No Flags allowed at my job!

The more heat Channel 12 takes, the better as far as I’m concerned…

LA Times article

Ok just a reminder to you local Long Islanders. If you are angry at the news station that’s fine…PLEASE don’t take that anger out on us poor helpless employees. In the past few days I have been called countless names, given countless nasty gestures and such. All because I work for the guy who made those comments. It’s not just me who is being assaulted. My fellow coworkers have been spit on, yelled at, run off the road etc…

WE DIDN’T make the policy…WE DON’T agree with or support the policy. Please stop beating the employees up.

Supposedly there is a protest tomorrow in front of our building…I’m afraid to go to work.

OH OH!!! I love it!!! Moon him with the FLAG!!

Please…let BILL ORiley at FOX know…this
needs to be OUTTED!!!

That is really awful Jen.
Is this a station that I can stop watching all the way out here in Washington?

I know the station you are referring to. Since I don’t work for these bafoons, I can sing the 12 days of christmas all I want. I also intend to send these idiots an email!!!

Sorry to hear about all the trouble you’ve been having. I’m wondering…which boss issue this…the news boss or the big wig “D.D.”?

Since I think we all have more than enough crap to deal with in the real world, I have taken the liberty of removing the mud-slinging post and those that referenced it. I can’t do anything about the Taliban or Afghanistan, but at least I can keep the BB a civil place.

EarthTo, if you’d like to phrase your difference of opinion in a constructive manner, feel free. If you can’t muster anything better than the post I just deleted, I’d say just keep it to yourself.

I work on the trading floor of the NYSE. We have a very strict dress code and the eyes of the world on us, especially this week.
I don’t know of a person that has not shown the US colors in some way this week. Not only am I proud of the USA, but also proud of every person I work with at the stock exchange.
I don’t understand your bosses’ thoughts at all.

so people can’t display their patriotism? Fascist!!! How can he call himself an American if he takes away a basic right his employees are entitled to? If he chooses not to display the flag on his own self or carry it fine, but there is something wrong with not allowing it for his workers should they feel the need to express their love for this country. What is he thinking…HONESTLY???
Anyone with an email or link to an email…send it this way…I would love to give them my sentiments!