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No Flags allowed at my job!

As you know, I totally disagree with your characterizations of my postings. But this is your BB, you control the content, so it doesn’t matter what I think, only what you think. But I won’t be revisiting it anytime soon, so it doesn’t matter at all.

And speaking of attitudes, some might characterize yours as excessively patronizing. But on this BB, they would, by definition, be wrong, of course.

Since you know that Bill O’Reilly loves this sort of thing, be sure to e-mail him letting him know that you think Mr. Dolan is the Pinhead of ALL pinheads.


~~ He who dies with the most tack wins! ~~

See the website for cablevison.com

Bet “family dinners” will be interesting for awhile.

“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”

Here is a statement issued by the station today regarding the flag.



I would like to see what happens if a flag accidentially appeared? How exactly would they go about firing someone for displaying the flag? I wonder…

I can’t think of a more appropriate subject for his ‘Most ridiculous item of the day’ feature.


Spunky, I am going to have to disagree here. I can also understand trying not to offend someone. Even as a big fan of Christmas, I gave in when our company started the policy of “toning down” all the little Christmas displays everyone had.

However, I don’t feel that the flag is something that incites aggression or retaliation. If it were, then people would not be flying it in all these different countries that I’ve seen the AP press photos of. Flying the flag does not automatically send a message that we want to attack anyone. I belive it says quite the contrary, that we are a united people, who won’t be cowed by a terrorist. That we appreciate and respect our freedoms enough to display our flag.

Its true, how another poster indicated that many of these folks have suddenly “come out of the closet” as patriots, and I initially had issues with that myself. As I noted before, I have been a diehard patriot, and have never tolerated disrespect of the flag, and have flown mine since I moved into my house too. My father served in two wars, and was career airforce. I have a very deep
gratitude for those freedoms we possess, and I am not afraid to show it. As for the folks who came late to the patriotic party, I have decided that maybe we became forgetful as a country, but our patriotism never died-it was sleeping. I would rather have them show up late, then not at all.
Face it, these people could be out demanding revenge and running amok, but they are not. What they ARE doing is pulling together.

As for the idiots who feel the need to go around and attack the innocent, a pox on them. They are too small minded to understand their actions. As is with the issue of Bin Lauden and Afghanistan, these handful of American wretches are no more a representative of America than Bin Lauden is of the Muslims. Everyone has their share of vagabonds, its truely the only thing that is universal.

So-I say, fly the flag high. If we were truely
flying it as a symbol of aggression, then you can believe most of the terrorist type countries would have already been vaporized. Do not downplay the
symbol of our nation while we grieve over the wrong that has happened here.

Signed a previous, current, and future patriot.

I’ve seen lots of cars with carefully “half-masted” flags. I am touched at their thoughtfulness. Anyflag that is being “flown” should be at half-mast (though I think the president declared the flag to fly at half mast only until Yesterday 9/17).

I do disagree with your assessment that the national anthem is about war. It is about our ability to overcome. How our flag still stands despite being attacked and bombed. It is about perseverence, and the triumph of the American spirit…rather appropriate doncha think?

Today I saw a car with red white and blue streamers on the antenna, and attached to the very tip of the antenna was a black bow. As far as everyone wearing the red, white and blue, I explained it thussly in a thread about what kind of ribbone to where…:

Red= the blood that has been shed, and the lives that have been lost

White= The rescue efforts, the volunteers, the doctors, nurses, emts, firefighters, police et al…

Blue= our government, and the notion that justice will be served.

The only balloons I’ve seen so far were at a car wash that the cheerleaders from my local high school were running. All proceeds were going to the relief and rescue efforts. But I agree, in just about any other situation, the balloons would be innapropriate and even tasteless.

While the country IS in mourning (I have seen so much black lately…remember, MANY of the missing are from my neck o’the woods), we are banding together to support one another, our government etcc as Americans. By displaying our strength and solidarity we are sending a strong and clear message to the terrorists (I hope)…

BB Rule #1: Be nice, be respectful, be polite. Disagreement and discussion are fine; flaming and personal attacks are not.

I have absolutely no problem removing posts that don’t comply with that rule. You can disagree all you want, you just have to do it respectfully. The deleted post fell outside those boundaries.

And yes, I do define freedom of expression on this BB, through the well-publicized rules. If, in my opinion, a post violates those rules, it’s gone.

However, if you’ll take the time to notice, posts are generally not deleted because of WHAT they say… it’s HOW they say it. And as I said, EarthTo is welcome to repost his disagreement. He just has to do it in a civil, respectful manner, without resorting to playground name-calling.

Your choice… I stand by my decision.

