Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Really? Calling a spade a spade is mean and worse than KS? She perpetuates it, we feed off it. guilty as charged. You have seen all the pictures of the neglect, right? I will stand by my behavior even if it embarrasses me at times. At the end of the day, I don’t really care what people think. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR ANIMAL ABUSE AND LACK OF CARE. Yeah, it’s a sore spot for me. Hard to overlook or let go.


I refer you to their KWPN inspection scores, which beg to differ with your opinion.


The other disservice being done to the horses resulting from this breeding program is the use of horses known to produce “professional” type rides on unsuitable mares and claiming them to be ammy friendly rides.

Horses that need professional/advanced riders that are not quality enough to meet such a rider’s goals are in a very tough spot and don’t have good outcomes.


You dont know what a horse will be like undersaddle until it is undersaddle. However when the building blocks are a combination of 1. big name competition stallion (which typically DOES NOT equal ammy friendly) and 2. mares of unknown undersaddle temperament who are not from saddle lineage, you really do not know what you are going to get. All in all those babies have some big claims to live up to and it appears that the building blocks are not there.

And instead of trying out this breeding combination with a baby or 2 to see if her theory is correct, there are 10 or so babies each year for the past 2 years. That is just irresponsible. These are horse-doodles. Mixed breed with a big price tag.


All she needs now is to come up with a new cutesy name for them.


Ehhh actually a vaulting team bought the baloubet son Melissa Hirt had of mine because….get this….his canter was so smooth and wonderful.

And everyone here is right….when I made the decision to move horses from AZ I ended up choosing to trust someone out of state. I paid my bill on time every month and did everything I was supposed to when boarding. I had never been in a bad situation before so didn’t think I should check on things. I was wrong and why I then paid 10k to move the horses to Florida. Thought I found a good situation but have found people take advantage of those who pay and trust. Now I have people that randomly stop by including me unannounced. But this is no way means I do not care for my animals. People like money and take it and think nothing of the destruction they cause to others by not doing their job. When I’m paid to do a job it gets done. I never considered others don’t do the same thing. So you may lament all you want about the dirty shavings but I have all the invoices for all the new shavings I was paying for and the vet bills for the vet caring for the recip mare with laminitis. So you can all continue or you can understand that it does happen to people daily!

This thread has gone through everything from my education, which I paid for myself, to my use of flip flops, to my mental health. When does one think that enough is enough? Luckily I’m a strong person so you cannot hurt me or change my plans in life, but I worry about those you do target that you actually harm by your keyboard warriorism. If you all put your energy towards a situation that actually needs attention and help that would actually benefit someone. That someone is not me. At this point there is nothing left for you to talk about except hating me. I’m sorry my foals sell. I’m sorry you don’t like them, clearly some do. I’m sorry you think I’m dishonest in my sales when others are doing the same thing. I’m sorry you don’t like my footwear choice. I’m sorry you so freely speak about mental health when you are the one berating someone on social media. I’m sorry you feel that this forum is your live/die thread that must be kept alive for those to see how I take care of my animals.

Anyone with actual knowledge of me knows different from your assertions here. And that’s fine you choose to believe whatever you want. You can continue to follow me and discuss me for years to come. I welcome it. Just know that the only ones that look bad here are the mean girl group that have shined through.

You do realize that a not moving flat back, that is a positive for vaulting is not really a positive for many other things.

What I do not understand about you now blaming the condition of your horses on others is that in the past you have simply defended their condition as fine and that we are just mean for thinking their condition is less than optimal.


With all due, it was you when this all started. There was a starved foal shipped to a buyer (who was on active duty and who you threatened via SM and threatened her agent); there were shockingly underweight foals spruced up and sent to inspection as though that was a normal, healthy condition; then came the pictures of even worse - the foundering mare who aborted, the elderly mare with some dude sat on her back as though that was cute and fun.

So, yeah, that was you. And the energy of this thread and the other was focused on it and now you’ve been put on notice that people notice and things have changed. It may not be you now, but it was certainly you then, regardless of all the whys and wherefores you offer, make no mistake: it. was. you.

I don’t give a flying fig about your breeding and registration palaver. I (and others here) are just happy not to see starving foals, aborted fetuses, foundering recips, and aged mares with tumours being ridden around like a pony ride at the fairgrounds.

The one question you haven’t answered: What is the situation with the aged grey mare? You said she had a tumour but then elsewhere discussed her having a foal. Does she/did she have an abdominal tumour? Did you breed her again? Where is she now?

By the by, you yourself revived this thread after it had gone dormant - more than once.


I’m sorry you think I’m dishonest in my sales when others are doing the same thing.

This really troubles me, Kate. Just because others are doing something dishonest, doesn’t mean that we (g) don’t think that is also wrong. You have been the one bumping this thread, naming names of people who have purchased you horses, and when anyone goes to see what they have to say about them, they are marketed by the new owners as DHH. If another user came on here doing the same thing as you, I bet the forum would have a similar response.

If you had ended the sentence with “I’m sorry you think I’m dishonest in my sales” I would have applauded you. Honestly. But the fact that you had to add that others are doing the same thing means you’re not actually sorry, and you don’t actually care because as long as someone else is doing it, it seems okay.

You clearly have faith in your offspring, and according to you, they have sold for a lot of money and gone on to do great things. What’s wrong with marketing them as they truly are?


Which others are entertaining right now? I get bored :rofl:


The benchmark sport horse thread had some interesting twists and turns


This struck me, too. It is glaring the way she doesn’t understand the ‘two wrongs’ principle on a number of levels.


It also shows intention.


I am very curious about that mare as well.


I seriously believe the tumor was a big fat lie. To cover up the fact it was indeed bred again. I think she mentioned once the grey was one of her best mares. To deflect from the neglect, surprise surprise, it had a tumor. lol. cough couch BS BS.


I mean, by the breeding of my mare (Baloubet x Cumano) she was probably projected to be a 1.60m hopeful. But alas, horses are an absolute crapshoot.

By contrast, one of my earliest comments in this threat was how the dear DHH we have in my barn has the smoothest (and UGLIEST) canter in the barn.



I’m so confused. Is the vaulting baby broke yet?

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That is awful if true. The continued evasion suggests you are correct which means despite putting ‘energy towards a situation that actually needs attention and help’ (i.e., that poor grey mare), it seems not to have benefitted the poor creature. :cry: