“Note to Self” my (so far happy) experience buying (a yearling! 🤦🏻‍♀️) from Bowie Livestock

My appendix is always mistaken for a full TB. To be fair genetically he is 3/4 TB and 1/4 QH.


Just so happened that as I was watching this, some kid was doing donuts/laps around the parking lot of the high school across the street from my house. The perfect soundtrack to baby zoomies!


Could not resist another vertical side-by-side. OP posted this one on May 8th …

Just a tad less than 3 months.

Nosey likes life at @2bayboys farm a lot.


I know I’m in the minority here, but that trot looks to have some warmblood genetics. Regardless of her parentage, she is a special girl!


I could entertain the argument that there’s some WB in her background. That awesome floaty trot is Trakehner-ish.

But I still think she’s all TB. Someone dropped the ball on paying fees to register her, for whatever reason.

Maybe we should hire a private investigator? Like an Ace Ventura who specializes in horses!


I’d be in for a dribble, too, but to my eye she’s the quintessential example of a purebred TB yearling.

And that floaty trot is commonly seen in certain lines. I had a Hoist the Flag grandson with it, and before she developed chronic cellulitis in her hind leg, my Black Minnaloushe mare (SC grandddaughter) had it as well.


I’ve twice contacted auctions after buying a horse and been put in touch with former owners. Smaller outfits than Bowie for sure but it did work to pick up the phone and ask.

It crosses my mind too that Kentucky isn’t the hugest state though I assume lots of TB’s; makes me wonder about local FB type pages or if a smaller breeder would know of another one that got dispersed. I follow that brand page on FB and it’s astounding how small the horse world gets especially when there is a brand on a horse. She may not have a brand but she came with a group and is definitely typey… internet sleuths in KY might have an idea. I see a similar horse on CL from 3 weeks ago that could be a relative… not sure if the link will work. Boaz, KY https://gadsden.craigslist.org/grd/d/boaz-need-moved-asap/7764566094.html


What are the chances any broodmares sold at Bowie around the same time as Nosey? Maybe we could back into some potential identities.

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According to JockeyClub report , for Kentucky there is a difference of 5263 between mares bred in '22 and foals reported in '23 as of Oct2023. Maybe the list of 208 KY stallions could be narrowed down and DNA compared to a few specific individuals?



The Nancy Drews and Harvey Boys of this forum are quietly preparing a State wide search for the possible origin of Nosey the mystery horse.

I can feel it, as I am one of you. :joy:


OK. I just went back on the Bowie FB page and looked at horses in the same time frame as Nosey, whose video was posted on April 9. A week earlier, three TB horses were posted - a 3yo, 4yo, and 5yo - and the 5yo was microchipped which they scanned and showed on the video. That microchip identified as a horse with a trainer in New Mexico, and the horse had history racing in Arizona and NM. How likely is it that they all came in together?

Now what?


And we know when, so there’s a time frame to assist also

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Not to pour cold water on the idea, but there’s no guarantee Nosey is by a Kentucky stallion, right? I mean, maybe, probably, but not definitely.

On the bright side, any number of possible foals can basically be cut roughly in half, since about 50% of them would be colts. Depending on how you’re trying to figure out her identity.

It’s really quite incredible to think how completely different she looks in less than four months. Borderline miraculous, really.


I got choked up watching the video from back then. She looked so defeated.


Call or text the trainer in New Mexico?


Is there a way to easily find his/her contact info?

FWIW, amongst those in the genetics community who know a lot more than I do, Etalon does not have a good reputation. They have an excellent marketing department…

@2bayboys I think you should try contacting the trainer that chip came back to. I know you would be brief and polite in your inquiry, so what is the harm in trying?


I’ll see if I can find them!

I would guess maybe the track might have a list of the trainers who race there? And maybe their contact information?

Especially if you make it sound like you might be interested in buying a horse. Which is always possible. Lol.