This is a copy of an email I sent on 9/17 to News12. I also sent an exact copy to their parent company Rainbow-Media and to Cablevision. As of yet no one has acknowledged the emails. But hey it sounds like maybe they are a little busy fielding calls from more important people than some little ol’ pissed off broad in the desert.

So I am glad they are being held accountable, that was my only intention.

Never underestimate the wrath of a fellow BB’er scorned!!

Subject: What on earth have I just heard???
To: news12li@news12.com

I just heard somewhere today that a supervisor at a Long Island TV studio sent a memo that FORBADE any member of the staff to publicly display any
representation of an AMERICAN FLAG. Do I have the
right station here?

Tell me this is untrue!!! That it might indicate
support of a military response to our situation???

What side are you on anyway? At a time when we most need to rally and feel like we are contributing in anyway to the solution, you choose to take away the freedom to display a simple red, white and blue banner? The symbol of our FREEDOM!!!

Lord have mercy on your soul.

Their web site is www.news12.com, feel free to visit!!

“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”

Which website? I only know of this one, http://www.news12.com/CDA/0,2033,5,00.html .

I have to giggle because on the main page it says “As local as news gets” when in fact they are experiencing news “As global as news gets”. On another board I frequent this morning someone posted the story newsmax.com ran on the station and that group is “not being delicate” about sharing their concerns with the station owner.


It is okay to make it work for them, but not okay for their employees?

Ok, my boss put out a memo to the entire newsroom saying that there are to be NO flags displayed anywhere in our newsroom (a television newsroom). In addition no flags or the like are to be worn by any “on-air” talent or any personell who might be seen by a member of the public while working for the station.


He claims that it makes us look “BIASED”!!! Now I know in the arena of journalism it is necessary to present both sides to every story, but are we seriously saying here that our station is supposed to remain NUETRAL??? That we should not openly support our government, whatever they decide the course of action to be?? Our newsdirector says that by displaying the flag that we would be saying we agree with the notion of war. All the other New York area stations are wearing their pins proudly on air as they report the news.

THIS is why I am quitting. I actually felt nauseous as i read the memo.

Jennasis- Please ask your employer who appointed him/she/them the moral athority for L.I.? He/She/They have the luxery to sit back and think this policy through because of the efforts and lives American men and women have lost over the years. If this post is true it saddens me becasue it is people like that whom President Bush and his staff will have to overcome. Furthermore, it is attitudes such as your employers which ALLOW this damn terriorist stuff to thrive.

This is worse than the company down in West Palm Beach who issued a similar memo last Friday. They have been bombarded with mail and phone calls today because a employee was kind enough to share the news. They reversed their polciy today and distributed flags to all employees.

Send your boss out to Kansas, we band the ones who don’t have balls out here!


I’m going to be different and disagree with the general sentiment.

There are unfortunately many people out there who, in hatred borne of ignorance and anger, interpret the display of a flag not as a call for unity out of compassion, but a call for unity out of hatred.

I am thinking of the ignorant and misguided people in Texas who murdered an innocent man because he was Muslim and wore a traditional head garment.

I cringe to think that our media has made no attempt to understand the motive behind the attack (granted, this is difficult when we can’t identify the perpetrator). We Americans are pretty much ignorant of the Middle East. I think there is a lot more history to the situation than most people understand, including me. I don’t appreciate being manipulated to react in anger against a situation that I do not fully comprehend.

Jennasis, go ahead and moon him with your flag undies!! I can understand your feelings in this. Hang a flag at your desk. I can’t believe that he is against such personal indications. But I do understand his desire to not display them as what could be interpreted as icons of war on the air.

Let our actions be governed not by hatred or anger or revenge, but by compassion.

Hey guys…somebody called the station to complain. Whoever you are, thank you. I overheard the guy you spoke with claiming it was untrue. Have you seen anyone on air wearing a flag or pin? It IS true, and we all have the memo to back us up.

BTW we are owned by a much larger company. The company has been flying flags at all their locations…so it isn’t a company-wide policy. Apparently it only applies to the news division.

Remember, I’d like to leave this place of my own volition and on as good terms as possible. So please do NOT let on where any of your info came from. I don’t want to lose this place as a reference since I’ve spent many years here. Thank you.nullPlease DO NOT let on where any of your info came from.


I found this on another bb and split my sides laughing. While certainly not politically correct, it does get the point across!


So, Firerider’s ADJECTIVE of Ariat’s response as unpatriotic was warranted and NOT prejorative???
(As quoted from the original spamming which still stands on this board).

I just saw the article on Newsmax.com! “New York’s Cablevision Bans American Flag”. Gee Jennasis, could this possible be who we think it is? Looks like somebody was doing their homework. Boy are they nailed in the article. See, good things come to those who wait!

Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!!