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Oops I did it again!

Exactly. To call it “Frisco” screams “I’m a tourist” it’s hella uncool. (Yes I intentionally used hella for this NorCal specific post)


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@Haven_tJumpedInALongTime, I don’t think that is enough photo proof that you are properly attending to the cuteness needs of these critters, we need more photos to be sure. < evil laugh >


Ha ha! They move too fast when playing to get an action shot! Those all end up blurry! I tried videos, but found that I don’t move the camera as fast as a kitten!


Exactamundo. I am a fourth generation San Franciscan. My grandmother would even get mail addressed simply as “The City.” The F bomb is for tenderfoots.


Just a quick update - the kittens are thriving! We ended up keeping both (whoops!) and they are now Sassy (the tortitude one!) and Meecy (the Meezer)! Very happy babies, very loving, especially Meecy! They love their “Uncle” Ramsey, although Momma isn’t happy with them yet. Meecy loves other cats, though, and I’m hoping she’ll win Momma over!IMG_3191 IMG_3195 IMG_3196 IMG_3205


These two are definitely street cats. We are working on handling them. They want to be petted, but get nervous. They get better all the time, and I’m sure Meecy will be a lap cat before long! Sassy has that tortitude that keeps her in perpetual motion, but we get quick pets in when we can!


I’m sure uncle Ramsey will help lead by example and show them that being a spoiled lap kitty is a pretty sweet life. :smiley_cat: You are doing a good job with them!


Was feeding my local colony a few night ago and saw a scrawny, plain paper-bag kitten trying to get in on the kibble. Much like sailor Jerry of last year he looked like singleton who was trying to survive by following the older cats.

I tried to grab him, but he was a clever boy and knew how to hide IN a car’s undercarriage. He looked too light to trigger my trap, but I figured it was my best shot. Fortunately the trap worked and I got him!

He’s got the biggest ears, and is the most flatulent boy ever (poor guy) but he is the newest tenant of the BatCoach home for wayward kittens.

If you zoom-in on the bottom pic, you’ll see uncle milos thoughts on the new interloper. Milo and Gemma are NOT happy about this. I have not let him wander or touch the other kitties, he is currently residing in isolation in the bathroom suite, I just found that holding him in a purr-ito while we chill and watch TV is is good way to socialize him. He is becoming a real sweetheart, but I worry that his plain brown tabby looks will make him a hard sell to adopters at the shelter. Maybe someone will love his big mousers ears?


He is cute! I love his big ears!

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He is adorable!

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I LOVE this thread!! This is why I love COTH. @BatCoach THANK you for saving these little kitties (and all the other cats in need, I hope you get that momma soon) and @Haven_tJumpedInALongTime you know the COTH rule - we’ll need way more photos of Sassy and Meecy winning Momma and Ramsey over.

How cute is this new tabby of yours BatCoach?! Those ears look like he could be a flight risk.


It’s a lucky thing all these kittens are far, far away from my house, or I’d be the original Cat Lady! :rofl: :joy: They’re gorgeous!


@BatCoach is a big time cat hero. :heart:

I hope Gemma and Uncle Milo warm up to him. I also hope his gas gets better. Maybe his digestive system will settle down now that he’s getting good, consistent food. One of my cats was really farty when she was a kitten but she’s much better now. :laughing:


@BatCoach, you’re my hero!


Oppppssss, you did it again, again, again! Thanks for your huge heart! Kitties everywhere appreciate it!


Ask and you shall receive! Here is Momma with Meecy just now!IMG_3271


This reminds me that our dog was quite fragrant when he was young. We put him on a probiotic (don’t remember which one, we picked it up at Tractor Supply) and it mostly solved the problem. Every so often we would take him off it between bottles, and eventually his system must have settled as we found we did not need to resume in order to keep the air breathable.

I wonder if that would help with cats, too.


Annndddd Uncle Ramsey with Meecy this morning!IMG_3272


:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Those EARS!!! I can’t even with the EARS!!!

You might try some Florastor - you can get it at Walmart. It’s a human probiotic that you can sprinkle on the food. My vet recommends it for cats and horses. I bet once he gets on a good food regimen (and gets wormed), he’ll clear up.