Official Tokyo Olympic Eventing Thread

I have a feeling that the heat will be a factor in the later rides, though I think the organizers and Derek di Grazia have done the best that they can to mitigate the issue.

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Yes, a lot of people are coming in only a few seconds over. It makes me even more surprised that Doug Payne had so much time.


I was really shocked about Doug. If they did take the long route at a combo though that’s probably why.

Colleen Loach is looking good!


2 time faults but she had a good trip.

With the preface that I am a big Doug Payne fan… I wonder if the horse just is not very fast on cross-country, and so he’s always relied on any way he can to shorten the distance of the course (the infamous short cuts). Without that option, he is at a disadvantage?

(again, no judgment from me - I’m a hunter jumper person, so the practice has always made sense to me - in the jumpers we are always looking for any way to take the shortest path, even if it involves going over a decorative hedge or shrub)


@fordtraktor have you found the way to watch?

Now hubby is showing off that he knows horsey words by asking, “Why is that horse pulling against the martingale?” He’s so cute!


Tayberry, the Hong Kong horse, is 20 years old!? According to this:


I hope that Japan makes a good showing. They’ve come so far in Equestrian sport and I always have a soft spot for the “home team”.
It would be wonderful if they were to win a medal. Japan has sacrificed much to hold the Olympics.


Laura Collett is going to catch that rider in front of her…

Go Phillip and Z!

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Damn. He looks like he’s hurt. Hopefully just stunned.

That Thai rider doesn’t look to be in good shape :frowning: Laura will probably get held. Hope they’re okay!

I wish they would let us know if it’s just a matter of being winded…

Here goes Phillip.

I was saying to the friend I’m watching with that I’m surprised they’re showing replays of some of the falls. They don’t usually do that. And then there’s places like WEF that pan away as soon as someone’s parted with the horse.

… what the heck happened with Philip’s score? That’s a lot of time and indicative of a jumping penalty that we didn’t see

I bet they haven’t subtracted the hold yet

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