“Note to Self” my (so far happy) experience buying (a yearling! 🤦🏻‍♀️) from Bowie Livestock

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: Love her. And what a shapely neck she’s getting!


My chestnut mares have cared about everything. And nothing. Whether it affected them or not. :roll_eyes:

But they clearly bought into the chestnut-mare stereotype from Day One on this planet!


She looks absolutly amazing @2bayboys . I can’t wait to watch her grow up under your care! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes: :star_struck:


I was noticing that, too!

It took me like three days to play the vids b/c for some reason I usually cannot on this platform (but can everywhere else). She is looking so lovely and lively!!

I have a problem playing videos on here, too. Takes forever to load and then it’s broken into segments. Elsewhere? No problem.


I had that problem until I upgraded my wifi. They play no problem now.

I’ll see you your 20yo & raise you a 24yo Hackney Pony & 21yo TWH who both still possess fully operational afterburners :rocket::rocket:
If I go out after dark to do nightcheck, I’m careful to listen for galloping hoofbeats so I can be out of the way when they zoom past me :grimacing:
Both dark bays :wink:
Their minion is a 10yo mini who can keep up, even if his feets need to go doubletime!

@2bayboys :laughing: She bends it like Beckham!


You can see the "what in the world is up with her look " through the chestnut’s fly mask.

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It’s gotta be something in the air! This morning my 25 year old gelding who’s retired for neurological reasons and the 24 year old pony we’re battling mild laminitis in were both running around like babies. They were running, bucking, rearing, and generally acting like goofballs. I guess the pony’s feet are feeling better.


She is just phenomenal!!! Watching her zooming and the flying changes—effortless. I just sat here and laughed at how funny she is. What a find. Banjo sends his love!


That trot!

Speaking of fully operational afterburners—so I didn’t realize that yesterday was the first annual (monthly, weekly, whenever??) running of the Saving Grace Ranch cross country Derby! I was weed wacking along my old rock walls and along the creekbed yesterday about mid-morning with earplugs in when I felt and heard hoofbeats. I look up and see Bounce and Banjo galloping at pretty much full speed from the front big pasture, across the old roping arena (when I say arena or pasture—none of these are actually fenced—they’re just 5-15-acre spaces). Bounce runs up the hill with Banjo following (I don’t think he’d been up there much yet if at all). Bounce takes a sharp left, Banjo doesn’t realize there are some rocks there so gets hung up a little but catches up and then Bounce takes another left down the hill onto the straightaway that passes right by me. Here they come—full speed. As they pass me I see Bounce find his full afterburner gear and just drop like 6" and dig in. At that point Banjo was right next to him, stride for stride and DID NOT LOSE AN INCH. Didn’t even dig in but threw 2 bucks as they headed across the smaller arena by the barn. They round the end of that and I see Bounce headed for the narrow gate opening into the run-in shed paddock by the house still at a gallop. Crap! He runs in with Banjo right behind him—and Banjo is cat-like, foot perfect, makes a sharp left around the shed and he’s not done playing. Bounce screeches to a halt in the corner of that paddock under the tree—I think he was a little miffed that Banjo had kept up with him🤣 Banjo is leaping in the air and striking and bucking and bouncing like a master puppeteer had him from above. It was hilarious. He tried to get Bounce to play and no go. They’re both standing there breathing hard but Banjo looks over at me with his ears up and I’m laughing, telling him how amazing that was. IF I’d known the race was scheduled that morning and IF there was betting involved, I would have lost my shirt. Bounce, the high-dollar Malibu Moon son who won a fair amount on the track at the big venues and little Banjo who’s almost 3 inches shorter (but 6 years younger) and never raced. I just cried at how happy they both were, but Banjo in particular. He came with me as I was grubbing cactus out of pastures later that afternoon and all he wants to do is just be close and see what’s going on. His confidence and personality are really starting to bloom and it’s only been barely a month. What a find he is!


Pony may be asking you about cushioned-soled hoof boots, at $94/each, once his enthusiasm cools off. OTTB used to do that before his feet came together. :grin:

That is just wonderful to hear for Banjo! All they want is a chance in life, and they have so much love to give in return.


Pony had the cushioned hoof boots on all 4 feet at the time of the shenanigans. She’s a bit spoiled. :wink:


Good to hear Banjo is obviously feeling better! Now we need a pic of the high-dollar Malibu Moon son though.


Is anyone else eagerly awaiting the results of Nosey’s DNA test?

Do we all need to pester the DNA lab to get a move on? Do they realize how many aunts are checking this thread every day for the results? Lol.


When my friend submitted DNA last year for confirmation for All Breed awards it took about a month so not too much longer … hopefully?


Here he/they is/are!


Yes, we need to pester! :grin: I wonder how long those typically take?