Opinions on DHH crosses for jumping?

Those foal pics are heartbreaking. I can’t believe she took them out in public like that. I would be so horrified to have babies or any horse that looked like them in my care.


The photos were posted earlier on this thread, I just brought them forward as a reminder.


Yet again no one here has a freaking clue. That’s your own gangs stealing of photos. I bought and posted some photos but never purchased nor would purchase those so that’s your all dumb asses posting stolen photos that you all stole lol

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Thank you for clarifying.
I am glad to hear that you have a moral line in the sand and stealing photos is not part of your practice.

I find your way of telling me that it was not you quite interesting.


Lovely fences. Look at that. Footing and fences.

That poor little thing still does not have best conformation. Sure, these photos do not look near as horrible as that other one, but …


Yay no ribs to see and even a shine on the top one.


Not even slightly embarrassed to present them.

Because I’m just tired of the idiocy of the people on here. It was comical and now it’s just so ludicrous that I can’t even laugh at it anymore. I mean you all keep giving each other the opposite of the truth and you all feed off it. But hey you all do you! Sorry I was so busy this week with work I couldn’t follow up on the lies you all have created in your own minds now.

Hey, I admitted I was wrong. Try it. It does not hurt.


Haha that’s the one you all are saying and posted above being ribs and disgusting conformation at the keuring. Same day same photographer lol

Sorry I don’t take advice from crazy keyboard warriors :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I get the feeling that you do not take advice from anyone.

So I guess we here at COTH are in good company on that front.


Ok something is odd.

The proof photos look like crap. And I don’t know where they could have come except from KS. Does a photographer post all the proof photos publicly? I would tend to believe those proof photos are the most real because they are taken by an independent photographer.

Then we get photos of the same foals posted by KS that show them in great weight and super shiny. And then we get this batch of photos that show them in decent weight but super fuzzy.

All the same foals with same numbers at the same event on the same day

This is not possible.

How much are professional photographers willing to retouch their proofs to get a sale? Will they erase ribs and add shine? I don’t see why not?

Anyhow these three sets of photos do not line up, and my guess is the proof is the most reliable because the photographer wouldn’t be adding fuzz and ribs to foals that looked sleek and shiny.


Go look at photographers website. They are all posted so yes they in fact came from there as did my photos and mine aren’t touched up. So yet again you’re not smart

I know you really enjoy stirring the pot but how many times do you have to be blatantly wrong from questioning the death of my mother to now with these pics (not touched up as you can easily see online) to not even being able to quickly search bar results from 2012 before you just give up? I mean keep going it’s funny how much you love my life like a stalker but again nothing to hide. Keep it going. You’re the only one that looks stupid


Try it out. Let me know which foals you think are mine and the other “ribby” ones that are not. Lol


Different horse



It seems what you are missing here is that the pictures of the ribby horses are still your horses! The fact that the photographer perhaps found other angles that did not show reality, does not mean your horses were not ribby. Nobody other than you bred that black and white, and it’s clearly underweight. In the pics you chose, there’s convenient shadowing to hide reality; can’t deny that. But, you are saying Scribbler is just stirring the pot, and looks stupid, but really?? Those are still pictures of your horses, soooo… (you look not so smart) All anyone wants is 1) for you to take care of the horses you have, and 2) stop breeding more.


Thank you for the link.
There are some very amusing photos there.