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Opinion of Michael Phelps from :( to :)

And frankly I am more way over Hope Solo than Mr Phelps and anything he’s done with her calling the Swedish team ‘cowards’ :frowning: IMO, incredibly unsportmanship-like.[/QUOTE]

Solo has always come off as a spoiled, self-entitled, unrepentant brat.

Never heard of her!

Never heard of her![/QUOTE]

Really? Although I am not a fan of Ms. Solo, this quote is a sad testament to the lack of respect afforded to female athletes in the United States.

Really? Although I am not a fan of Ms. Solo, this quote is a sad testament to the lack of respect afforded to female athletes in the United States.[/QUOTE]

Does you look at where foxtrot is from? Canada.

Really? Although I am not a fan of Ms. Solo, this quote is a sad testament to the lack of respect afforded to female athletes in the United States.[/QUOTE]

I had an aide shift yesterday with Western Guy and, after the comments by my other aide client that she wished they would show something else besides swimming in prime time for a change, I asked him if he thought there was too much TV focus on the swimming and Michael Phelps and if he wished they showed more of a cross-section of Olympic sports.

His response: “Who is Michael Phelps?”

He was serious. Lives in the United States. Has internet. He just has very narrow tracks of interest and doesn’t drift out of them, I guess. Apparently, if it wasn’t NASCAR or Gunsmoke, it didn’t register with him when he saw the stories. He MUST have seen the stories at least as headlines when he was on the computer; I know he does Facebook. I’ll admit to glazing by stories and things that I see on the internet at times, usually entertainment or star X doing such forth, and if you asked me later, I’d honestly say I didn’t know who that was. And if that person were, say, female or black or whatever, I’m sure there are people who would be incorrectly convinced that this proved that I was blinded or prejudiced against females/blacks/whomever.

Not saying that that’s the case with Foxtrot, but I thought it was interesting yesterday, as inundated as the media is right now with Phelps, that Western Guy didn’t even think the name sounded familiar.

Her comment certainly smacked of “sore loser” to me. Almost, but not as bad as, the Egyptian judo competitor refusing to shake hands with the Isreali competitor he lost to. Leave your political piffles out of the sporting ring.

HS behavior the last few years has been a crazy train. I thought we might get an Olympics without her flapping her mouth


I think it is time for the US Team ( Oly and WC) to prospect for some new blood.

Partly what I meant was that we see so little of these athletes year round - it is hockey ,hockey, hockey, or football, or basketball or other professional sport
that we do not get to know the other names…I have no comment on her behaviour.

For us NBC is so US-centric, the announcers ignore everybody else, but if we want to watch some sports, we have to go there, although CBC has been fantastic with their 23 live feeds.

Oh well, off to jump judge bright and early.

And here he is slacking off, pretending to train…

Commercial did make me a little teary. IMO, he is a smidge past his prime but to still do what he’s done this year is amazing. I suspect tonight will hard for him. I know he wanted gold in the fly last night and had to settle for a three way silver (as if the word is “settle”).

I’ll take him over Hope and her issues and attitude any day.

And here he is slacking off, pretending to train…[/QUOTE]

And looking very handsome in the beard. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the excellent summary. Your insightful words are quoted, as they should be.
Glad I’m not the only one who didn’t find the raised fist “bad manners”.

I was a CHILD and I knew what was happening.

OP, how old were you when the minor uproar happened over the Black Power salute at the Olympics? My (staunchly conservative and very intelligent) Dad didn’t even complain in '68.

I can’t help but wonder if you have only read about it, or if you were told by your parents that it was “bad manners” at the time, or if you heard on television the opinion that it was "bad manners"or if you were a kid and just didn’t get it?

I am curious, not looking to argue.[/QUOTE]

I had forgotten the part about the bronze medalist. Neat memories.

And I am also curious about the OP’s age. I was 17 in 1968 which officially makes me an old fogey.

Maybe there is such a category as young fogey.

I know my brother who was 8 years younger longed for the (in
my opinion nonexistent) good old days of Mayberry, etc.

I don’t watch much TV other than streaming a few shows, so I too don’t know who many famous people are.

His hug and congratulations to Joseph Schoolteacher from Singapore was genuine. He had been a hero to this boy since the kid was eight.

Agan, though, the press time to Phelps was deserved, but it took away from many other athletes who deserved to be there too, and get mentioned.

I’ve loved the anecdotal cameos of the athletes and their stories.

That advert is the first time I have seem Michael Phelps out of the pool, the first time to see that he is actually a man or should I say person.

Our swimming star Ian Thorpe tried to make a comfort and failed. He is over there to help those who have never been to the Games before.

Just watched the U.S. swim teams race their hearts out.

Can’t fault them. Everyone seemed a good sport. They have yet to be awarded their medals of course…
I do think they will be able to keep from embarrassing most of us however… :wink:

I was not yet ten years old in '68. But I remember those Olympic moments well. It was the beginning of a change much needed.Change is still needed and still seems to be requiring much more effort than should be.

The laws were changed, the attitudes obviously still have far to go.

Seems everyone was instructed in the “hand over heart” thing for the national anthem. Looked a bit funny to me, as if they were “verklempt”. Many had “hand over rib cage”.:lol:

Too bad they aren’t left to have their moment as they feel it, without criticism and what seems to be “instruction”.

Anyway, well done to all of the Olympians! The swimmer from Denmark was so happy for her gold. I wish I could see her medal ceremony. NBC is only showing U.S. winners so far. Too bad really… some of us like to see the ALL of the winners have their moment, no matter what their nationality.

he is a smidge past his prime but to still do what he’s done this year is amazing. I suspect tonight will hard for him. I know he wanted gold in the fly last night and had to settle for a three way silver (as if the word is “settle”).

I’ll take him over Hope and her issues and attitude any day.[/QUOTE]

are you serious? he won like 3 golds in 4 days. Past his prime?


I said a smidge :slight_smile:

And I do respect an athlete who will go out on top rather than after the slide down the other side is in full swing :slight_smile:

In the medley relay awards ceremony it was a shame Phelps could not thank the medal presenter, instead he carried on a guffawing conversation with his team mate. The guy is a talented lout.