No Flags allowed at my job!

Read it, laughed and thought “So THERE!”

Richard Cranium I am ROFLMAOPIMP!

Jenn this cannot be happening to YOU. What the H is this person thinking.

I have a job opening for a part time sales person, doesn’t pay much, is in the middle of nowhere USA, but it’s your if ya want it!

Is this person a direct decendant of a Nazi or what?

Must stop ranting now, it is to no avail.

Oh, oh I just had a brainstrom. Get some flag underwear, bra, undies, tank. Only your closest friends will know. That will show him, and if he gets really obnoxious, drop “trou” and moon him with the flag!!!

Ok so much for my attempt at humor, but reallllly!

“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”

Hey Jennasis, maybe we could play a virtual version of the old “What’s My Line” TV show.

Are your company’s call letters in the first, middle or end of the alphabet?

Would we find your coverage on the mainline networks?

Would I need cable or just an antennae to receive your program?

Would it require a newer TV that gets more than just 36 channels?

Well you get my drift. The fact that you are GOING is a good thing. But as someone else said this deserves to be OUTED!!!

“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”

Ohhhh I love a puzzle. Now to the MS Media page to do some research.

Hang in there kiddo, things are going to improve for you I can feel it all the way out here in the Wild West. Speaking of which…

Did ya love Bush when asked about geting bin Laden and he quoted the Old West Dead or Alive posters?

I’m likin’ the man more and more.

“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”

Hand wringing, spineless, politically correct, wonder child. That station should be proud of him! (NOT!)
Actually I think that businesses who promote people like that get what they deserve!


that O’Reilly’s ‘Most Ridiculous Item of the Day’ last night concerned a company in Florida that had instituted a no flag policy for its employees which they quickly reversed once it got publicized.

Maybe a certain newsroom will be next!


Sorry, did not mean to step on your thread.

Just trying to see the logic of what is allowed and what is not. I am of the “question authority” generation, and proud of it.

I think EVERYONE in your newsroom shoud wear and carry the flag tomorrow. WHEN (if) your boss fires them all, start a class action suit.

Better yet, organize a sit down strike in front of the cameras.

Speaking of Howard, did anyone listen to him the day of the attack? I wake up to him every morning, and that is how I heard of the attack. At first I thought they were re-running an old show, from when the WTC was bombed. His running commentary over what was going on as it happened (his studio is in Manhattan) was really excellent.

Can you show us Coreene dear???

are pretty scathing…

Hehe… hey, I really like that suggestion, Cactuskate! Go for it Jennasis!

Yeah, LEAK the memo -

I am SURE AP or Reuters or the DAILY NEWS would print it…


(Erin, we need a BIG EVIL GRIN icon…)

By the way, who DO you work for? TV News MUST have advertisers - THAT’S who you need to leak it to!!! We want to boycott your station and all your station’s advertisers.

I have to agree with Spunky on this one.

Harsh as it is, a news journalist’s job is to relay the facts. Without any “bias” that may be perceived as, for instance, supporting a massive military strike. There is much brewing of anger at the moment… unity is one thing, but it seems more and more people are taking that to mean “ganging up” and taking things into their own hands. Not good.

Though not of the media, I will never be able to divulge my source on the basis of confidentiality.

Suffice it to say and email has been sent to not only the local yokel station , but parent #1 and parent #2.

I would email you Jennasis because I am so gleeful about this coup. But I am so afraid of it backfiring on you. My email is in the profile, so if you have a “secure” email address let me know, I will cc: you the email sent.

Let us know how this guy looks with a new A$$hole. If this doesn’t do it, maybe I need to go back to the website and spot a few advertisers. They always love hearing about these fiascos.

“The older I get, the better I used to be, but who the heck cares!”

Now now…let’s not sling mud at the innocent. We should be saving our mud for the news station.

Incidentally, everyone at the station is seething over this policy. Not a happy bunch of underpaid, overworked, and underappreciated peeps over here. There is ZERO moral in this place. Don’t try to take away our patriotic moral too.

This weekend, my sister and I went to buy ribbons for my car, her car, and my dad’s mailbox. We had two bows made up (one for my front door and one for my dad’s mailbox) in red, white, and blue, and then my sister and I both bought ribbons in red, white, and blue… but also in yellow (for the missing), purple (for the courage), and black (for those who have been lost). My sister put hers on her car antenna and mine are going on my backpack when I find some pins.

So this f[censored]ing idiot, is also a hypocrite. Afterall, the news media could not function without the First Amendment in the U.S. Bill of Rights. You know, the one that guarantees freedom of the press ??? . This same First Amendment also guarantees Freedom of Expression/Speech.

You cannot abide by one part and not the other when it’s convenient. For him to say, “You cannot wear a flag” is a violation of your First Amendment rights. The same rights that provide this low-life with a job Speaking of which, I’d wear the flag proudly. I’d also make it very clear that you would bring a civil suit against both him and his station for violating your civil rights should you suffer any repercussions from expressing your patriotic spirit. As a member of the press, he should be very sensitive to civil rights. If not, then he should be fired as incompetent.

Is there an e-mail address??? PLEASE?!

~~ He who dies with the most tack wins! ~~

I found out about the attack thru Howard. At first I thought it was a bit but then I realized it was real and had to call my friend in NYC to find out what was going on. Howard should receive some recognition for his show on that day.