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No Flags allowed at my job!

Ok, my boss put out a memo to the entire newsroom saying that there are to be NO flags displayed anywhere in our newsroom (a television newsroom). In addition no flags or the like are to be worn by any “on-air” talent or any personell who might be seen by a member of the public while working for the station.


He claims that it makes us look “BIASED”!!! Now I know in the arena of journalism it is necessary to present both sides to every story, but are we seriously saying here that our station is supposed to remain NUETRAL??? That we should not openly support our government, whatever they decide the course of action to be?? Our newsdirector says that by displaying the flag that we would be saying we agree with the notion of war. All the other New York area stations are wearing their pins proudly on air as they report the news.

THIS is why I am quitting. I actually felt nauseous as i read the memo.

go to:


and let them know your opinion of the expatriot in their employ, Mr. Pat Dolan.

~~ He who dies with the most tack wins! ~~

WOW, have things been stirring round here! Somebody leaked a copy of the memo (wasn’t me) to Newsday which is THE Long Island paper and read justas widely in NYC. There is a tastily scathing article in there, and WBLI a local radio station has been blasting the news station all day. Then to add to my glee, the parent company Cablevision sent out a press release to try to quell the disturbance. They say they DO NOT support the policy of News 12 but are respecting their right to make their own decisions. Sounds a little wimpy to me. But Cablevision is run by the news director’s dad and brother who pretty much said “Your on your own with this one kiddo”.

I got to my barn this morning and they knew all about the flag issue, and I hadn’t even mentioned it to them yet! Apparently there is a widespread boycott of the channel in progress, and the other local media were slamming News 12 all day.

Sounds like some employee was angrier than me and leaked it all out…wish i knew who it was so i could give him/her a hug!

One person can make a difference and it’s so much more pleasant than just complaining isn’t it? What a great accomplishment, if you find out give them a hug for me too, but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if you’re just a lot more important than you think.

How can I ban channel 12 news, if we can’t afford cable?

Jennasis, if things get tough, you can come to my house. I live around the corner from the industial park.

Perhaps when my last day of work arrives, I’ll show up with an american flag “do-rag”, my leather flag jeans, and an “Uncle Sam wants YOU” tee shirt. Then I’ll attach one of the red, white, and blue pins my mother made for me to hand out to everyone at work to my letter of resignation. Or better yet, maybe I’ll pin right to his forehead.

I am at work right now…and it is making me ill, just sitting in this place, right outside his office. After I quit I swear I am flodding the internet with copies of the memo. Perhaps people will stop watching, and hurt his precious ratings.

And you’ll see a tidal wave of calls, faxes etc. to you employer!!! Put it to the attn of Bill O’Reilly - he lives out on L.I.!!!

what really shocks me about all of this whole scenario (and I am sure you all will flame me like you have crucified Velvet for her opinions…)…is that, where was all this patriotism last Monday? I fly my flag every day, I have for the last 16 years, since I was old enough to own my own house. At the risk of sounding evil, why does every one in this nation need to wear their label on their sleeve or shirt or car bumper??? I am not a relious person, though I consider myself a spiritual one, but I don’t get why all the christians need to put fish or jesus stickers on their cars-It’s wonderful we live in a society where we can worsip whatever God we wish to, but why feel the need to proclaim it, instead of LIVING it? Just a thought…as far as not having a flag in a TV station…or whereever you work, I think that the media does need to be supportive, but not necessarily flag waving and such-I am pleased to see the flags, and the reemergence of patriotism, but feel ashamed that it too something this horrific for people to sudeenly have to flock to walmart to buy a flag…JMHO…and remember everyone, just being the devil’s advocate here-there should always be room for any and all opinions and beliefs without prejudice…I accept that most people are very offended by the memo, and I can see why, but I sure there are well thought out reasons why the management felt the way it did. As far as quitting one’s job, isn’t it wonderful to live in a country where one can speak his mind and live it thru actions…and hopefully have another job in which to go. Good luck.

Jane: This edict came from the “news boss”, who coincidentally is the son of the “big boss”. I don’t know if his dad knows about the memo or supports it.

Cactuskate: The company does not have any kind of access to or control of my yahoo e-mail which is on my profile.

Thank you all for the support.

Erin I find this response inconsistent with your response on the Ariat issue. In other words YOU are free to define freedom of expression???

Is not that the censorship you were so strongly decrying???

JMHO here, but this is why I feel compelled to display red, white and blue in whatever way I can right now:

~ to signify support and unity as a nation in this time of crisis. What better symbol of these things than the red, white and blue?

~ to help me remember and reflect on what has happened, even as I am trying to return to my normal (which will never be normal again) life. I find myself going through my day and, distracted by the task at hand, forgetting for a moment what haened to all of those people last week, and what continues as the ongoing aftermath. I do not want to forget. Not even for a short time.

