
I just watched the FEI video. The dressage horses have touched down in Tokyo. I was surprised ( maybe not) that Isabel Werth flies on the cargo plane with her horse. Apparently she always does this.

Good luck to everyone and may the Games begin!


I’m loving all the social media posts from the Canadian riders. It’s fun seeing what things are like behind the scenes.

Thanks for the heads up on the video! It is amazing. Isabel is something! Shipping is so scary. I felt such a sense of relief when they were unloading in Japan, just like I feel when my own horses arrive somewhere safely!


I was fascinated watching the process, and also “surprised (maybe not)” re: Isabell. :smile:

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Does anyone know when the ride times will be announced?

There are riders I’ll get up at 1 am to watch, but not many!

Does anyone know if they will be available to watch after the fact, or just later in the day? I’d love to watch but I have AM plans-- that don’t involve getting up at 4 AM! :sleeping:

Times are listed o NBC Olympics site. Don’t know about replays.

As the streaming wars have heated up in the past decade, NBC decided to throw its media might into Peacock, launching the video streaming service in July 2020. It currently has 42 million subscribers, with on-demand libraries of television shows, movies and original programming.

Live gymnastics, track and field action and all of Peacock’s Tokyo Olympics programming will be available for broadcast on the free tier of Peacock. But if you want to watch live games played by the U.S. men’s basketball team, you will have to fork over $4.99 a month for Peacock Premium. The live events on Peacock are also available to those pay-TV subscribers with streaming options on a variety of devices.


Official data;

Live; ($$ I think)


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Schedule for Canadian watchers:


I can’t see myself watching at 4am so I hope the livestreams will be recorded and available to watch any time


Cross our fingers that everyone else stays sound or we won’t have a team.

All of ours passed the inspection. https://www.chronofhorse.com/article/zen-gardens-and-covid-precautions-dressage-riders-ready-for-olympic-start

Here is the schedule https://www.chronofhorse.com/article/what-you-need-to-know-about-olympic-dressage

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But wait @BigMama1 iirc, you’re Canadian. CBC has it live and is allowing replay watching almost immediately after the end of the event. I watched the second half live (because I didn’t get out of bed when my 4am alarm went off) and then was pleasantly surprised to be able to watch the first half about 5 minutes after it ended!

Kudos to CBC.

Also, thanks to COVID-19 making me work at home, I have a decent size flat tv subbing in for my second monitor so I don’t have to watch on my tiny laptop :slight_smile: #silverlinings

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@Equibrit Thank you for the link to replays :grin:
I just watched the Brazilian Joao Victor Marcari Olivo & the lovely Escorial open Grand Prix & will go back at leisure for more.
Nicely filmed!
Great commentary too :+1:

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I haven’t seen anything about Ecuador…did they already go and I missed it?

Turns out I was awake anyway since I was in a Newfoundland and they are an hour and a half ahead of Eastern time. I’m so proud of our team. Disappointed that Lindsay didn’t have the ride she wanted but it was still fabulous

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Well, Pfooey! :rage:
Used the same link as yesterday to replays at my desktop & won’t play unless I remove my adblocker.
Which I didn’t know I had & could not find the setting to turn it off :expressionless:
Tried my phone (where I watched yesterday) & now that requires I download the Peacock app. NTYVM.

Is there anywhere to watch free replays?

I can see them here:https://www.nbcolympics.com/schedule/sport/equestrian

I use firefox browser on a laptop. Have to sign into “my provider” (cable or satellite that provides NBC) but no requirement to turn off add blocker.

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:+1: @skydy Okay, that link works on my phone*, gonna try at the desktop.

*concerned about the timer at the top counting down minutes to “sign in”
I have no cable or streaming service, just a rooftop antenna for TV :sauropod:

ETA: Okay, I gave up, created a free Peacock account.
But the full 5h+ replays do not appear, tried watching what was offered & again the adblocker problem, which I selected “dismiss” but then the replay video was jerky,and not the full ride.

Lots of tips here for watching with minimal expense if you don’t have a cable provider.

he was first to go