“Note to Self” my (so far happy) experience buying (a yearling! 🤦🏻‍♀️) from Bowie Livestock

Happy to contribute to the cat derail. This is an evil demon who showed up on my porch two years ago.


I’m glad to hear there seems to be a solution to Nosey’s cough! Fingers crossed for her continued health and sassiness.

I happen to be an owner of one of those “lab mixes” from the SPCA. I mean, maybe there is some lab in there, but more likely hound/pitbull mix. He’s a sweet boy, but definitely not mostly lab.


My dad always wanted a Maine Coon. I’m pretty sure that Miss Kitty is just a big, long haired, orange street cat from NYC. But, that Maine Coon tag got her on the search engine. And she has come so far from the miserable, in pain, defensive cat of 8 years ago. I can’t really blame the rescue (though, I can blame them for not disclosing the fact that she had advanced gum/tooth disease that needed almost all teeth pulled, and is an active carrier of ‘Cat Scratch Fever’). I also won’t tell me dad (elderly) my suspicions about her breeding. Is all that bad? Maybe. Is Miss Kitty a very, very happy cat? Yes.


Yup. Although most breeders I know don’t let their MC’s run free. Mine, shaved


I know, My corporate apartment community has a list a mile long of dog breeds and conditions. The guy below me had an Akita. Now it was “OK” because the lease said Japanese Akita and the owner said the dog was an American Akita. The lease means nothing. I pushed back at them requiring Rabies every year (indoor only cat) when my state was a 3 year state,

Man I wish I had a home of my own


Me neither. If it makes people feel special, have at it

I can not have vanilla ice cream, like in a McFlurry, because the artificial vanilla causes me to wheeze.
I can have a Blizzard.

Allergies are very interesting, aren’t they?

Jingles you’ve discovered the culprit. :crossed_fingers:


100% agee, being observant and thinking outside of the box is very helpful

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I want to say thank you for this post.

My mare has always coughed some, from time to time.

Lately she is coughing more and I was starting to worry about it. She does not seem to care that she coughs, but it was just enough that it was past no big deal.

Now that you posted this I have thought about the timing and her cough got worse after I switched to Unbeetable Forage Only.
I did not figure the cough could be related to that because when I switched to this feed, I also added water to her feed. (I wanted to help her supplements stick a little better since she would leave the powder in her feed tub.) So why would a not dusty feed be making her cough?

I guess I will see if something changes if I go back to plain alfalfa pellets.
I hope it is not this feed, because I really like this feed, and my horse really likes this feed.


It’s kind of amazing how these big creatures can be such delicate little flowers in such a myriad of ways, isn’t it?


That’s very interesting! Let me know how it goes!

I have liked the feed as well for its convenience and easy soaking, but I’ve decided to give away what I have left and go back to soaking alf/timothy pellets as the carrier for supplements.


Could Speedibeet be an option for you? Soaks up a lot faster than pellets and I’ve found horses really like it.


I wish that for you as well!


Pardon me, @2bayboys, we have not had a Nosey picture in over 10 days if my scrolling backwards is correct… :innocent:


Alrighty then.


She looks like she’s moving even better now!


She looks fantastic!


That is one classy filly!


Wow, she is a beauty! :heart_eyes:


Look at that glossy coat! You have totally turned her around. She looks like such a happy little girl.