“Note to Self” my (so far happy) experience buying (a yearling! 🤦🏻‍♀️) from Bowie Livestock

OK, I emailed one of the tracks where the trainer races and asked them to forward my message to him. Included a picture of Nosey and just asked if he had any info about her, since she came in to the sale with a group of young TBs and one of them was a horse that raced from his stable. I tried to sound young and lovestruck by my filly, not old and judgy about the fact that he may have dumped some horses with a dealer that ships to Bowie.


I’d go back to whatever info was included on the microchip and start there. Can you find out an owner or trainer? JC name of the microchipped horse at Bowie?

I’m in Arizona. Did the horse race at Turf Paradise?


Yes, I have the horse name and trainer name. The trainer primarily races from Ruidoso in NM so I just sent the track an email.

Here’s what I wrote:

"I recently purchased a filly at a sale in Texas. She was one of several nice young TB horses that came in together. One of the other horses was a 5yo gelding named Bigg Limo, whose last race trainer was Jackie Riddle.

Would it be possible to forward this message to the trainer to ask if he has any information on my filly? I’m hoping that Mr. Riddle knows the breeding and background of my filly. I sent in a DNA test to the Jockey Club but it came back with no match to any JC registered horses.

It is believed that my filly is a yearling, although she could be older. She is a small bay with three socks and she has a star, small stripe, and snip. She also has a dark spot on her rump just to the left of her tail. Her picture is attached.

Any help you can provide is so appreciated!"


I just reread and the idea that she came from Kentucky was from someone at Bowie, correct? I wonder if they just made that up off the cuff b/c TB = KY… would throw some dust over the trail if someone wanted that done. NM is certainly closer and has a lot less grass/hay which she sorely needed at the time.


I Googled Bigg Limo. Here’s his Equibase page. Lots of possible info:



Maybe @LaurieB would have heard of the breeder R. D. Hubbard?

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Mr. Hubbard died in 2020, before Nosey was produced.


I’m not a good Internet sleuth; thought that might be a clue.

Oh it is! I googled him right away, he was a big name in California racing apparently. But another (literal) dead end.

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What a bummer :unamused: I’ve been so looking forward to knowing her pedigree :upside_down_face:

But - you, once again, found a diamond in the rough, and you don’t ride the papers after all! And, FWIW, thank you for all your updates on Henry AND Nosey - it is a delight and a privilege to share the journey :heart_eyes:


Pssst, Jackie Riddle appears to be a woman :wink: (Check out the second page here.)

If you don’t get a response to your email, give the stable gate at the track a call and ask to leave a message for her. A lot of trainers aren’t big on tech.


And she does appear to have a Texas connection - her partner, who was a big deal in Quarter Horse racing, appears to have passed away in January 2022:

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You and your steeds live in paradise!! I’m relocated to the desert and I miss all that GREEN :heart_eyes:

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I can drive to Ruidoso and track this woman down if necessary. It’s not far.

Just sayin. :joy:

I do know some track people there in all seriousness, I will gladly ask them any questions that might help discover more of Nosey’s story.


Hmmm, actually, it doesn’t look like Jackie Riddle has any starts this year at all. It might be harder to track her down than just finding her at the track :frowning:

So when I looked up Bigg Limo I found on racenet that his owners were listed as Medlin, Billy R And Heldenbrand, Ed L. Could be more rabbit holes to explore… Joel H. Marr is listed as the trainer for another of their horses. Breeder of their other horse is Sam E. Stevens & Sammy L. Stevens.

I’m still poking my nose down these rabbit holes but kind of interesting, more names in the mix.

Thanks! I read about Riddle being set down for a drug violation and for some reason came away thinking Jackie was a man.

It could be that easy, Ruidoso is really, really small.

Everyone knows everyone. My contacts are owners and a couple trainers, a few that have been around since Casey’s Shadow era and a guy who works gates and floats teeth for lots of folks.

If she has ties to Ruidoso, we can definitely figure out who she is!

I will bet 5 lbs of carrots for Nosey on it! :joy:


Sure, and I hope so. My point is that Jackie Riddle is no longer there. She’s not running horses anywhere, and hasn’t since last year.

I hope you find some info!

Unfortunately, even if you can track down owners or breeders… they won’t always talk to you. Peach was co-owned by his trainer’s (adult) kid and a friend. I was able to get in touch with the friend, who was very kind and had no idea that the horse she co-owned was not still sitting in a pasture in Oklahoma growing up and training for an after-track career (kid said they were going to turn him into a barrel horse). The trainer’s kid? Ignores my messages, likely because they caused his neglect and dumped him.

I’m not salty about it at all :roll_eyes: He also raced at Ruidoso.