“Note to Self” my (so far happy) experience buying (a yearling! 🤦🏻‍♀️) from Bowie Livestock

Lovely mover, I’d bet Mr P shows up a few times in her pedigree with that nice flat kneed trot and as quiet-natured, small and light boned as she is. The blood bay and the white doesn’t come from Mr P lines though.


That photo says it all, right there. The connection between a once-unloved horse and the sweet touch of a budding horsewoman’s hand. What dreams may come?

I’d frame that print and hang it on my wall. :heart:


Late to this thread but so glad for the VERY happy ending. I love her eyes - soft and happy…

I wish I lived closer to you because I would bring over some salve I have that has comfrey and lavender, etc in it to help that scar heal more nicely. Try some Vit E oil on it.

I think you will be well rewarded for choosing her. Not just here but in heaven.


When is her vet appointment? I’m so excited to hear if she’s microchipped!!

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Thursday morning!


Late to this thread also and have enjoyed it so much! There are great pics and videos but I keep coming back to this one and visualizing a cartoon ballon above her head that says “The room service here is impeccable”!


What a beautiful photo! Thanks for sharing it. This thread makes me so happy. Nosey is such a sweet girl. Watching her blossom in your exceptional care at such a beautiful farm is so joyful! I’m off to bed. My dreams are sure to be sweet tonight! :blush::yellow_heart:


She is such a stunner! As is Henry (sending all the jingles!). You have an amazing eye, and are at the top of my list for outreach if I am ever on the search. But, more importantly, you have done so well by these horses and this young rider. They are so lucky to have you in their orbits!


This just screams “frame me and hang me up on the wall”. I have a feeling she’s gonna turn out to be quite a special girl!


Add me to the list of folks who avoided this thread because I thought it would go down a totally different (and sad) path. My heart grew three sizes reading it this morning. And these two photos of the young horsewomen with Miss Nosey absolutely cracked my heart wide open with joy.

Thank you for bringing her home to your beautiful place, for giving her such a loving chance at a wonderful life, and for sharing these photos and videos… and please keep updating. It’s going to be a wonderful summer for Nosey!


Right? I think she’s going to grow fat, sleek, and sassy!

Maybe amend the title to say something like “Note to Self” my (happy) experience…" so you and Nosey get all the fans you both so richly deserve. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


She’ll do a Henry-style change in condition, no doubt, with more road to travel on that score.

Has she met Henry yet? Henry can tell her his life story and let her know what a wonderful journey she is on now. :smile:


Little girl has a bit of a rattly sound to her exhalations today, still normal temp and no runny nose. No cough. I have a call in to my vet to see if I should start antibiotics just in case.


Oh dear… fingers crossed it’s nothing serious. :horse::yellow_heart:

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Might be spring allergies. Especially after all the travel and changes of climate. From KY to TX to VA, within a few weeks during late April. (We think.)

We have some snotty noses and eyes around here, much further south and warmer, closer to Bowie.

I swear they save it up and then sneeze explosively all over the nearest person, on purpose.


Thank you! She started antibiotics yesterday. Still no temp, eating well, and looking perky, so hopefully this is just a minor bump in the road. I was hoping I could start turning her out with my mares, but obviously that will have to wait until I’m certain she’s 100%.


When I die I want to come back as one of your horses @2bayboys


A happy update showing a very appropriately frustrated baby horse who wants to go out with the “big girls”. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Henry watching with interest.

(No coughing, even with this lung-opening outburst. 2bayboys can sleep better tonight.)


She sure knows how to move! Glad she’s doing well!


You’re gonna have fun riding that one when she’s fresh.