Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

I hope you’re putting that picture up on the fridge to honor the cat’s achievement!


It’s weird when non native critters begin migrating to where you live.

My friend, who was ill at the time, called and asked if I could come over and see what was under a shrub next to her house. She thought it could be an opossum but couldn’t get a good look. It was an armadillo!
She’d lived there all her life without seeing one. It was the beginning of the armadillos expanding their range northward in the U.S. and that was over 20 years ago.

Apparently some poisonous spiders are reaching northward from their usual habitats as well.

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Yes. I have always said that proof of global warming is seeing dead armadillos on the side of the highway in north Tennessee. I don’t know when they arrived in central Alabama but I would like them to go back to their original home.

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How far north have armadillos gotten?

I’ve only ever seen a couple of them, and I think they were in Florida.

They were in Missouri 20 + years ago. I don’t think they’ve made it to Colorado yet, at least not where I live.


Alligators are now found across the Tennessee border from North Carolina. This was considered impossible a decade or so ago.




That’s a much bigger deal to me than having armadillos or iguanas moving in. I don’t want to live where alligators pop out of every body of water, no matter how small of a pond. :flushed:


I see that Kate Shearer isn’t around to “answer questions” as promised, or to provide pictures of the mares and foals that are her “passion”

Kate admits that she sends mares out to foal because she would rather pay someone else to do it and yet, they never seem to do it well…

Doesn’t sound like much of a “passion” to me.

Doesn’t look like a “passion” either when you take your foals to a Keuring looking like this. either. [quote=“CuriosoJorge, post:747, topic:789934, full:true”]


Oh, that’s just heartbreaking. Why can she not be stopped? I’m so sad that there is no way in the US to have the authorities seize those poor animals. It’s sick that she is so cruel that she takes pictures of these poor things and posts them like this is okay.


Did she really post stolen proofs?
Those water marks are so obvious… why do people do that? Geez. Pay the freaking photographer.


It doesn’t even need to be a pond. I saw an episode of some TV show years ago (Gator Boys?) where they were called in to remove an alligator from a back yard that used to have a little pond, but it had dried out to basically just a muddy patch. And the guys did not even believe there was still an alligator in it until they actually went and looked. And sure enough, there he was.

They’re definitely in the western Illinois/St Louis area these days, my road is frequently dotted with former 'dillos.


Hell, I’d pay the photographer to permanently delete those.


We have seen them as far as St Augustine, alone with the boas and pythons …
Mostly people let them go. Then they establish a breeding population and kill everything they can catch

Omg. I wouldn’t even photograph them much less take them
Out in public. And Shame on those at the Keurig for not reporting it


Those photos are very very disturbing–and so, so sad.


Especially that black and white one. WTF is anyone going to do with that conformation??? Wowzers.


Those keuring photos bother me the most, because that’s when you’re supposedly presenting the results of your breeding program to be inspected.

What happened to pride of ownership? Or being a good steward of the vulnerable beings that you brought into existence?

But I’m sure the condition of those babies was someone else’s fault. :roll_eyes:


Agree, and a good example of
being “barn Blind” as well as
an example of conformation
put together by a committee.