Why are people using ribbons and balloons and the like? The little hardware store in my neighborhood sold 20,000 flags in 3 days - 8,000 on Sat. alone. If I didn’t have a flag to fly right now, damn straight would I be displaying the colors in whatever way I could.

Again, JMHO.

I second Weatherfords idea. Be sure and use red, white and blue face paint!!!


Nothing like a group of patriotic insomniacs with time on their hands to get the word out!! Let us know if you need help again. Hope things continue to improve at work for you and that the policy changes!

Is this the same Charles Dolan family which owns Madison Square Garden, The Wix, Radio City Music Hall, the Knicks and Rangers? I also read that he has, or a child of his has, a couple race horses, true/false, anyone know???


[This message was edited by SLW on Sep. 19, 2001 at 10:40 PM.]

DJs Scott and Todd of NYC radio station WPLJ 95.5 FM really ripped Pat “Pinhead,” [sic] to shreds this morning! They fielded calls from furious listeners and a few from Cablevision or News 12 employees attempting to explain Mr. Dolan’s reasoning. One caller was parked on the shoulder of the LIE near the headquarters of Computer Associates and he said there was a giant American flag hanging from their building. If they can display the flag, what is WRONG with News 12!

Then the DJs did a very funny sketch portraying P.D. trying to make his video announcement, while constantly being nagged by his mother and scared witless trying to avoid his father’s phone calls. I laughed because all I could think of was Jennasis and this board!
P.D. has gotten himself into a public relations nightmare. What a self-serving loser.

“You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm.”

<BLOCKQUOTE class=“ip-ubbcode-quote”><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jennasis:
Ok just a reminder to you local Long Islanders. If you are angry at the news station that’s fine…PLEASE don’t take that anger out on us poor helpless employees. In the past few days I have been called countless names, given countless nasty gestures and such. All because I work for the guy who made those comments. It’s not just me who is being assaulted. My fellow coworkers have been spit on, yelled at, run off the road etc…

WE DIDN’T make the policy…WE DON’T agree with or support the policy. Please stop beating the employees up.

Supposedly there is a protest tomorrow in front of our building…I’m afraid to go to work.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Jennasis, I’m sorry that people are taking this issue and turning it into personal attacks. What a bizarre twist.

One gripe I have with the American media (generally speaking of course) is that the presentation of issues tends to cause a reaction that is not objective. Instead of reacting objectively, we frequently react emotionally – and injure innocent people in the process.

Most other nations (Canada, Germany, etc.) are able to present news objectively without inciting emotions that overpower reason. News should be dispassionate.

Gee what would happen if a copy of that memo somhow, someway leaked it’s way out to the internet…hmmmm…Must be some alter out there able to do that.

“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”

AHHHHH! WHAT WAS THAT? I would probably have been arrested at that point for profanity that doesn’t even exist.

AT my place of employment last year, I stomped all over the maintenance folks for treating the flag in a disrespectful manner. I marched right up to the CEO’s office. Everyone laughed at me at the time, they thought I was overreacting. However, the flag was immediately given the credit due.

This year, no one is laughing.

Please let me know the name of the station, I won’t watch them anymore.

Taking deep breaths now…

I am very supprised at the policy you describe—are you sure that this policy is fully supported by your boss’s (how do you make that a possessive?!) superiors? I mean, those at the Very, Very Top?

I keep wondering why I’m seeing so many flags and red white and blue balloons (that really bugs me - is this a party or what?) and not black arm bands, black ribbons, etc as is appropriate for mourning in this culture (white for others, I believe). I must admit to being somewhat offended by the Rah-Rah-ness that I associate with the American flag. This is not a hockey game. I also admit to associating the Americna flag with war - after all, that’s what the national anthem is about and that’s the most usual association with the flag that I have. I also (just one more) have a very hard time with flags which are not being flown at half mast. I did see one car that had a flag that the person had thoughtfully figured out a way to put it half mast. It’s the only flag I’ve actually appreciated seeing. I was thinking yesterday what it would be like to fly the flag at half mast for one day for each person who was killed. That’s a long long time.

Putting on my flame suit, I’ll say now, to anyone who feels that the quick response by our government to “rid the world of evil” through military means may not be the most appropriate action in the world - YOU ARE NOT ALONE. One of the beauties of this board is that people can find support for their opinions even if they are not the most popular. I’d be glad to help anyone find a community of like-minded people on the web. I felt this way about the gulf war and don’t want anyone to feel that way now. Feel free to slam me for being “unpatriotic” or some such, you’re welcome to the last word.

She meant no name calling. The threads were getting personal…again.