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Ollie is gone

Took Ollie in today for a re-check because last night I got a look in his L eye and it is much much worse than it was originally. LSS, there are retinal hemorrhages in both eyes, the left is worse and his blood pressure was thru the roof. Vet was very nice but was clearly unhappy that he had been removed from his amlodipine. She is telling me that since he has so many other things going on that are seemingly not related to each other that he needs to see an internist to rule out tumours/cancer. I don’t think she is very happy with the other vets at this point but was very polite about it, though she was very careful not to come right out and say so.

Poor Ollie. He’s been a little subdued lately. He has started his felimazole and seems to be doing well with it but I am having a hard time getting it into his head and having it stay there. The little rat has learned to pretend swallow it and then as I walk away hoicks it back out. I have found pills on the floor when I get home and I know that is him. Brat. He is going Tuesday to get another blood draw and after that I will find an internist. He is going back to the amlodipine tonight and will get it once a day and we will see what happens.

Jingles please for Ollie.

Major jingles for Ollie! I’m sorry his BP is so high again and I hope there is nothing else going on with him.

Sammy’s a master pill spitter too. If I don’t get in just the right spot he plays chipmunk and flings it out.

Hugs for you and Ollie!

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More jingles for Ollie - sure hope the internist can figure out what is going on.

In terms of pilling, are you dropping the pill into his throat or using a pill popper? If you are dropping it, you can try gently blowing on his face after you close his mouth and rub his throat - that seems to offend some into forgetting to fake swallow. Is Ollie a good eater? One of my cats would take the pill in a bit of cream cheese or butter. They do make pill pockets for cats, but none of mine would ever touch them.

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Jingles & AO for your Ollie

Keep pushing onward ~ lucky to have each other

((hugs)) laced with extra strength and energy for both of you ~

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Jingles for Ollie (and you!).

Can you crush the pills up and get them down him in some milk or broth in a large syringe?

Jingling hard for sweet Ollie!

Sometimes after I give Dewey his Pepcid, I will find it on the floor. Sometimes it’s in another room from where I gave it to him. :roll_eyes: Pill pockets seem to help (even though they make the pill a little bigger) and coating it with butter. I think anything that helps make it a little slippery is a good idea. Just to help it go down a little easier.

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Thanks all for your good thoughts.

Mr Ollie is a stinker. He used to take his pills very well. Until…Saturday night I went to give him his pill and I scruffed the back of his head (you can’t scruff him the regular way or grab the sides of his jaw or he’ll lose it) and used my finger to push his lower jaw down and he jerked his head. The next thing I know is he screams and does the this spit hiss shriek and falls over. Scared the hell out of me and he is laying there looking terrified and upset. I’m like wtf…so I gently pry his mouth open and there on the right side upper jaw is what appears to be either a hole or a mass - can’t tell, but it looks awful and apparently hurts like hell. I managed to scrape his pill into the top of his jaw and he swallowed it. Then I just picked him up and hugged him so hard. I just cried and cried. That poor cat.

I tried the pill in the food trick and what a butt - he ate all around it and left it in the bottom of the bowl. I had to laugh because as he walked off I swear he looked back at me and smirked. And sometimes I find the pill somewhere else in the house. He loves butter so maybe a bit of butter on it? If nothing else he will sure have a shiny coat.

Today I was home sick and since I slept all day he spent the day snugged up with me. He loves to snuggle. Funny - he hates the other cats but he LOVES me. He is going to his regular vet tomorrow for a blood draw and I will have them look at his mouth and do an x-ray if they think that it might be a good diagnostic and will have them write the referral to the internist.

Wish us luck.


Best wishes and positive thoughts for Ollie!

Fingers crossed for Ollie!!

How is Ollie doing?

He has his vet appt on Saturday (it’s too hard for me to get him to clinic on weekdays) but he seems okay. I mean anyone that can wolverine down his meals and still insist on scolding the other kitties for theirs is okay in my book. I still worry about him though. I don’t need to hear any more bad news about him. And I think I have created a butter addict…he surely loves his pills wrapped in a lump of butter. :grinning:

Thank you for asking! How is your kitt-o?


I’m glad he’s eating good and being his normal self. :slight_smile:

Sammy is still doing great, knock on wood. Jellybean is doing ok. He will go three or four days with no vomiting and then he will have a day with lots. It’s hard to figure out why, the medication hasn’t changed on those days but when they hit I go back to daily prednisolone for several days and cerenia.

I finally got a good picture of him the other day. He’s hard to get. Lol

Good luck Saturday and let us know it goes!


:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Soooo handsome!

Sometimes I wish they could talk and tell us where it hurts and what is happening. But then we would have to hear about why the catnip is not fresh enough, where’s my tuna, etc etc, right?


Exactly! And clean my litter box and don’t stop petting and lots of wake up, I’m hungry!!! :joy:

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I’m glad Ollie is hanging in there and doing OK. Let us know what the vet says today.

I’m glad the butter trick worked! When I give Dewey a Pepcid, butter seems to work better for him than a pill pocket. The pill pocket makes it a bit bigger and he usually tries to chew it. With the butter, it’s smaller and it seems to go down easier.

The vet called me and there’s good news and bad news.

Good news: His thyroid has evened out so we can keep him on his meds. He loves his vet and the techs and they think he is great he is so very good for them.

Bad news: His blood pressure was again rather low (think 120s/78-80 range). The lesion in his mouth may either be a stomaitis flare-up or a cancerous lesion. Vet wants to keep an eye on it for a couple weeks. And he has a grade 2 out of 6 heart murmur. Vet is very concerned. There are so many things going on with him.

I think the Titanic is starting to go down.

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Take it one day at a time and one issue at a time (managing what you can). When there are multiple things going on, that makes it a lot more complicated. Hugs and good, healing vibes to you and Ollie. :heart:


Hugs for you and jingles for Ollie!

It’s hard when they have multiple issues and so stressful!

However, with his behavior being so normal and eating well, it sounds like he’s feeling pretty good for now except for the mouth at times.

Give him a tasty treat for me and you have a nice rum and coke tonight!

Hugs and jingles!

More hugs and jingles from me and ALL the kitties here!

Stomatitis is a b*tch, but with steroids and antibiotics, usually manageable (unless they’ve got FIV or something similar that’s causing it). Jingling like crazy that it’s something simple. The fact that he’s still eating is a very good sign - when my Minion refused to eat, you knew his mouth sores were awful.

Treat one thing, and then the next, and give him lots of snuggles.

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First YOU are such a great mom to Ollie !

Jingles for Ollie ~ Sunday morning onward !

Keep pushing on you two ! AO for more time together !

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