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Opinion of Michael Phelps from :( to :)

Missed that - but I stand by his successes and as a difficult kid with somewhat less social skills than some, I give him a pass.

I am sitting here trying to figure out what comes before being done with someone. Undone? Involved? All over him? Wannabe? Stalker?

I missed it too but at least he considers himself part of a team. There have been many great athletes that can only compete for themselves.

i really think it’s a shame how people are treating some of our elite athletes from behind their computer screens.

Gabby Douglas has been downright ABUSED by intenet trolls at the Olympics this year. Everything from lambasting her for not putting her hand over her heart for the national anthem (last I checked, hand over heart isn’t a REQUIREMENT, and she stood at attention instead, she is from a military family and was raised that you either salute or stand at attention) to tearing her apart because her hair isn’t right or because she’s not cheering hard enough for her teammates. It’s a damn shame. She is one of the most talented gymnasts in the world and she is a US athlete and is being treated terribly by her own countrymen and women. It’s just disgusting.

I am thankful I have not heard/read most of the trolling.

On the other side of that coin, I think most of these athletes could care less what the internet troll stream says about them. It is a known fact that no matter what you do in life there are going to be people who hate you. Once they become an elite athlete they know that the trolls will be there and they know to ignore them.

I am thankful I have not heard/read most of the trolling.

On the other side of that coin, I think most of these athletes could care less what the internet troll stream says about them. It is a known fact that no matter what you do in life there are going to be people who hate you. Once they become an elite athlete they know that the trolls will be there and they know to ignore them.[/QUOTE]

I just think that when you’re there in Rio representing your country and are called un-patriotic by people back home watching from their couches…it has to be really disheartening.

I just think that when you’re there in Rio representing your country and are called un-patriotic by people back home watching from their couches…it has to be really disheartening.[/QUOTE]
I agree. But I think it says more about the people making the comments than the athletes.

Laughing and sticking out his tongue during the National Anthem. That’s it for him in my opinion. :mad:

He has previously looked like an ape when he cheers for himself. He made a monkey of himself just now on the podium.

What is he doing at the Olympics? Winning medals, duh. But the Olympics are supposed to be about good sportsmanship, and he doesn’t have it. I’d rather have class on my team.[/QUOTE]

This remark is totally uncalled for. I have no use for this kind of negativity.

I agree. But I think it says more about the people making the comments than the athletes.[/QUOTE]

Definitely. But Gabby Douglas is only 20. She’s just a kid, really. It’s just unfortunate. She doesn’t deserve that.


Definitely. But Gabby Douglas is only 20. She’s just a kid, really. It’s just unfortunate. She doesn’t deserve that.


Laugh… there is a thread where people are upset because someone dared to say that Simone was a girl, and here you are saying that Gabby is a kid.

Laugh… there is a thread where people are upset because someone dared to say that Simone was a girl, and here you are saying that Gabby is a kid.[/QUOTE]



I just think it is funny that you are saying that Gabby is just a little kid and has to be protected and in the other thread people are all offended that someone called Simone a kid and Simone is younger than Gabby.

I just think it is funny that you are saying that Gabby is just a little kid and has to be protected and in the other thread people are all offended that someone called Simone a kid and Simone is younger than Gabby.[/QUOTE]

Ok, but was it ME that said it in these other threads? No. And for the record, I didn’t say that she’s “a little kid and needs to be protected.” I said that she’s really just a kid (barely out of her teens) and it’s unfair that people are lambasting her all over the internet saying that she’s unpatriotic.

Laugh… there is a thread where people are upset because someone dared to say that Simone was a girl, and here you are saying that Gabby is a kid.[/QUOTE]

And these “other threads” (that reminds me of “some people say”) that you reference; are people daring to say Simone (which one?) is a girl, because that sounds… odd. I don’t really think her gender is in dispute, I mean it’s not like we are approaching a NC public restroom or anything…

Or are they pointing out is somewhat demeaning to qualify her achievements against a male athlete by pointing out she’s the female equivalent of [insert male athlete]?

Because those are two vastly different issues and are in no way related to pointing out that younger athletes typically have a harder time coping with idiots on the internet than do people who have been around the block a few times. My money is on the latter, but neither of them is much of an argument for the point I think you are trying to make.

Oh my, calm down people. I was not saying it was you, ybiaw. I just thought it was funny. Nothing more.

I will get a link to the other thread so you can not act like I am making it up, DMK.

The girl reference is based on a long thread where people here (on COTH) got their panties waded and said using the term girl is insulting when referring to an adult female. Do I have to dig that thread up for you too?

Edit to add:
Here is the thread about Simone Biles
Refer to post #10.

I have a friend who refers to women as “girls” or “gals.” As in talking about Olympic athletes last night he said “Did you see that French girl?” Or he has a nice “young gal” working in his office.

I don’t like it but don’t plan to lose the friendship over it. Makes me wonder though since he never calls men “boys.”

