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Opinion of Michael Phelps from :( to :)

At home competing? Or retired? You’re comparing apples to carrots.

Well “Blueberry” the horse has also left to go home and will miss the Olympics fireworks --not sure if his human Charlotte D is hanging around.

I think you just want to pick at him- it is a long two/three weeks -most athletes do go home if they finish up early. And adding to it, he does have a baby he seems to take some interest in.

But it is not the end of the world if you dislike him. Sometimes there are people in life that just rub one the wrong way constantly! I think we have all experienced it.

So. This Olympics that gave him all these medals, some with his teammates, have let him quit while he’s ahead. And he can’t even stick around for the closing ceremonies. He doesn’t want to stay and celebrate there with his teammates – ALL his teammates, not just his swimming buddies. He’s had his fiancee and son and mother there all this time; would a few more days have made that much difference? I doubt it.[/QUOTE]

Are you serious??? His sport has concluded. Lots of the athletes who compete early don’t stay for the entire games and closing ceremonies. Especially, I imagine, if this is not their first games. Are you thinking all the Eventers and Dressage competitors and their horses are hanging around in Rio?? I think most of them have gone home, too. Are you done with them as well? Honestly, I think you are entitled to dislike MP if you choose…but your rationale is just silly to me.

At home competing? Or retired? You’re comparing apples to carrots.[/QUOTE]

So, the assumption is that because he is “retired” he had nothing else to do? Really none of your business. He went to the games, accomplished what he set out to do, was, by all accounts a great team mate while there and then went home - so what? A lot of athletes don’t participate in either of the ceremonies - their choice.

Frankly, given the crime, I’m not sure why anyone would want to spend one unnecessary second in Rio. Lochte was robbed at gunpoint just a few days ago.

I love Phelps. He has overcome a lot. And he’s the best there has ever been at his sport.

I’m actually offended by OP. It takes a twisted sort of nationalism to care more about the song than the person who earned the right to have it played.

I have read what all you have said on this thread. I rethought what I had said, and I watched the rest of his swims. I wanted to post here that I had done a 180-degree turnaround in my opinion of him but, knowing COTH, I figured I’d be ripped to shreds so I chickened out.

Just now I Googled him to see how he’s enjoying the rest of the Olympics, especially after hearing how Simone and Aly were planning to spend the rest of theirs.

He’s back in the States. Back “home” in Arizona. The news announcer sounded so pleased and proud to say that now that Michael’s Olympics are done he is ready to be a volunteer assistant coach. Michael himself has said a lot about how these Olympics let him go out as he’d wanted to 4 years ago, that he couldn’t after London, but now he could because he’s done so well here.

So. This Olympics that gave him all these medals, some with his teammates, have let him quit while he’s ahead. And he can’t even stick around for the closing ceremonies. He doesn’t want to stay and celebrate there with his teammates – ALL his teammates, not just his swimming buddies. He’s had his fiancee and son and mother there all this time; would a few more days have made that much difference? I doubt it.

I can understand Ryan Lochte leaving. If the Brazilian government were after my passport I’d get the heck out of Rio too.

But Michael Phelps is the star of the show for a lot of people. He owes it to those people to stick around and be there for them when these Games close. I saw a cute video of him photobombing a superfan’s pic earlier today and I thought, What a nice thing to do. Even though according to that story he’s as hard to get to as a rock star or a politician or royalty.

So I’m gonna go out here, back to my original opinion with which I started this thread. He should have stayed and joined his teammates celebrating his country’s experience at these Games. The fact that he chose not to shows me once again what he is made of. Great way to start off teaching sportsmanship to those youngsters he’ll be assistant-coaching at ASU.


