Nightmare for Penn National

This is my surprised face: :neutral_face:

:grimacing: :pensive:

Hopefully this will make it clear that egregious behavior, contrary to horse welfare, will be brought to light and not tolerated.

I hope they have the book thrown at them. There is no excuse.


There is no excuse, I agree.

But here’s the problem. Making rules doesn’t mean people will follow them. They were never rule followers to begin with.

Anyway, I’m glad to see people being exposed.


I agree, HISA has their work cut out for them. Unfortunately racing can’t and couldn’t regulate themselves.

They need to clean up quick or racing will be no more.


While I’m not surprised : it makes me mad and sad : why can’t horse people/professionals be as wonderful as the horses they work with ?!


I happen to have known one of these people for over 30 years and while I am not condoning what happened I know for sure he isn’t one of the bad guys. I was in the same barn for years and his horsemanship was top notch.


Which one? The Vet, that could be counted on by so many trainers to break the rules? Or one of the trainers that took advantage of his willingness to break the rules?

It doesn’t seem that anyone of them are as “top notch” at this day and age, nor willing to play by the rules since HISA has been law.

I understand, the times they are a changin’.

None of your business

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The difficult part is a lot of good people have to play the same game of over-reliance on medication and pushing withdrawal times to stay in business.

There are the truly bad ones out there, and then there are the ones who just love racing but have to make a living somehow. :woman_shrugging:

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