“Note to Self” my (so far happy) experience buying (a yearling! 🤦🏻‍♀️) from Bowie Livestock

Tell them the Committee to Identify Nosey is not amused. Our patience has been tried egregiously. We expect expedited results now. :rage:


Where in Virginia are you? I learned this weekend that the Richmond Post Office (as well as Atlanta) is notorious for losing mail.

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I’d picket the post office, if only I lived closer.

Pretty sure my mail gets routed through Culpeper.

I patiently waited all day, rushed dinner and bedtime, sat down to no less than 37 comments and thought “Yassssss, this is it!!!” Only to find out that the Jockey Club didn’t get their AOL CD in the mail in 1993 and therefore never uploaded the internet…


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Unfortunately this seems to be true …


When I called to request the DNA kit - you have to call, can’t request it online or by email - I asked about payment and the very nice lady said “dear, you can send me a check in the mail and I’ll send it right out to you” and I managed to not laugh and suggested I give her my credit card info instead.


Seriously!!! I got a pint of Ben and Jerry’s to celebrate… darn it…

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Currently at the Jocky Club…



This is really having the rug pulled out from under you (and us). An awful letdown.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


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No joke, I let out a very audible gasp when I read this post.

Do we know the location of the lab? I would be glad to picket if I happen to be going anywhere near there.


I can help you, send it over here and I’ll dispose of it, completely out of your sight. :yum:

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For a few seconds I didn’t get the joke. Since I expect exactly this at the Jockey Club. Then … I did. (And several other horse organizations …) :face_with_monocle: :racehorse: :smile:

Are we sure the Jockey Club would know they are being picketed? Might they not think you had just dropped by to shake hands and share juleps?


No, we couldn’t be sure. Bless their hearts, they mean well, and I can’t be angry toward well meaning people. Frustrated perhaps, but never angry.

Probably iced tea in the daytime. Mint juleps are for special occasions or weekends home. Not imbibed at work so much.


She still reminds me of Arrogate. Damsire? It’s fun to speculate.

Well, it sounds like there will be plenty of time for more speculation.

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just saying that the USPO and its "Informed delivery " function is excellent. I use it even though I have a secure mail box. I live in a large apartment community and the mailboxes are a bit away. Knowing what is in the box makes the walk or stop worth while, ( or not)

Eagerly awaiting the evaluation and knowledge of the bloodlines


I can’t agree. I’ve had it for a few years now. At first it was great. Always letting me know when there was mail. Now, not so much. I won’t get a notice for some days, then I’ll get one and I go to the mailbox and it’s chock full of mail. It also used to tell me ‘something is there but we can’t tell what it is’ and it was one of my horse newspapers. It doesn’t tell me that any more.

I wonder if the non notices has something to do with the local post office as I’ve done some moving and it seems it gets worse with each new post office.

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Well. I got an email this morning. I guess my DNA sample was found and processed some time during the mailing of the letter I received yesterday.

“Unfortunately, the DNA lab result came back without a match for your unknown horse. This means either the horse is not a thoroughbred, not a REGISTERED thoroughbred, or foaled prior 2001 and not the parent of a thoroughbred foal.”
