Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

NP made the same claims all the time - that the negative attention he got on COTH created a bull market for his dressage training & lessons.

COTH forums are just a regular Madison Avenue.

I look forward to seeing KS’s Dutchdoodles dominating the FEI and AA/AO jumper ranks. /s




Either one is perfect. Interchangeable. In fact, I believe that’s how I shall refer to them from now on.

lol (<<< Had to add that because: tradition).


This. All of this.
Plus the added nonsense of people.making spurious calls, sometimes out of genuine concern, but often out of spite/ for revenge.


Yes it’s possible the pony was sold or otherwise rehomed along with another horse. She didn’t say sold, but she also didn’t say that she had moved them. The fence is solid and coherent and is not made out of random farm vehicles so maybe yes they are sold.

As far as hay weight. Honestly most batches of hay can have significant variations in flake weight and the big bales may have big flakes that you can subdivide or contrary that you absolutely cannot. If you have any weight concerns (I worry about my mare getting obese) you do need a reality check of weighing every so often. And if horse condition is going wrong either too fat or too thin the first thing you do is check weight of daily feed. it’s not rocket science

I would also say it’s not the first time I’ve heard a sketchy barn owner claim someone must be stealing hay because it’s disappearing too fast.

When the reality is that if you have 20 horses at an average 20 lbs of hay a day, you are feeding at least 400 lbs of hay per day which is about 4 three string bails or 8 two string bails.

That is a ton every five days. That’s six tons a month.


Peeking in from the outside…so if this has been answered, sorry.

Kate, how would you describe the photos of your horses that has been shown on this thread?

Kate, in the picture with the broodie and the aborted foal, when was the lasts time that stall was cleaned?


Whatever the weight of the hay and I doubt a single pad weighs 10 pounds. So two pads which hungry broodmares and babies will snarf up in under an hour. These horses are dry lotted. So that’s their only forage … two FREAKING flakes. What do they eat the other 23 hours of the day? Nothing.
And even if Beetlejuice pops back up and says it’s twice a day…which is bull crap That is still no forage for 20+ hours of the day. For growing babies and brood mares. It doesn’t take a freaking rocket scientist to tell you that’s wrong. The pictures speak for themselves. The horses look like crap I don’t care how much bravado and sideways deflection and bull crap she spews the pictures speak for themselves those horses every single one looks like crap.


I’ve weighed out a lot of 3 string bales Timothy and alfalfa both, and have never had a bale that routinely hits 10 lbs per flake. Maybe 6 to 7 maximum. In no world is two flakes off a 3 string bale enough daily feed for a horse. Not even my easy keeper


I have done the same. I only feed alfalfa, or Timothy or Orchard all in combination and I have fed two string and three string bales. my horses get 2 to 3 times that much And they have ample pasture And I’m in Florida But my grass is good Her claims about Florida pasture grass are bullshit.
And shocker, I weigh my freaking flakes. With a fish scale. She cannot pull the wool over the eyes of people that understand the bullshit she’s spewing.


I have lived on a small acreage for 25 years and managed my horses. And I always have pasture


It was the stall cleaners fault you know, not hers. :roll_eyes: Apparently the poor condition of the mare and the fact that she needed food, went unnoticed.


It is ALWAYS someone else’s fault. Always. Maybe one time or a second time that could be true… but the reality is the buck stop with you… with living things you are creating in your freaking care. She is freaking creating them! Under what seems to be really bad circumstances, according to her descriptions, and she persists. It’s a bunch of bull crap.


And I’m sorry I can’t stop. Because it’s so distressing to see all those pictures… The reality of what has been happening …if you have a vision and a life plan and a passion project You do not hire substandard staff over and over and over again. And board at substandard barns. And then fly away during the most important time of your passion project it’s complete bull crap When every single bad situation of your life builds up over and over again again, over multiple situations, the common freaking denominator is YOU.


I understand. It really is frustrating. Apparently nothing is going to change.

I look back at my posts on this thread and they are uncharacteristically angry. I’m not usually a harshly negative person.
I think I need to accept the fact that this woman will keep on in this manner, neglecting horses and breeding more and there’s nothing to be done about it. Those photos and her obfuscations are just so hard to take.


You’re probably right.

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This reminds me of a story of someone who was able to rescue an Italian Greyhound from a puppy mill. When the owner gave the dog over who was probably bred till her uterus fell out, said “this is my favorite girl” I love my Italian Greyhounds.

This poor hound was in a wire cage and had most of her jaw rotted off because of no dental care. Sickening.


100% she will carry on. Makes me sad and angry. The worst part is she does not feed her horses properly. How does someone post about magical hay and not feed it. That really is the sick part.


I’ve only ever fed western 3-string bales. Between 90-120 lbs depending on type of hay, cut, etc. Absolutely none of the full-sized horses I’ve ever owned or fed could be sustained on two (hell, even four) flakes per day of even the nicest, heaviest hay I’ve ever bought. MAYBE a super, super easy keeper. Sure, a pony or mini or donkey. But I cannot even imagine trying to maintain pregnant and lactating mares on that much hay per day. Maybe if we’re talking about the giant 3x4x8 bales, but that’s not what Kate is selling or feeding. The proof is in the pictures of sad, undernourished horses.

Kate Shearer is underfeeding every horse in her care and justifying it by touting the “dairy quality” alfalfa she feeds. Nevermind that nobody in their right mind feeds dairy cow hay to horses.


When I took an animal nutrition course, we learned all the requirements and about different feeds. But the professor’s last remarks were to remember “The eye of the master fattens the cattle.”

In other words, despite all the measurements and knowledge, you need to be able to look at your animals and adjust your feeding program to meet individual needs. No matter what the numbers say should be sufficient.

She chooses not to see.


I think it’s even worse.

She sees.

The whole world sees.

She actively chooses not to do anything about it. In fact, she creates the situation again and again.

It is animal cruelty. The end.