OA and Pentosan for people

re Pentosan: http://equineinjection.com

It has been used inAustralia and New Zealand for about 20 years, I don’t know if it is approved for use in the USA but it is available.

Have used it on both dogs and horses and it seems to be effective with no adverse effects or complications.

pentosan polysulfate

How would one get a Dr. to prescribe this? And which Dr.?

It seems BEYOND ridiculous that a proven, effective treatment for arthritis (with minimal side-effects) would be withheld from people, but prescribed for and used on animals. I had my mare on Pentosan when she was being ridden and competing, and it really helped. She in now on no joint support–other than MSM–since she has been a broodmare for a year and a half so hasn’t been ridden. I’m betting she STILL feels way better than I do, I am in pain constantly, despite taking very good care of myself and using a variety of therapies–many of which are NOT covered by insurance. I HATE having to resort to taking pain medication in order to function, and having to deny myself pain medication and struggle through the day on the 3 days a week I go without–so that I don’t become “dependent on it.”

Medicine in this country seems extremely wrong-headed…

Well, there is no guarantee that it would have the same effect in people that it does in horses but I could definitely imagine getting to the point I would be willing to give it a try. Dosing is the main hold up. How do we know it isn’t something like previcox where a horse gets 1/4 the amount as a dog even though they weigh 10X or more? Are we the horse or are we the dog?

At this point, I would willingly volunteer to be a guinea pig! :wink:

Do it then, it is easy enough to get for your horse.

Ah, but which doc to ask? They may not be amenable to the suggestion…

[QUOTE=Dr. Doolittle;6807842]
Ah, but which doc to ask? They may not be amenable to the suggestion…[/QUOTE]

You would have to PM those on this thread that are getting an Rx to get docs names. Or start a conversation with your own doctor. I am not taking it…yet. Just started this thread cuz I wanted to hear from those that are.

Yes I agree medicine is this country seems to gravitate only to profitability and seems to often to be at odds with effective affordable treatment. Just look at Elmiron cost at Good Rx. It quotes me ~$531 for 90 count 100mg capsules.

In Italy Fibrase is 11 euros…roughly $13 dollars for 10 count 100mg vials of injectable.
$531/(90x100)=$0.059 or almost 6 cents per mg
$13/(10x100)= $0.013 or just a bit over a penny per mg

Not sure of the benefit or no benefit of oral vs injectable but being the frugile person I am if I am going to spend the money I think somehow I would work it out for an extended vacation in Italy. Meds and vacation vs stay home and take meds and work. Hhhuuummm, took my horse several months to improve…nobody mention to the hubby it took the dog only afew days to show improvement. I can fake a limp for wks or mths!

Well, there is no guarantee that it would have the same effect in people that it does in horses but I could definitely imagine getting to the point I would be willing to give it a try. Dosing is the main hold up. How do we know it isn’t something like previcox where a horse gets 1/4 the amount as a dog even though they weigh 10X or more? Are we the horse or are we the dog?[/QUOTE]

Except that safety and efficiency trials for injectable Pentosan for the treatment of knee osteoarthritis have already been done in other counties. Feel free to go to pubmed and check them out!

One study in Japan compared 1mg/kg, 2mg/kg, and 3mg/kg weekly sQ doses for 4 weeks. It found the 2 and 3 mg/kg doses were significantly improved pain and range of motion. The 3 dose caused increase bleeding risk for 48 hours in many (as evaluated on blood lab work). The 2 dose did not have any negative side effects in this study (it did improve cholesterol levels!). The 1 dose was not as effective. THe study concluded 2mg/kg is an effective and safe dose for sQ weekly Pentosan for the treatment of knee arthritis… In humans.

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Just got a load of Pentosan in from Italy. Self injected 3ml yesterday. Will then use 2ml per week for 8 weeks and get my bloods checked over the course.

This is my first time attempting to post, and it’s not going well. ProGen, Can you tell me where on your body you injected and if it was SubQ or IM? Thanks.

Flyracing, Can you tell me where on your body you injected and if it was IM or SubQ? Thanks.

So, Feather, your first post is to ask a pointed personal question in a zombie thread? If you are not a creepy stalker, it would be better to start off with a little quid pro quo, giving a little personal information about yourself first before you grill others, and perhaps introducing yourself or commenting on the topic. The topic is OA and Pentosan for People. What are your thoughts and experiences with that?

There is a certain basic courtesy regarding privacy, namely, I’ll show you mine then you show me yours. So if you are talking personal information of any type, you start first, then others may choose to follow your lead… or not. You don’t get to grill people and then hawk your wares, which is probably what’s coming next.