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No Flags allowed at my job!

Oh I know for a fact that Mr Bill had this a few days go.

Late to the topic but I just read the story from News Max .com that I get an email for everyday. Your awesome, I was so outraged that anyone would ban the american during this time of crisis that I nearly went ballistic. I was born on Long Island many moons ago, and that really got my panties in a bunch. Thatns for being a great American, I know they outnumber the ones like your ex?? boss.

Lovely CYA article, don’tcha think?

Now, when I start seeing little flags on the lapels of the talent, then I’ll stop emailing them

He’s worried about appearing biased???. Helloooooo. They are an AMERICAN TV station. OF COURSE THEY’RE BIASED. It’s when the French, Italian, and British on air talent start wearing American flags that I’d start worrying about BIAS Mr.Dolan.

What a Richard Cranium!

“Always look on the bright side of life, de doo, de doo de doo de doo”

Along with your bosses email/fax/work and home phone #'s!!
The policy won’t last for long after that!

Behind you all the way.

This sounds like a compassionless way of dealing with their employees esp after so much stress, which you told us about last week.

Perhaps a whole change of scene is needed. Are you willing to relocate as well as change jobs.

Is it a local station or a national feed?

Displaying the flag does not mean you support war. It stands for patriotism which is something alot of us forgot about until recently. I display the flag on my home 365 days a year and buy a new flag every year. Your boss is an ahole and tell him if he didn’t already have so many sticks up his a you’d shove another one up there with the ol’ red, white and blue on the end of it and tell him to f***off.

The Flag is not limited to representing war, in fact it does not represent war. It represents a nation and a people united. We have it on the MOON, in our ball fields, at our schools, at our churches and at our horse shows. It represents 50 states united, one nation, under God with liberty and justice for all.

To view it only as a symbol of war, aggression or being divisive is, IMO, a modern PC view.

Happy riding,

Yes. That was Firerider’s opinion. A very critical opinion, but an opinion nonetheless.

I have ALWAYS discouraged posters here from making personal attacks against other posters. This is a community, and the only way a community can function is with respect. People have to feel free to air their views without fear of being called names.

Insulting the intelligence of another member of the board is not going to be allowed.

If you have a problem with this, you’re welcome to email me privately.

I’ve seen the red, white, and blue balloons, and while at first I was a little like “hey what?” I remembered that it is nearly impossible to buy a flag here… I have seen ones sell on Ebay for about $100 a piece. I went with my sisters to MJDesigns on Saturday and they were running out of red, white, and blue ribbon. I’m proud to have the red, white, and blue bow on my front door, and if they had run out of ribbon, I might have resorted to balloons too.

Well Mr Bill is getting another one as we speak.

“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”

SLW, if you go to News12.com then to the Long Island page and go to the bottom, I think, it has links to Rainbow Media and Cablevision.

I too got a giggle out of the “local” reference. This seems to give new meaning to the World Wide WEB…as in “oh the tangled webs we weave”.

“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”

Good job! Believing that wearing/ not wearing a flag compromises journalistic integrity??? More proof for the adage about someone being promoted to his/ her level of incompetency. The story was on Yahoo! headlines, but is still available…


Good for you!! The utter notion that any American is actually banned from supporting their country (whether or not they believe in possible courses of action) is utterly ridiculous. I think I’d be tempted to PIN my resume to his arse with a flag! What a twit.

If Dressage is a Symphony… Eventing is Rock & Roll!

A problem I have never had so I cannot sympathize. Your employer is so anxious to please everyone that he will annoy everyone.

How shallow and meaningless a life without convictions or vision must be. I can not imagine why someone would want to be in media publication and not have an opinion. But, especially since this country preserves his first amendment rights why would he not be proud to be a supporter of our beautiful America.

Unless you live ON LONG ISLAND, you can’t watch the station.

hint hint…PS…be aware that I could get in trouble if they connect me to the leak so no mention of horses or this board or my name (Jennasis). Just say you heard it through the grapevine that a certain news station.

Hmmm…another hint…On the first day of Christmas my tru love gave to me…blah blah blah…it’s the LAST day of Christmas that matters.

Orrrrr…I may start drinking seriously after all of this, and then I’ll have to enroll in one of them programs with all those STEPS. I forget how many steps are involved…

I agree with Calypso on this one. Since when does displaying the flag mean you support any particular policy decision?

I favor some form of military intervention. My boss, on the other hand, is a strident passivist. But we both showed up today wearing the little flag pins they were selling in the lobby gift shop.

I can see if you showed up with a button reading “nuke 'em all” or some such thing. But displaying the flag only means you love your country and take pride in being American. It says nothing about your stand on any issue.

I couldn’t agree with you more.

And, lilblackhorse, I also think it is sad that it takes an event such as this to bring people to church, and to an understanding of what does make this country great.

It really has altered our perceptions lately to what is truly important. Maybe people will not be so quick to run out and complain, or file suit, about a co-worker displaying a flag in their cube, or having a sign quoting our motto “In God we trust.” It’s about time we moved on to the important issues. Being allowed to display our individuality and even put up another countries flag in our cube, or wear it on our lapel, is only one of our freedoms.

Also, lets not be too quick to give away our privacy in pursuit of these terrorists. Think about it before you tell your representatives to go ahead and spy on everything in your life or hand out too much information. Other countries have actively participated in giving up their rights in the hopes that they will find greater security in their daily lives, and later they discovered they no longer had private lives…or freedom to pursue happiness.

Seriously Charis. I like you. Please don’t fill up my nice job-bashing post with semantics, and tangents.

While in real life I would have to tell Erin “you’re not the boss of me”…in this forum, she actually is.

Here it is!
While most Americans can’t get enough of Old Glory in the wake of last week’s terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, Cable News Channel 12 on New York’s Long Island has actually banned the American flag from its airwaves.
“Our office is a newsroom and news people are committed to supplying objective information on events here and around the world,” wrote Pat Dolan, News 12 news director, in a memo banning on-air-flag displays distributed to employees Sunday.
Dolan became concerned when American flags began popping up in his newsroom and – horrors – even on the lapels of some of his anchors. Meanwhile all the other networks, both broadcast and cable, drench themselves in red, white and blue.
“We have to avoid giving a false impression that we lean one way or the other,” said the news director, who’s apparently trying to strike a balance between his fellow Americans and the terrorists who have vowed to kill them.
In an interview with Long Island’s Newsday, which reported News 12’s flag ban in print editions only, Dolan admitted the move has angered some of his employees.
“We’ve had a few heated discussions.”
But he stuck to his guns. “What we’re trying to do is make clear that our guys can express their patriotism, but we don’t want the flag to be associated with their daily activities as electronic journalists.”
Dolan called the on-air flag waving “a real problem when war breaks out,” explaining that he doesn’t want his viewers to get the impression that “we may subtly endorse what the government is doing.”
Subscribers to New York media giant Cablevision, which owns News 12 along with The Wiz, Radio City Music Hall, Madison Square Garden, the Knicks and the Rangers, will undoubtedly be interested to learn of Dolan’s position.
To share your views on News 12’s American flag ban, call Cablevision headquarters at (516) 803-2300.

Has someone sent this to Tom Lyekis as well? Now that would be a real thing for him to sink his teeth into. And Howard.