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Ollie is gone

Sorry to hear that things continue to be complicated, but agree you are going above and beyond for Ollie. His enthusiastic eating is a great sign that he’s still got his head in the game. Massive jingles for you both.

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Best wishes for Ollie!

@shiloh I saw this today and thought of you and Ollie:


@phantomhorse - :rofl: :rofl: Too true!!! Thanks for the laugh.

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So I guess this mouth issue is maybe worse than we think. He is reacting very badly to his food. He throws himself into the dish face first and starts chowing down hen suddenly jerks back and runs away. If I chase him I can get him to eat some more but only by persistent coaxing. I tried to feed him some treats yesterday but about four in he lunged for one a bit to enthusiastically and jumped back and made this grrg noise. I think a corner had poked him in the bottom of his mouth. He ate some more but seems very upset as he does so.

He has a recheck appt on Sunday. Any ideas about feeding? I’ve been giving him Sheba pate in all his favorite flavors, but he clearly needs something else. He doesn’t really like baby food.

Have you tried using a blender and adding a little hot water so it’s a gruel?

I’m sorry his mouth is so sore. Sounds like the wait and see approach the vet wanted isn’t going to be good for him long term.

Hopefully they can schedule something diagnostic soon at your recheck and give him some pain meds in the meantime so he can eat.

Massive jingles for Ollie and hugs for you!


Not sure it’s been suggested before but Purinea … Squeezables are wonderful … tubes of soft (like a purée) flavors like tuna or tuna and shrimp … or chicken or chicken and cheese

  • all my cats love this stuff … pricy but worth it IMHO

Also a Inaba product that’s the same type. Churu

My cats like the seafood types better than the chicken.
I serve it right next to their Fancy Feast pâté.

Just an idea for Ollie ~ Jingles & AO

I buy a container of 48 tubes from Chewy.

Oops it’s Hartz Delectables - Squeeze Up

You can find in grocery - treat section a four pack of the tubes … don’t have to buy a boatload from Chewy unless your ‘treasures’ dictate such lol.

Good Luck


Thank you @Zu_Zu - those look good! I’m going to have to hide him in the bathroom so the other cats don’t knock him down in a mass stampede to get them.

@rubygirl1968 - he has an appt this Sunday and the vet will decide what she wants to do. She is very leery of giving him steroids without having some sort of accurate diagnosis. If this is a cancerous lesion then we go one way - if it’s a stomaitis he can have the steroids. Until then he gets pain meds to help.

Dang it! I was hoping Ollie was doing better with the mouth sores.

When Nigel was really, really sick, this is what I gave him: https://www.amazon.com/Carnivore-Care-Premium-Supplement-Critical/dp/B07NQHZW8L/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=43T5HZX48PFQ&dchild=1&keywords=carnivore+critical+care&qid=1619228495&sprefix=carnivore+crit%2Caps%2C230&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&smid=A1HLLYNBS9ULTQ&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUE3TVg3MUxYN0UwSFMmZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTA3NDE4NDUyUjlDTzEwWEpWWEI2JmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTA0MDY3NDMzNVkyWlFLQU1SODIwJndpZGdldE5hbWU9c3BfYXRmJmFjdGlvbj1jbGlja1JlZGlyZWN0JmRvTm90TG9nQ2xpY2s9dHJ1ZQ==

It’s a complete diet for carnivores. Some cats will just drink it down; I gave it to Nigel in a syringe. I’m convinced it was the only thing that saved him when he wouldn’t eat anything else. You can feed it them as an only food source, or as a supplement (which is all I was ever able to do with Nigel.)

Continued jingles!

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Dang! My credit card is getting a workout. That stuff looks good, too. Thank goodness I have a huge stash of syringes.

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I have no food suggestions but it just sounds like he needs wet food because of the mouth sores. If he’ll let you feed him with a syringe, maybe that would be good because then he wouldn’t have to chew much.

I’m impressed you can take him to the vet on Sunday. Is it an emergency clinic? The clinics I use are just open M-F and then on Saturday mornings.

Hope his mouth feels better soon and you find something he likes that’s easier for him to eat. Poor kitty.

I would go ahead and treat with steroids for his mouth.

I have one cat that is 15 years old. She has had a mass on her tongue since age 8. It was an eosinophilic granuloma. Hope I spelled that right. It shrinks down with steroids but comes back again.Obviously not cancer because it has been there for years.

As for your cat, it does sound like the end is near. My Tazy cat was put down in December. He went blind from hyperthyroidism. The visit before that, they had told me his blood pressure was dangerously low. So I don’t know if it was low, and then went dangerously high… Or if they just didn’t get an accurate reading. He was also in heart failure for the last year of his life. Your cat sounds very similar to my Tazy. He also had kidney disease.

Best of luck and I’m sorry I can’t be of more help. Tazy cat did have a mostly good last year of his life, but in hindsight he was probably starting to suffer when he went blind, and it may have been better to let him go at that point, then keep him going on medications. As he only continued to go (if very slowly) downhill. He did regain some eye sight as we caught the detached retina’s early enough for his vision to return. At least enough vision for him to climb to the top of the cat tower.

How did the appointment go?

Appt went well. Vet just loves him and can’t say enough good things about how happy he seems and how great she and the staff think he is. The lesion has not changed a whole lot - it looks a bit worse but that’s about it. She started him on prednisolone and he got his first pill this AM. I am very lucky that this clinic is the only one in this area that runs 7 days a week and they have such a good and caring vet on duty.

Its wierd. He yells and yells for food but the minute he hears the cans open and smells the food, he goes and hides and I have to dig him out. I spent $60 at Petsmart buying him a whole bunch of yummy food to hold him until the other stuff shows up. He loved the Temptation push up treats and will nibble at the TikiCat mousse. But I have to chase him all over the bathroom to get him to eat a sniglet at time. I tried the syringe and he lost it. It hurts too much apparently. So we battle on.

He’s always been a snuggler with me but now it seems more important to him. He even let Baler snuggle up to him (The Horror!! lol)

@4horses - I hear ya. I’m pretty sure Ollie’s train is headed down that track as well. I’m sorry about your Tazy. I hope to make Ollie as happy as I can.


I hope the predisolone helps and he can eat more soon.

Continued jingles for Mr. Ollie!

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Jingles for Ollie and for you. Still hoping for a miracle…

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The pred can work wonders for a while, no doubt. I’m hoping you’ll see an improvement in him soon!

I’m sure the vet did a complete exam of his mouth - teeth, etc. Did she recommend doing a biopsy of the area or a set of x-rays?

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All the best to you and Ollie. :heart: Crossing fingers that the pred helps with the lesion.

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No, she looked down his throat and under his tongue. It’s just this weird lesion that’s located slightly forward of that back corner of the jaw where a stomaitis would be found. I think a biopsy would make it so much worse. she thinks an xray would not be helpful but they agree with the decision that he needs to see an internist who could do an ultrasound which might be a more effective diagnostic tool. So off we go…

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this is waaaay out there. Is there any possibility this might be lead poisoning? Have you done ( or neighbors done) house reconstruction. Ceramic dishes? Lead crystal water bowl. Has he ever been pellet shot?

The sound of the can opener aversion reminded me of a case from years ago which turned out to be abnormal lead levels. The humans in the house were also affected, source was home garden soil contaminated by neighboring house repainting.

often lead toxicity can show up as abnormal red blood cells, these cats had none. Also can show blindness, vocal abnormality, digestive upset.

If you had not mentioned the can opener behavior I would not have thought of this