Watching in person at Devon yesterday, I couldn’t help but notice that Front Page ridden by Colin Syquia had a large, open spur rib on his left side. A picture of this wound is clearly visible on the Chronicle’s article “McQueen Makes a Winning Devon Debut,” where Front Page and Syquia are highlighted for having won the the 3’9" Green Hunter Championship. I am appalled by the irreverence that the Chronicle, USEF, the officials at the horse show, and the rider have shown to the harm done to this horse. This is not just some hair rubbed off, the skin rubbed raw is the size of your palm, and the rider continued to wear spurs despite this.
This is one of the most prestigious horse shows in the country and is incredible popular with the public. Yesterday was family day, with hundreds of people there to watch what we as horse people put forward as the best of our sport. What does it say about us that NO ONE seemed to bat an eye at to this situation? On the contrary, this pair was rewarded with a division championship. We lament how the public doesn’t attend or support horse shows, but how can we simultaneously condone this lack of horsemanship?
USEF currently has a rule change proposed (GR838.4) which states that “When an animal has an injury to its side(s) as a result of spurs and causes raw or bleeding sores, this should be considered cruelty and abuse.” Obviously this rule is incredibly needed. I would encourage everyone that sees this to speak out in support of this rule change in defense of our horses.