ETA: Here is that news story. Those anchors were so excited and enthusiastic, and Phelps was just rude. If he wants to “get his family home safe” that badly he should have bodyguards and PR men to talk to those reporters. How much danger is his family in at that little airport, and why did he suddenly want to shave? He has been on camera plenty of times unshaven all through the Olympics. Oops, I forgot. He’s not at the Olympics anymore. :frowning:

Honestly, I think this is a bit off base? I don’t know exactly what day he arrived in Rio, but he carried the flag in the opening ceremonies on August 5, swam in his first event on August 7 and his final event on August 13, arrived home on August 17-- four days after his final event, and the Games don’t close until the 21st–four days from now. Sure doesn’t seem like he just did the bare minimum to me… The Olympics didn’t “give” him his medals, he WON them by swimming his rear off, again. To whom does he owe more of his and his family’s time?

As was pointed out by Tiger Horse, he is far from the only athlete to go home when their events were over. I don’t think I would want to stay and vacation in Rio with my little baby after all the stories of conditions there. By the way, Michael Jung who won eventing gold for Germany is also ALREADY home and participating in parades celebrating his win. Shouldn’t he have stayed in Rio?

This just seems a bit over the top to me.

At home competing? Or retired? You’re comparing apples to carrots.[/QUOTE]

I fail to see the difference, PDutty is a HERO to me, he should be there right now all the way to the end, so the media CAN KEEP SHOWING ME PICTURES OF HIM, in fact they probably should have bought him on the podium for dressage and show jumping. He OWES it to me, I’m a FAN. I mean he shouldn’t have a life outside of my needs, right? Competing, retiring, getting on with another stage in his life, spensing time with his family, how do these compare to MY needs?


are you serious? he won like 3 golds in 4 days. Past his prime?


I know! I choked when I read Where’sMyWhites post! I remember thinking when the relay race was finished on Saturday that a couple of the teammates looked like they had bicycle tires around their midlines. MP was streamlined and hard as a rock. For an “old man” he was in better looking shape than many. :wink:

He’s back in the States. Back “home” in Arizona. The news announcer sounded so pleased and proud to say that now that Michael’s Olympics are done he is ready to be a volunteer assistant coach. [/QUOTE]

Boy, they’ve both got a lot of nerve. How dare the announcer sound so pleased and proud while reporting something so heinous as the fact that the most decorated Olympic athlete ever is going to engage in VOLUNTEER ASSISTANT COACHING. How can either of them live with themselves?

No one GAVE Phelps his medals; he EARNED them. Every single one of them. Second, this is the fourth Olympic Games he’s participated in. Calling what he is doing “quitting” is a bit absurd. And would it be alright with you that he went home if he wasn’t retiring from swimming? I really don’t understand the logic behind your argument.

Now I’m curious about how many athletes stick around for the closing ceremonies. Is the entire swim team really staying until the end for the sole purpose of participating in closing ceremonies (except of course for Ryan Lochte, who totally gets a pass for not wanting to stay and celebrate there with his teammates – ALL his teammates, not just his swimming buddies)?

Does anybody even watch the closing ceremonies? I don’t.

Does anybody even watch the closing ceremonies? I don’t.[/QUOTE]

Good point! I did. Not so much anymore, same with the opening ceremony - other than hoping to catch a few of the nations walk-in that is.

I’m sure they are all drained, there is such a buildup towards the events. I know that I’d like a little time to regroup OFF CAMERA and out of the press.

Because you know that based on this thread alone- the more he is in the public, the more he gets judged.

I’d leave too.

Does anybody even watch the closing ceremonies? I don’t.[/QUOTE]

I do! The closing ceremonies in London were fantastic!

But ok…so most of the athletes that are week 1 events don’t hang around the 2nd week until the closing ceremonies.

Rackonteur - are you also infuriated that the equestrian show jumping teams were not there for the opening ceremonies? Because most of them (US, Canada, etc) didn’t arrive in Rio until around August 8. Charlotte DuJardin is leaving tomorrow. (gasp how dare she go home after they gave her a gold medal?!?!) You are being ridiculous.

