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Opening a sliding door from the inside

I’m considering sliding doors for the exterior door to a run, but… how do you open them from the inside? Is this a thing or does everyone just walk around to the outside to open them?

I’m told I can just use solid horizontal wood instead of a grill in the sliding door.

So I’m considering using one 2x12 in the middle where the latch is, and making a hole large enough to stick my hand through to unlatch it. (Like the holes in the doors at Monticello to let the cats through!)

Any other ideas?

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At my boarding barn, the latch is accessible by putting my arm through the bars. I have been locked in a couple times by the groom while i was in with my horse!

OP, if you are in snow country you might want to hang the slider on the inside rather than the outside to not have to remove snow/ice in the retraction area. Then the latch could be on the inside of the stall.

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There are latches that can be used from either side, specifically for this purpose.

A friend of mine has sliding doors with a little latch that you use to stop the door being opened when you are inside, and a latch for when you close the horse in. It’s very simple; there is a little piece of round metal attached between the bars of the stall front which can be dropped down to prevent the door from sliding.

My sliding doors have a spring-loaded tube that pops up into a latch at the top. Pull down from either outside or inside the stall to open the door. I am trying to find the manufacturer/source, but here is a photo.

No snow (well, maybe once every five years, but nothing to worry about with the doors.)

And no bars to reach through – the photo shows the hardware but it will be a solid wood door on the exterior of the barn.

Now that I think about it, I have seen some kind of a plunger latch that is inset and accessible from both sides. If anyone has a lead on suitable hardware, please post it!

this is what the Florida Horse Park has as well.