 324 pages of questions regarding Version 5.2.5
I found this question interesting (it is currently on page 3) [h=1]Getting Rid of Ignore Lists?[/h]
reply by Mark.B vBulletin Support on Sun 26th Feb '17, 12:23pm
Sorry, there is no function to do this. This requires modifying the code.
We cannot officially support code modifications or forums running modified code,
kind makes one wonder why Ignore will not work here since it is embedded code.
Just because it’s embedded code doesn’t mean it works
Check out this thread from that board: https://www.vbulletin.com/forum/forum/vbulletin-sales-and-feedback/site-feedback/4364988-ignore-list-not-working
Quote is still not working quite right, if you ask me. Maybe it is a limitation with this new format.
I know how multi-quote works and have used it fine. The problem is if you go to a different/next page, nothing quoted so far follows on with you. This limits the ability to read thru a long thread and pick things to quote and have one post with multiple quotes at the end.
Is this something they are looking into or just something that is not possible now? (It was brought up when we first moved over here but I know there were more pressing issues so it may have been forgotten or answered already.)
That thread was posted by one of our development guys! He actually just sent out a message this morning about getting votes on the thread linked to from the last post. That’s funny.
I’m not sure if you have to have a software license to access that other area…if not, we can all vote and hopefully get some movement on their end. I’ll check.
@trubandloki I will check on the multi quote. Thanks!
I submitted a query re: multi-quote and another re: posting issues with iPhones, where you receive a red exclamation point error when trying to post.
@tazycat What version of Google Chrome are you using? Would you be open to me logging in under your account to see if the issues persist on my computer/phone? I would have to change your password. Thanks ~
Is it just me or is the site WAY faster this morning? :D:D:D:D:D:D
My version of chrome is 57.0 on computer, phone i have no clue guessing its same version as computer. You sure can login under my user name.Are you going to change password back to one i currently have? other wise i wont be able to login.
I tried login on enternet explorer still have missing notification link. version for explorer is 25.10586 it’s microsoft edge.
Unfortunately I was just coming on here to comment about issues with the site loading slowly… but only when going back on my browser. I haven’t had issues getting TO a discussion forum or thread, but going back is a headache and a half. For example, going back from a thread to the discussion forum, the forum appears, then the thread reappears, then the forum appears but at the top of the page, and then it jumps down to where I was last. It takes a good 15 seconds to load properly, when I used to be able to just go back and it would be right there. Same browser as always, Safari. Just checked Google Chrome which I use for work and it doesn’t seem to be a problem there.
Is this maybe a cookies problem for Safari that I can clear up on my end?
How come we don’t notice when things zip along, but sure do when they are too slow?:lol:
Yes, Ma’m, we are zipping right along today, ye-ha!:applause:
I saw this post early on in my reading today so I paid attention to the speed.
Maybe I was not experiencing things being as slow as others, or maybe I am not experiencing the new WAY faster. It is one or the other.
When I switch from forum section to forum section it is still a delay which seems equal to what I have been having all along. (Which I admit only makes it even more frustrating that Today’s Topics does not work right.)
Edit to add - the delay while a post actually posts seems to be less.