I blame COTH for the existence of a Corgi in my household. Yes, all of you, its all your fault.:lol: I was NEVER a small dog person. I abhor JRT and other such yappy dogs, yet the cutest pictures of Corgis on horsefarms were so abundant that I had to have one.
Loki- for the Norse god of mischief and so aptly named- seems like a mini Corgi compared to all of yours. At 9 months he is only 17 lbs. However completely fits in with all the normal Corgi characteristics. He’s a red Pembroke, and has learned a total of 3 commands: Come, Get Down, and No all of which are completely interpreted by the situation and his attitude. I have given up on trying to teach him more, although I would love to get him into agility if only there was somewhere by me to do it.
I am so glad to hear all these Corgi stories, I no longer feel like a dog training failure! Luckily he is quiet compared to my Dobie and not food obsessed, he will probably be lean all his life. But I have never had so much fun since I have had him