How come “gal” is not OK but “guy” is?

Oh my, calm down people. I was not saying it was you, ybiaw. I just thought it was funny. Nothing more.

I will get a link to the other thread so you can not act like I am making it up, DMK.

The girl reference is based on a long thread where people here (on COTH) got their panties waded and said using the term girl is insulting when referring to an adult female. Do I have to dig that thread up for you too?

Edit to add:
Here is the thread about Simone Biles
Refer to post #10.[/QUOTE]

People get stupid about the most insane things (on that thread). But I think that one was more about the phrasing of a little girl instead of a not very tall girl. I think everyone was down with the fact that she’s a “girl”

Humor understood, no need to drag up the other thread! (it would probably make me want to stab things)

I missed it too but at least he considers himself part of a team. There have been many great athletes that can only compete for themselves.[/QUOTE]

I have read what all you have said on this thread. I rethought what I had said, and I watched the rest of his swims. I wanted to post here that I had done a 180-degree turnaround in my opinion of him but, knowing COTH, I figured I’d be ripped to shreds so I chickened out.

Just now I Googled him to see how he’s enjoying the rest of the Olympics, especially after hearing how Simone and Aly were planning to spend the rest of theirs.

He’s back in the States. Back “home” in Arizona. The news announcer sounded so pleased and proud to say that now that Michael’s Olympics are done he is ready to be a volunteer assistant coach. Michael himself has said a lot about how these Olympics let him go out as he’d wanted to 4 years ago, that he couldn’t after London, but now he could because he’s done so well here.

So. This Olympics that gave him all these medals, some with his teammates, have let him quit while he’s ahead. And he can’t even stick around for the closing ceremonies. He doesn’t want to stay and celebrate there with his teammates – ALL his teammates, not just his swimming buddies. He’s had his fiancee and son and mother there all this time; would a few more days have made that much difference? I doubt it.

I can understand Ryan Lochte leaving. If the Brazilian government were after my passport I’d get the heck out of Rio too.

But Michael Phelps is the star of the show for a lot of people. He owes it to those people to stick around and be there for them when these Games close. I saw a cute video of him photobombing a superfan’s pic earlier today and I thought, What a nice thing to do. Even though according to that story he’s as hard to get to as a rock star or a politician or royalty.

So I’m gonna go out here, back to my original opinion with which I started this thread. He should have stayed and joined his teammates celebrating his country’s experience at these Games. The fact that he chose not to shows me once again what he is made of. Great way to start off teaching sportsmanship to those youngsters he’ll be assistant-coaching at ASU.


ETA: Here is that news story. Those anchors were so excited and enthusiastic, and Phelps was just rude. If he wants to “get his family home safe” that badly he should have bodyguards and PR men to talk to those reporters. How much danger is his family in at that little airport, and why did he suddenly want to shave? He has been on camera plenty of times unshaven all through the Olympics. Oops, I forgot. He’s not at the Olympics anymore. :frowning:

I have read what all you have said on this thread. I rethought what I had said, and I watched the rest of his swims. I wanted to post here that I had done a 180-degree turnaround in my opinion of him but, knowing COTH, I figured I’d be ripped to shreds so I chickened out.

Just now I Googled him to see how he’s enjoying the rest of the Olympics, especially after hearing how Simone and Aly were planning to spend the rest of theirs.

He’s back in the States. Back “home” in Arizona. The news announcer sounded so pleased and proud to say that now that Michael’s Olympics are done he is ready to be a volunteer assistant coach. Michael himself has said a lot about how these Olympics let him go out as he’d wanted to 4 years ago, that he couldn’t after London, but now he could because he’s done so well here.

So. This Olympics that gave him all these medals, some with his teammates, have let him quit while he’s ahead. And he can’t even stick around for the closing ceremonies. He doesn’t want to stay and celebrate there with his teammates – ALL his teammates, not just his swimming buddies. He’s had his fiancee and son and mother there all this time; would a few more days have made that much difference? I doubt it.

I can understand Ryan Lochte leaving. If the Brazilian government were after my passport I’d get the heck out of Rio too.

But Michael Phelps is the star of the show for a lot of people. He owes it to those people to stick around and be there for them when these Games close. I saw a cute video of him photobombing a superfan’s pic earlier today and I thought, What a nice thing to do. Even though according to that story he’s as hard to get to as a rock star or a politician or royalty.

So I’m gonna go out here, back to my original opinion with which I started this thread. He should have stayed and joined his teammates celebrating his country’s experience at these Games. The fact that he chose not to shows me once again what he is made of. Great way to start off teaching sportsmanship to those youngsters he’ll be assistant-coaching at ASU.


Do you know the man personally? You have no idea what his reasons are. Do you know how difficult it is to travel with a small baby?! A lot of athletes head home after they have finished their events. Seriously, until you walk in someone else’s shoes . . .

Just out of curiosity, what’s your opinion on the US Eventers? (at home, competing)