I had to add this:
“I am done with michael phelps”

Looks like he is done with you as well! :yes:

Let’s also not forget that some Olympic athletes are working stiffs like the rest of us - just how much PTO do they have? And then there are those that have families at home, etc. Lots and lots of reasons for arriving later and leaving sooner . . .

At home competing? Or retired? You’re comparing apples to carrots.[/QUOTE]

Guess I don’t get what difference it makes… neither of the above would be competing in Rio.

Just to point out that a lot of US swimmers have left Rio/are leaving Rio…


Between a long weeks competing, training in Rio, and a training camp before arriving in Rio, it’s been a long Olympics for a lot of these athletes. I can’t blame them for wanting to leave OR for wanting to stay.

Just to point out that a lot of US swimmers have left Rio/are leaving Rio…


Between a long weeks competing, training in Rio, and a training camp before arriving in Rio, it’s been a long Olympics for a lot of these athletes. I can’t blame them for wanting to leave OR for wanting to stay.[/QUOTE]
Yup. There’s also this little thing called Zika, which is a real threat to people of reproductive age and those with weak immune systems. Why anyone would want to hang out in the crime-ridden dirty cesspool that is currently Rio for any longer than they have to is beyond me.

If MP had stayed in Rio, the OP would probably be peeved that he was taking the spotlight away from the other athletes :rolleyes:

I have read what all you have said on this thread. I rethought what I had said, and I watched the rest of his swims. I wanted to post here that I had done a 180-degree turnaround in my opinion of him but, knowing COTH, I figured I’d be ripped to shreds so I chickened out.

Just now I Googled him to see how he’s enjoying the rest of the Olympics, especially after hearing how Simone and Aly were planning to spend the rest of theirs.

He’s back in the States. Back “home” in Arizona. The news announcer sounded so pleased and proud to say that now that Michael’s Olympics are done he is ready to be a volunteer assistant coach. Michael himself has said a lot about how these Olympics let him go out as he’d wanted to 4 years ago, that he couldn’t after London, but now he could because he’s done so well here.

So. This Olympics that gave him all these medals, some with his teammates, have let him quit while he’s ahead. And he can’t even stick around for the closing ceremonies. He doesn’t want to stay and celebrate there with his teammates – ALL his teammates, not just his swimming buddies. He’s had his fiancee and son and mother there all this time; would a few more days have made that much difference? I doubt it.

I can understand Ryan Lochte leaving. If the Brazilian government were after my passport I’d get the heck out of Rio too.

But Michael Phelps is the star of the show for a lot of people. He owes it to those people to stick around and be there for them when these Games close. I saw a cute video of him photobombing a superfan’s pic earlier today and I thought, What a nice thing to do. Even though according to that story he’s as hard to get to as a rock star or a politician or royalty.

So I’m gonna go out here, back to my original opinion with which I started this thread. He should have stayed and joined his teammates celebrating his country’s experience at these Games. The fact that he chose not to shows me once again what he is made of. Great way to start off teaching sportsmanship to those youngsters he’ll be assistant-coaching at ASU.


ETA: Here is that news story. Those anchors were so excited and enthusiastic, and Phelps was just rude. If he wants to “get his family home safe” that badly he should have bodyguards and PR men to talk to those reporters. How much danger is his family in at that little airport, and why did he suddenly want to shave? He has been on camera plenty of times unshaven all through the Olympics. Oops, I forgot. He’s not at the Olympics anymore. :frowning:

Not to divert your anger or anything, but since this is a horse board…did all our Olympic equestrians attend opening ceremonies? Do you think they will all stay for closing ceremonies? Why aren’t you pissed at them?

It’s not like he walked off the podium and caught a flight mid-National Anthem. And it’s not his fault he dominated media coverage (ok, well, in a way he is…perhaps he shouldn’t be so athletic). And if you dislike him so much, shouldn’t you be happy he left so you don’t have to see him during closing ceremonies?

Maybe it’s time to take a deep breath and get worked up about something that is important and where you can make a difference. Or time for a bubble bath and a glass of wine. :slight_smile: