Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Yes go help someone that needs it rather than sit here and waste time.

Excuse me. A semi is 15k

What an odd way of phrasing it. FWIW you should know (since you’ve been posting names on FB and all :roll_eyes: ) that I live likely 10 hours away from that barn fire. Besides my DH needs me here at home. His health is bad and I don’t like leaving him alone. So I am helping someone…


Honest question: was there a fire at a reining facility? It sounds horrific. :frowning:

This is brilliant.

You, Kate Shearer, can either donate a trailer load of your amazing Arizona hay to the horses who lived thru the fire, or you can donate the proceeds of one trailer load of your amazing Arizona hay to the fire GFM.

That would be so caring and generous of you.

Good thing you thought of this.


It was horrific. Here’s the discussion on it.

Because there were never horses on her page. I spoke to her that day. HBK is still an idiot and a chronic liar. shocking! I know. It’s comical, but alas, I have to work now. lol.


The fact she has zero remorse for mentioning a horrific barn fire that burned over 40 horses alive in her childish retort, makes her (it) even more repulsing.


There is an auction going on too…she could even donate an ICSI breeding or braiding services.

And for the record, I have donated. So miss me with any retort.


The “final foal of the year!” post just sent me over the edge.

She claims to be SO excited about the baby and yet the poor mare is confined to a filthy, barely covered floor- covered with dirty wet shavings might I add, in a (shared) (shed?) (stall?) with 2 other horses kept away from her new baby by only some floor length wire??

These conditions would not be ok even if you didn’t know the mare was in foal, she was a recent rescue, she foaled out a month early, there was a natural disaster, etc… But she had time! She paid for the breeding, was given a due date, (apparently) has the resources…

This is disgusting, and I can’t stop thinking about that poor mare. She’s trying to clean off her new baby (while it lies in manure) and there’s other mares standing penned 5 feet away probably making grumpy faces at her.


Link? Or has she deleted it, because I can’t find it.


Glad I can’t see it. It will only remind me of the foundering mare with the slipped baby on a filthy, manure ridden, no shavings stall. So sickening.


Did anyone find the supposed post from Margie Engle yet?


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I mentioned it so that you keyboard warriors spend your typing time helping someone rather than trying to take me down lol

I donated to them as I know them. That being said I’m confused here. You all said I can’t afford to feed my animals but now want me to donate 15k to someone else? I mean can you figure out which lane you want to go down and stick with it? I’m getting confused with all your back and forth about what I have. Lol

Disgusting stall/foal

Ugh, your language is not nice. :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy:


It’s not so much about which lane you should be in as it is about being able to walk and chew gum at the same time. Walk = feed your animals properly; and chew gum = understanding how inappropriate your first comment about the barn fire is.


:rofl: :rofl: wowzers! Just look at that babies conformation! Looks mad. It’s looking for it’s very own baby cart to pull.

Nice on the crowding of the other horses so close to the mom. How many you putting in those cages, Kate? Reminds me of a pig farm.